a’s symbol of release & glorification of social aggressiveness…..muscular strength & will to power …implies possibility of defeat & disfiguration…a’s primordial struggle for survival of the fittest a’s social fame & social power $ ….in another sense the ring with two fighters turning into one another…..each of two types a’s too be’ng’s winning & losing in turn’ng ng ng reveals man’a’s deeply rooted envy & admiration for whoever can generate overwhelming power.

The gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires…….a’s symbol in contrast to the crude & cruel road to fame & power of the prize fighter, we ka now see a symbol of wide-open & apparently effortless fulfillment.  Alone, a human being can barely survive in nature’s great life drama…….organized groups can in due time fulfill all desires in the abundant life in realizing a’s that indivisible invisibility open too any & all in realizing that that that I am is a’s garden guard’n guardin’g ng ng   avid a’s s’a  vow  vow   vow  id  cosmic optimism a’s that op ta im mi is si ma am.  Ka a’s  em me i c  c      c ‘ng  a’s s’a

Pregnant woman in light summer dress ……a’s symbol of fecundity……a’s masculine aggressiveness & feminine desire for fulfillment are integrated & realized expected child.  Summer a’s sum mer sum sea a’s s’a period of fruition…….man’a’s woe em ba reaps fruits of dynamic activity in ni a’s s’a that that that suggests inner fulfillment.

Blewn inward in word by the wind, the curtains of an open window take the shape of a cornucopia ……a’s s’a symbol for openness to influx of spiritual energies……….re principle of abundance a’s s’a physical fruition shown operating at a more subtle & spiritual level…. the wind, the pneuma, the prana es se spirit blew blew’d blew’g ng  ng thru the open ‘mind’ wind do’wen bringing in to be ta building building that that that a’s the e promise of infinite potential from region of high pressure to one of low pressure blewn inward in word’s s’a a’s s’a concentrated influx a’s ka a’s on ce’en nu un ta ra ta e e eya da in ef el le ex’s u  u   u  ex ‘s  a’ss’a spiritual energy enabling consciousness to extend the scope of its awareness & creative expression……suggests subtler translucent the mind man’a’s curtains ka now acquiring plastic quality of such enabling it too be molded by transpersonal force’s s’e

The possibility for man’a’s too gain experience at ta two levels of be’ng be’ng’ng be’ng’s se be’ng open able willing a’s too shapin’ng ng the translucent mind a’s for em me in ni revealing spiritual fulfillment a’s too b’ing able a’s able too experience life & power on inner & outer space………a’s still only a promised possibility a’s we seem too b’ng on probation.