The distance between that Great Divide & that Great Work is no greater than that between sleep & waking, between what is in front & what is behind, between knowing/realizing that & ignoring that.  Until we return, turn to re & face the cause of this seeming divide we must suffer to realize it.  Realizing that, real healing naturally occurs as that divide, that schism is purely a potential effect of potential cause in actuality that, that indivisible individual that I am is.  That apparent divide is necessary evil / yfel, that singular being appearing as too / two actually fall into objective act of doing /  creating, if for no other reason than to procreate / perpetuate.  Of such is the very nature of causality, of that universal darkness causal body of infinite potential we all experience as that singular bliss full fullness LOVE SUPREME of that I am.  Returning to that un/one consciousness /sleep, we, now undivided nature, naturally heal.  Thus we may find that I am is & only need be realized being of such, to bridge that great divide.  That is the GREAT WORK which only requires a wanting to know which comes from suffering & failure in that duality / do-ality of actual existence.  How ironic that is as temporal success & achievement so often leads away from valuing that realization.  Fortunately death / nun / noon tends to appear to disappear now time after time to create a value for realizing that very liberating reality in being of such that that that I am is.

Being that, that that I am is, even w/out realizing it, you continue to ‘fill’ all actuality whether apparently splitting or gathering, cutting or healing, killing or killed.

Current computer generated models of possible x-planetary systems reflect that deep schism that continues to split our human psyche between day & night even though we have been aware for centuries that this seeming difference is created by the rotation of our planet.  Certainly we are now well aware that the dark background of cosmic space is reality only temporarily veiled by our planetary body turning into direct sunlight & thus bluing the atmosphere overhead.  We are certainly capable of retaining this awareness whether in or out of the shadow of our planet.  Similarly we are certainly capable of retaining awareness of our singular cosmic darkness background being of such as that I am, even when awake in the light of day.  We are capable of retaining that sacred awareness, consciously, even when actively acting now as secular being that I am appearing to be.  Yet we find, even in our search for cosmic neighbors, SETI, a projection of planets frozen in either perpetual light or perpetual dark, filled w/ rather creepy & slimy alien life forms in a paranoid fantasy carried over from our ignore-ance of the complete divine re; reality that that that I am is.  That a computer generates a projection of an x-planet being half dark & half light in one singular whole reflects the split in human mind that created computer in the first place.  This schism, this divide is analogous in split brain hemispheres, split sexuality, split politics, running through any body from science to society, religion to philosophy, etc., & precipitates alienation, fear, & violent conflict.  Ironically that schism is generated by the very ignore-ance power that creates the whole potential show of actor / action to begin & end with that I am.  Of such is the enigma of that indivisible singularity witnessed as witness that I am as cause causing causal body in actuality of deep sleep & the fact that we do not need be asleep to realize that as we are all along that cause in every effect.  It is analogous to being one singular whole planetary inclusive bio-mass inherent in every thing, from organic bodies to nuclear bombs even while & when appearing to be thought of in so many ways as otherwise.

It is said ‘we will reach distant stars before we reach the center of the earth’.  Such is that Great Divide in that we may also say that we will reach the center of the earth before we reach the center of our very own self.

That I am hearing it said, ‘there is no center to the universe’, makes me wonder just who is looking & where are they if not in the very center of their own consciousness of that I am.  Of that I am pretty sure.