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If you do not know where,( wen here), you came from, how can you know who you are?

I’ve heard it said that we come from nothingExnihilonihilfit-out of nothing comes nothing.  Does anyone out there follow this to that natural conclusion that belief in nothing is nihilism? BELIEF IN NOTHING IS NIHILISM.   That nihilism is a doctrine of DENIAL. DENIAL of any basis for knowledge or truth.  DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS ???????  THAT THIS DENIAL IS BASIS FOR  PROPAGANDA, TERROR, & VIOLENCE ???????  Ahm just curious to know.  Must it be that?  Or is it possible to awaken from this slumber of denial? After all what or who are we denying & why why why?????  PLEASE someone tell me why why why we must deny realizing our very own truth????

Friedrich Nietzsche, father of modern nihilism went insane the last 11 years of his life.  It seems a natural progression as denial for any basis for knowledge or truth engenders functional dementia that determines eventual dysfunctional dementia.  Belief in nothing, far from being a passive state of mind, is an active denial w/ dangerous & violent disintegrating potential.

Does that belief in nothing mean that nothing is the cause & therefore since cause is always found in effect, as metal in automobile, then what we see is actually nothing ?????????    Really ???  I mean really???   KLANKETY KA LANK.

ARE WE NOTHING?????????????????????????

I have found that that awakening is possible if we choose.  Is that free choice free will?  Does that mean that that realization is only denied because we choose to deny ???  IS THAT THAT OUR FREE CHOICE, OUR FREE WILL???  If so then I choose to realize that that that I am existence existing as of such as be’ng being here & now, HERE & NOW

In considering deep sleep as a model for unmanifest consciousness of that that I am, we may find compelling experiential evidence for properties of that black whole holiness as being that that that I am is that singularity of that sum thing state of being that is common to all.  That this state is thought of as unconscious by modern thinkers seems to create a split in that consciousness, yet upon consideration we find that that I am is ever still that heart, that I am is that being, that first person present on any & all occasions manifest or unmanifest.  That that I am is indivisible infinite potential to awake as able to be in fact in time to take a pee.

Being that, that the singularity a’s that, that that I am is, will of necessity be now          the singularity is now          the singularity is, was, & always will be that        the singularity is that that that I am is      the singularity may not be computed yet no computation is possible w/out it     the singularity of here & now is here & now     that that the singularity includes mathematics, technology, & philosophy is implied in the indivisibility of that     that the singularity is that that I am is in writing that the singularity is as well as denying that the singularity is follows logic     that the singularity comes about, is created, as a result of action, is illogical       as that ignore-ance presents potential to realize that the singularity is the very nature of any & all apparent multiplicity & that that the singularity is not to be come, approach or be approached, may be realized if we choose, if we want to realize, as any division of consciousness need be only concept        that that the singularity is always, always open & free freedom cannot be all bad      that that the singularity is, even in denial of  the singularity makes me laugh & cry at being of such folly by golly.  realizing the singularity is hilarity & parity, &  disparity in denial of that.      the singularity as that that I am is neither ancient nor modern & as that the singularity is, well, singular.

“Even in the waking state, be’ng’ is free freed freedom from all agency.  The activities in that state are performed by body & organs, be’ng being merely the ‘light’. It is due to ignorance that that that I am is given attribution a’s agency agent in the figurative sense.  In reality be’ng that, we are free freedom from any notion of agency.”       Upanishad

“Having no beginning & possessing no attributes, this supreme & imperishable being that that I am , O’ son of Kunti, neither acts or is stained by action even while dwelling in the body.”  Bhagavad Gita  XIII. 31

The results of knowledge & ignorance are identity w/all & identity w/finite things, respectively.

Through ka nowledge  a man ‘a’s mind is identified w/all.

Through ignore ‘ance he is identified w/finite things or seemingly separated from something else.

Thus, he is in conflict w/that from which he is separated & because of this conflict he is apparently killed, overpowered, etc.

