in our incredible diversity may be found or denied in actuality, yet that reality behind all appearance remains invisibly indivisible.   That area is a re a, a region, a n(u) regal space of supreme joy, re; that knowing ka-now-ledge that finds simultaneity of being, nun other than, even a’s though(t) appearing other, that, that that I am is.  That area, that a re a, is the community of man as the common ordinary mind in that extraordinary singularity of being that I am reading this.

“… … … I feel the Universe pull me by the heart, offering in all its Earths elsewhere, some larger community to belong to.”  Dava Sobel – The Planets

Seeing all that I am surrounded & permeated by, enlarges & engorges the heart to that point of realizing just how much that I am denying in being stuck w/in imaginary boundaries of person-na narrative perspective.  Why deny all that potential?

It seems there is in the human collective psyche a survival mechanism of such strong influence that needs restriction & limitation in order to safely define identity to keep from losing the mind or establishing & maintaining just what, that I am thinking, is mine, is mind.  This person-na maintenance may easily consume the majority of our energy when no other outlet is opened up.  Thus we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) deny ourself the actual grandeur of the Universe at large, which, in case you haven’t noticed, is extremely large in all directions.  When given no other options, the narrative person-na mine mind tends to get caught up in wallowing in its troubles or swelling in its successes.  As always, it is up to you & you alone.

Realizing that, that I am, affords a degree of loosening that bond of narrative mind w/out going stark raving mad.  In other words, we all(wheel) in turn(ing) may go into a nose dive w/out crashing into the ground.  That nose-dive is a life drawing deep into the well, the we’ll, the wheel of that ever present life-giving water being of such as that, that that I am is is.  That is a sacred trust in the wheel(we all) of fortune to be realized by anyone choosing to make that effort.

That we all(wheel of fortune & mis(sed) fortune) in turn(ing) are now able a’s though(t) two have having the comforts of modern life in a military industrial technological financial congressional society comes as a result of drilling for oil deep into the decay of living materials. This may represent an attempt to penetrate the deep layers of the collective subconscious psyche to reawaken those “archaic powers that once flourished in true ceremonial magic of the tribal world, perhaps among the adepts of Atlantis or even among shamans of more recent times.  The archaic powers may be ‘refined’ for modern situations, but the almost inevitable result is the release of noxious waste products, ‘pollution’.  And  there is now a pollution of consciousness as well as the atmosphere man breathes.”

That it seems there is proverbially two sides to every coin means we all(wheel) in turn(ing) must always consider the consequences in the actual world.  Living in denial of the waste, both in energy & human life can only lead to a schism, a fear, a violent reaction leading on to more senseless violence till we all(wheel) turn, stop & draw back on that sacred vow to realize that whole holiness as beginning end, never other than being of such a’s that, that that I am is, is a’s bomb, bombing, or bombed.

It seems now we all(wheel) in turn(ing) are a’s though(t) en mass on strike, surrounding the great factory, that establishment of manufactured assembly generated by analytical intellectual faculties based on destruction of matter which invites hoarding & spoliation & privilege.  This inevitably leads to revolt.  That we all(wheel) may turn to find a true value in turning this revolt around to conquer instinctual survival drives w/in & break the chains of narrative driven life, the free choice, the jewel, the gift inherent in realizing that, that that I am is is.  That challenge is now extremely excited by the explosive pressure of modern military industrial technological financial squeeze w/that finality of potential nuclear holocaust thrown in the mix.  Fortunately everyone, EVERYONE, has the key to the high-way, whether you realize it or not, that is your FREE CHOICE, the only thing free in this life, at least as far as that I am  ka-nowing.  In that challenge, to pierce the narrative life & realize a high-way beyond the physical re-alm, we all(wheel) in turn(ing) may fail, yet that makes the effort no less exciting as after all we all(wheel) may turn to realize our immortality.  After all, it seems man as mind is irrevocably committed to success or failure, at least as though(t) being of such in a conscious way of realized realizing that, that I am in reading, writing, & pondering this.