is not empty so much as it is full of the awareness of its seeming emptiness, awareness of such that that I am is is.

Similarly, nothing must be full of that awareness of apparent nothing in order that we may speak of it, as ‘that I am nothing may mean that I am good or bad for nothing’.  For if you were nothing, how would you know that?

That I am finding this nihilistic viewpoint of nothingness so predominate in our modern culture, leads me to further ponder that extraordinary model of reality, deep sleep.  Objectively considered, as of what at first glance would seem to be a whole lotta ultimate nothing, that state reveals, in fact, the fullness, the completeness of our true marvelous singularity.  That this seems analogous to that cosmological singularity at the heart of any black (w)hole, excites my curiosity.  After all, realizing singularity here & now offers assurance to finding it there & then.  Is it possible, even, that realized singularity may ever divide now that I am in fact fully realizing it.  If in actuality there is a purpose for apparent potential division, beyond sex, drugs, & rock ‘n roll, then that purpose must ultimately be to realize that truth of its real reality, indivisibility.  Of such is that, the enigma of liberation.

That this state of consciousness that we all, us billions of individual human beings, experience for some 33% of our too short & precious lives (accepting dreaming, according to REM studies, as being a fraction of sleep) is universal makes it a valid model for some key singular level of actual reality.  We all in turn know that it is key to health & sanity as soon as being deprived of it, as anyone experiencing insomnia quickly realizes.  Therefore, consider 3 aspects of deep sleep, re; a-complete lack of light & therefore objectivity; b-the blissful nature of the experience, despite any & all sorrow accruing while just previously awake; c-that that I am awareness continues as that continuity being of such as may said on waking, ‘I slept …’.                                                                                                                                  A-falling into darkness;  We all turn to ‘fall’ into sleep.  Anyone may experience that ‘fall’, that sense of falling, especially from an upright position wherein the head bobs & body slumps.  The ? then may arise as to where do we fall, beyond the obvious ?  That mysterious threshold crossed into complete darkness, allows no reference to any point in space-time beyond our very being that, that I am,  for on awakening, there is no distance in returning to that, continuing being that invisible indivisible individual, that I am, which is & cannot but be.  Only as we all turn back, a re; into any roll or role by picking up on our ongoing personal narrative is sensed a feeling of fielding difference, of differentiation in our being from that I am now awake to being that I am asleep.  When considered as a whole, that same sum thing that I am continues even as time resumes in that, that I am, now appearing to be awake.  We all turn now into one appearing to ‘fall’ awake up as that actor in all potential action.  That subtle actuality of being that I am asleep or that I am dreaming, seems to now allow for grossness for any apparent situation in the light of day, sensing objectivity by feeling hunger & pain on our way in time for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  Yet it seems that, in all actuality, is ever still that same sum thing that I am, whether asleep or appearing now awhile in time to be awake in whatever the case for, of, in, etc., it may appear to be.  That nominative subject, that I am, now in time, seems to ‘fall’ into objectivity awhile in what ever case(of, for, in, by, etc,) may be.

B-blissful nature of sleep.  That bliss we all turn into experiencing in sleep is the LOVE SUPREME   nature of the causal body, her eve’re’y body.  That this is universal for y’all, no matter how harsh the sorrow of current ongoing personal waking experience, may reassure that the true reality of any & y’all waking experience is indivisible love(bliss) consciousness only seemingly turned to hate due to that relativity spell(ing) of alphabeta-based  narrative mind which carries prejudicial memory.  In that split second return to sleep, all prejudice & hatred vanishes in the sheer all-encompassing magnitude of being that actual reality of LOVE SUPREME BLISS NIRVANA, that that I am is is in all actuality potential.  What does it take to retain this awareness in the waking state?  Perhaps the ? should be, how are we all turn to ignore that blissful love reality in favor of remembered hatred?  This question goes to the heart of reasons for violence & alienation as a ‘set-up’ for valuing a ‘want’ for realization/liberation & why this ‘earth horror show’ is considered the most spiritual plane, the best in the worst of all possible circumstance to promote that ‘hair-fire’ want to find our freedom, & why suffer.  Of course, in that infinite wisdom potential to realize that, that I am, we all turning away may continue to miss being be’am’ing that pointless point of view, of you, of y now awhile seem as too, as two appear a pair in me or you memory to disappear again & again & again to keep experiencing any & y’all degree of excruciating pain, sorrow, & loss ad infinitum forgetting former narratives in appearing to pass from one physical body to another.  Yet, it seems we all(wheel) in turning do retain a subtle bank of memory of all past lives & may find ourself recalling particular moments from them as well as interim heavens & hells to process merits & demerits as volumes of speculative literature attests too.  Thankfully none of this karma has any affect/effect ever on knowledge of/in being that, that that I am is is, whether realizing that or not.  REMEMBER, ACTUAL POTENTIAL EVER REMAINS INFINITE & INFINITELY POTENTIAL.  NON-ACTUAL REALITY BEING REMAINS EVER FREE FREEDOM FROM EFFECTIVE CAUSALITY,  BEING THAT, THAT AWARENESS THAT I AM IS IS, reading this or not.

