>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YyYyYy”YyYyY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                     Y is that cause? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Y is a na y t(h)ing?

That great word why is an adverb meaning for what purpose, cause, or reason.  Why is in fact an instrumental case, in grammar, of what.  Therefore it seems that why question throws back to what, as by what means is that Y ? even asked, which naturally returns, apparently, to that one asking the Y ? in the first place.

For example; why suffer?  By what means is suffering possible?  Is that I am, wondering, the potential cause in feeling/feel’d’ing/fielding being alone(singular)of that, that I am apparently suffering?  It seems there may be no better reason for suffering than to realize in that visceral ‘gut’way of eve(wave) re y gross bodhi y’all y’ll still(immortal) turning on mere(mirror) thoth(tsz) y x’is’tsz  as the y wheel around & around & around in any/a na y complete ignore-ance d’na y’ll/denial rolls/roles of ka’s all bodhi being to perceive, to think. to desire in complete d”ark’ness of LOVE SUPREME, complete enrapture in any roll/role.

Thus any roll/role is that bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire ignore-ance of that status in(being) still freestanding stare y tsz y x’s tense in first person present singular that I am is.  Y we’re/weir that ‘obstruction’/ignore-ance as well/we’ll/wheel as the ‘opening’

If we consider our scientific origin model as that big bang, why as what is the cause, must be that, that I am appearing to ask.  Could it be that whole process serves to lead back merely(mirror-ly) to reflect that I am asking, for the sole/soul purpose of realizing that awareness, that I am is?

If we do not know where we come from, how can we know where we are going, let alone WHY???????

Though there seems to be many conceptual & mythological origins, there is only  that singular ‘fade to black’ end.  In that black + that Y / iota / that I am, seems causal(ka’s all) as we awake from it knowing that, may mean ending is beginning never w/out that Y, as undifferentiated clay, w/out Y purpose may not yield pot in time to inevitable liberation when falling back to earth or not.

In terms of the alphabeta binary code / ABBC, why = w/double vow + h/ hey + y/you/yod.  That that y hey vow is doubled up magnifies its consideration in that question implied in the word itself which leads to the final letter Y / you/yod / iota = ta(t) I o/ayin = that I am.  That H / hey means breath divine referred in KJB / King James Bible; Genesis 2:4 describing “creation of heavens & earth.  When Yahwe [ Y / yod we ] & Elohim [actuality of karta / karma] created…” serves to connect biblical abstract w/ scientific observation.  That divine breath breathed sustains bio-cognition as breathing animates sentient blood & organ, whether you believe it or not.  Elohim may be as of such beings being in actuality potential to appear to disappear as actor in action whether now or then, as though Y / yod in that I am writing, reading, or asking that question might be the actual source big enough to bang or at least ask why such an event need take place at all if only to expand to inevitable invisibility or not.