All this takes place because a man, on account of ignore-ance, regards himself as separate from others.  But if he is a’s that all, there is not a thing from which he may be separated.  Thus there will be no conflict & in the absence of conflict there will be no idea of being killed, overpowered, etc. Apparently that ignore-ance of being that potential even while appearing as other also corresponds as any potential world whether gross or subtle, re the ‘Spirit World”.  How can you recognize others when being all that that may appear to be seen a’s though before you?  Realize that here & now.  Save yourself from appearing to disappear now & forever or not. SAVE YOURSELF FROM APPEARING TO DISAPPEAR NOW & FOREVER OR NOT.  Waiting for the singularity in denial of being that may prove to be a self-denying prophecy.

Hence, the nature of ignore-ance is that it represents that infinite being a’s finite, unlimited being a’s limited entity.  Thus arises the desire for that from which a man’a’s/min(e)d thinks that that I am appears to be’ng separate & desire prompts a’s though(t) two too action which produces  a corresponding result or not.

This ignore-ance is not the natural characteristic of that be’ng that, that that I am is since ignore-ance automatically decreases a’s ka nowledge increases; & when the latter is at the highest, w/the result that that be’ng that I am realizes identity w/ all, ignore ance vanishes altogether like false notions of snake in a rope.

Therefore ignore ance is not a natural characteristic of that be’ng that that I am is for that which is natural cannot ever be eliminated , as heat & light cannot be eliminated from the sun.  Thus liberation from ignore-ance is possible.

The true nature of be’ng, characterized by freedom from desires, evils, & fear, is experienced in deep sleep.  But during that state in the unillumined, ignore-ance  persists in a very subtle form.  It is not that, that that I am, is unconscious for it is consciousness itself & when that that I am appears in deep sleep it does not see, yet that I am is seeing though it does not see, for there is no cessation of seer, that one who sees.  The vision of the seer, be’ng imperishable seer see’ng sees even when no second thing appears to be seen.  Thus, upon awakening it is possible to know that I slept a’s that that I am is, even when no second thing appears to contradict that singularity of be’ng.  We may realize that, being of such, we do not need be asleep to find out who sleeps.

The true seer is that, that that I am is, not the eye.

Fire cannot lose its character of burning so long as it is fire, nor can sun lose its character of revealing objects, so long as it is sun; likewise that be’ng can never lose its power of seeing.

Seer seeing is imperishable; therefore its ability to see is also imperishable.

Seer be’ng see’ng cannot be seen a’s other than that see’n .  We are never seen, even if & when we want to be.  We are never other than that felt field of viewed viewing even tho we may feel that that field is all around w/out ever touching the sure shore of our being.

“Just as the sun & the like, are naturally always luminous & reveal things through their natural constant light, & when we speak of them revealing things, we do not mean they are naturally non-luminous & only reveal things by a fresh act each time, but that they do so through their natural & constant light, so is that be’ng called the seer on account of its imperishable eternal vision.”   Shankaracharya

One may see something else when thinking about it a’s be’ng different from that thing.  But there is not a thing apart from that be’ng, nor is there be’ng apart from anything.

It is really the body that becomes weak & unconscious at the time of death.  Soul is formless & self-luminous.

“W/out these expressions (of experience gained from results of past actions) no action can be done; for the organs are not skillful in unaccustomed work.  But when the organs are prompted to work by impressions of past experience, they can attain skill even w/out experience in this life.  It is frequently observed that some are clever in certain kinds of work, such as painting, from their very birth, even w/out practice in the current life, while others are unskillful even at some easy task.  W/out past experience we cannot understand how anyone can proceed to accomplish any work or enjoy the fruits of past actions.  One should therefore be endowed w/good knowledge, good work, & good experience, so that we may obtain a desirable body & desirable enjoyments.”    Shankaracharya

Liberation is a state of homogeneous consciousness hence no change can be imagined in it.