C-that continuity in being that, that I am;  Consciously realizing that I am continuity for anyone of us billions is ever a possibility in that infinite potential ignore-ance, denial of y’ll d’na.  A well known writer makes a good case, through his interpretation of ancient akadian clay tablet cuneiform writing, that homo-sapien mankind was engineered by an extra-terrestrial race of beings for the purpose of slavery.  These beings are even referred too, in the first five books of the old-testament bible, as Elohim.  The key to this engineering was developing self-consciousness to expand potential memory necessary to accomplish more complex tasks such as mining & agriculture.  Previous to this engineering over some 400+ thousand years, the upright walking hominids w/opposable thumbs, hunted purely for survival among other primates w/out thinking about themselves as doing so, just as may be observed our still wild kin today living on a purely instinctual level.  Through genetic engineering & the wrap of neocortex, the Elohim instilled the human, the hue of manas, the shade of mind, that attribute of thinking about, of objectifying through self-consciousness, & thus seemingly separating or isolating in mind/memory, one from another in potentially ever more complex rings of variegating fields of activity.  Even though this mental process must of necessity, ever be centered in one indivisible reality, reality of that, that I am is is,  any body of her, mother nature’s eve”re’y body potential could now appear potentially as though(tsz) a mirage, to be seen, projected as though(tsz) w/out & thus thought of as other than that one seeing.  [Seer always sight/observed from the center out, the center centered centrality that awareness that, that I am is is]  Once this process apparently potentially begins, in order to prevent realization of still being that free y seer now as’ex posing out by y’all knowing(k’no no no’wing) anything assures continued ignorance of their reality of being that invisible indivisible individual. Thus our eve’re’y x knowing w/out realizing y afflicts or blocks the outgoing senses from ever re-turning & thus assuring us from realizing our true nature.  In other words, to create efficient slaves/workers, the masters had to both give us the key (self-awareness) to success in action actuality & a way to keep us from realizing we all turn into it y’all along, in order to keep our noses to the proverbial grindstone.  Since now being still very close to awakening, measures for distraction have become increasingly slick & sophisticated, yet the ultimate purpose, FOR y’ALL, eve”re’y body remains  the same.  GET IT !  The ONLY ONLY ONLY obstacle is that potential power of ignore-ance.  IGNORE IGNORE-ANCE.  IGNORE IGNORE-ANCE.  IGNORE IGNORE-ANCE or not(na/d’na/denial), that is free choice, free will, free we’ll, free wheel(ing).

It seems that free rhythm of life, that felt field wave pattern, may get mentally distorted, flattened, & tangled by confusion inhering in failure to realize  that causal ignore-ance of the real ‘beat’ of heart awareness ka now appearing as that otherwise potential manifestation.  Those apparent ‘bugs’ that sorrow our perception of a world constantly passing by the way, in all actuality, must inevitably lead to value for liberation by crushing the spirit of perceived objective objectivity.  Manifest life proves all too deadly, time & time again.  Therefore that young fool comes to realize being in fact that ancient hermetic one in that causal body truth infinite potential as reality in/of all appearances, to quell the fear of annihilation in this apparent madness, this terror, this death plague that seems inevitably to envelope even the most intrepid traveler.  It seems that we all spin into one awakening from singular bliss to a world of multiple sorrows, time & time again, in order to find that value to realize that invisible indivisible individual that I am is is eve’n(a) while reading this, ducking a bullet, or feeling slashed by fragments of steely shells stolen from the fiery furnace mills of our fatherland.