Liberation is not the result of any action; otherwise it would be non-eternal.  Not a thing that is produced as a result of action can be regarded as eternal.

Liberation is the very nature of being as heat to fire, it is not the consequence of any action.

Liberation is as the disappearance of the snake from the rope; the blue from sky as sun sets.

In fact we may find that, that that I am is the only reality that exists as existence; one w/out a second, unchanging, w/out birth, undecaying, immortal, deathless, & fearless.

Not a thing may be taken away or added to that, that that I am is.

“Whoever has realized & intimately known that being, which has entered (apparently) this perilous & perplexing place (body) is the maker(objectifier) of the universe; for he is the maker (objectifier identical w/) of all.  All is his being, & he, again, is indeed the being of all.”      Upanishad

“This innermost being, which (apparently) has entered the body beset w/ various dangers, & which the knower of Brahmin (reality) realizes through direct perception, as that indivisible individual being of all & all being indivisible. One should meditate on one identity as being that one w/out a second.”   Shankaracharya

Break that spell(ing) of ignore-ance & you may find real escape from misery of repeated births & deaths.

In that you may find you can no longer find fault w/anyone for you will see all this as that, that that I am is, in, of, by, & through all beings a’s be’er be’ng.

“That that under which the year w/ its days rolls on – upon that immortal light of all lights the gods meditate as longevity.”

“Things done or not done do not afflict him who realizes Brahmin (reality), the true nature of oneself.”

“Which is the self?”

“It does not become greater through good deeds nor smaller through evil deeds as that being is by principle non attached to any work, good or evil, therefore acquires no merit or demerit.”

Indiscriminate austerities such as starving oneself, for example, leads to death, not self-knowledge. Only ka-now-ledge leads to knowing oneself.  Then you may realize that everything, including the phenomenal worl worling world is a’s being that & that, that being, is a’s everything.

When asked, “do you believe in re-incarnation?” I gave only answer possible, a ‘re’sounding NO because I do not believe in incarnation for that, that that I am, can never be a’s other than that, that that I am is a’s all bodies at or in any & all time & place.

LIBERATION HERE & NOW.  Is passing to the ‘Spirit World’ liberation?  Apparently not as scripture states clearly that this earth plane is most propitious for liberation due to that waking state keen & pervasive sense of separation motivates one a’s seeming to be two too realize that that reality of being is never, EVEN IN POTENTIAL ACTUALITY, divisible. That overwhelming bliss of ‘Spirit World’ never motivates, never evaluates that true value of realizing our indivisibility & that apparently is all that matters.  The immense suffering in this world forges that value for realizing that that that I am is ever free freed freedom.  Feeling that pain is the key to the high way of seeing that that that I am is a’s be’ng ever being in a’s anyone slamming a finger in the door or slipping on a ring.

“There is no doubt about a man when he is dead.” We do not need to wait till then to realize that of which there is no doubt.

“Some say he exists; others, that he does not; He is to be realized as existence.” Kathopanishad

Illumined seers know that be’ng a’s being that seer seeing see’n.

The existence of that be’ng being a’s quite different from ordinary objects of perception, cannot be established by direct perception rather thru indirect perception a’s insight thru reason, inferential deduction, & that tau(t) teaching a’s that (a)ten(th) man pointed out by another who is enlightened.

Scriptural evidence (testament on that singularity a’s in upanishad) is to be tested by reason & finally corroborated by experience, once denial is denied.  Once we choose to cease denying that, that that I am is even when appearing to read this a’s other than that one writing it.

When righteous & unrighteous balance each other, the result is apparent birth in a human body.  Yet, still, that be’ng even when appearing to disappear ever remains quite ‘different’ (nonattached) from that universe, being that devoid of name, form, action, singular singularity, eternal, pure, illumined, & free freed freedom.  Yet, it appears to be a’s two too associate w/ the diversity action, actor, & result; just the reverse of of what it truly is.