into the ‘city of the gods’,  by(being y) the  phonographic letters of ABBC.

“In Egypt of 1350 bce there existed a ‘city of gold & light.’  Akhetaten, the capital of the Egyptian Empire, was considered the most beautiful city in the world.  It was the holy city of Akhenaten & his queen, Nefertiti, a city of palaces, temples, & obelisks covered w/gold as far as the eye could see.  It had luxurious gardens, & a long royal road extending over 4 kilometers.  A royal bridge crossed that road.  The art, the beauty, the refinement of Akhet-Aten reflected the very height of Egyptian civilization.  The most beautiful women of Egypt, as well as numerous Canaanite, Phoenician, Hittite, Midianite, Nubian, & Babylonian princesses were invited to inhabit this terrestrial paradise.                                                     There were entire neighborhoods of alleyways, where all the classes of people rubbed shoulders: priests, businessmen, vintners, & bakers who had come from every corner of the known world.  There was also a large group of artisans, artists, & intellectuals: sculptures, engravers, goldsmiths, painters, stone workers, masons, medical embalmers, architects, contractors, surveyors, scribes, & accountants.  There were many people employed to care for the royal palaces & temples of the god Aten.  This entire population participated in the activities of the holy city which teemed w/life.”        Secrets of the Exodus – M&R Sabbah

“I believe it was at this brief millisecond of history our generations were conceived, in a city that rose to glory & turned to dust in less than two decades.”                                                                                              Painting Christina – Wyly ‘Em

“Language is a trail I follow into a cave of deep time, time measured in millennia,” she said.  “What I discovered when I came up against the stone wall where language becomes purely oral, is that, as mankind developed written alphabets, we lost touch w/our inner divinity.”   Painting Christina

“You know, each of us really have two brains.  An old & a new.  The new one is easily & often unduly influenced by powers that be.  We, humans, are at a crossroads between old & new models, paradigms, & infinite possibilities.”                                                                                             Painting Christina  

  “With Akhenaten’s death & the army’s dismantling Akhetaten, his dream city, there began a great exodus of his followers, the mono-theists.  They were forbidden from taking hieroglyphs from Egypt.  So they developed them into a hieratic cursive form of writing.  The exodus of the monotheists eventually led to Canaan.  Does any of this sound familiar?  Exodus?  Monotheism?  The conquest & occupation of Canaan by the chosen?’     Painting Christina

ABBC, the Alpha-Beta 3D cubic Binary Code re-presents a mergence in pictorial illumination of two great branches of the human language tree, the Aryan & Semitic as well the very root of all language of all mankind, that sound of life breath passing throat, palette, tongue, teeth, & lips in that singular Ohm-a.  In that infinite potential for word / form / for’ma’ss(eve’re’y bodhi) meaning we all may turn to find that causal singularity that supersedes, entails, & re-turns as being, that macro micro cosmic being(eve’re’y bodhi) in y’all that may appear to disappear.

For the sake of conversation, the transactional world seems to have found English as a viable ‘lingua franca’ for commerce & trade & tweet & blog.  So we may start there recognizing that each in his/her own way will find suitable translation into what ever the favored language that might re-quire.

English is the youngest of the Indo-European languages, Sanskrit the eldest, both from an unknown parentage likely originating in central Asia.  Altogether this branch is referred to as Aryan from the root Ar w/a long ‘a’ & meaning ‘to praise’.  Thus Arya/aryan is one who is praised for being a respectable, honorable, honest, faithful, virtuous being.  We all might turn as too(two) ask ourselves, arya being that?  We all may take turns only speculating why the Aryans were compelled to abandon their homeland to migrate & invade into India, Persia, & Europe.  That they did is known from tracing 8 lines of the Aryan language; 2 Asiatic lines, Sanskrit w/the vernacular prakrits, & Iranian of old & new Persian, & 6 European lines, a.Keltic, b.Hellenic, c.Italic, d.Teutonic, e.Slavonic, & f. Lithuanian.  Thus comes the Greco-Roman side of the ABBC coin.  The original name/form of the letters, the other side, comes from Phonetic/ Hebraic/Hieratic of the Semitic branch.

Semitic pertains to the Semites or any of their languages divided into 3 groups; East Semitic (Akkadian(extinct)), Northwest Semitic (Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic, etc.) & Southwest Semitic ( Arabic, Ethiopic, Amharic,etc.).  The Semites are believed to be or considered descendants of Shem, the eldest son of the biblical Noah, Genesis v 32.

Messod & Roger Sabbah, descendants of a long line of rabbis & chief rabbis, after 20 years of research, have unearthed the origin of the Hebrew alphabet from Egyptian hieroglyphic sources.  In their landmark book, Secrets of the Exodus, they demonstrate that the Book of Genesis reproduces Egyptian cosmology.  They present evidence that Abraham of the Old Testament, was the Pharaoh Akhenaten.  Now we may find this whole new view of the Books of Genesis & Exodus further elaborated w/respect to Euro-centric roots in the novel Painting Christina.

Sanskrit is samskrita, that which is well done (krita-kriya- karma from the root kr(i)-to do + su sa sam – it is well, i. e. su asti/swastika – it is well done)  Early pandits/scholars said of transliterating this sacred language from its Devanagari (City of the gods) script into Greco-Roman letters, “let not cow’s milk be polluted by being put in a dog’s skin”.  In actuality it turned out to be a decent fit as the Greco-Roman letters themselves are born out of a sacred womb of Hieroglyphics.  Modern scholars consider that the Greeks & Romans improved on the original 22 letter Semitic alphabet by adding vowels i, e, & u.  Western linguists posit consonants skeletal bones needing life blood of vowels.  This regard may reflect a degree of bias as all phono-graphic letters (alphabeta) are sound based which is life breath breathed breathing merging in Ohm-a, that sound encompassing the complete sound range of the organ of the human voice. Perhaps the Greco-Roman scholars missed the Y/yod/you as containing i, e, & u, on purpose.  On purpose we all turning into business of being busy merely(mirror’ly) being busy may ignore or fail to realize Y, as why being here when in actuality only appearing to disappear?  By reversing the flow of reading & writing from right to left(Semitic) to left to right(Greco-Roman) are we all in turning it around, favoring left-brain(man’as/mind) artificial intelligence over right-brain(bodhi/buddhi/buddha/knower) awareness being that cosmic(ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness) being?  [Hieroglyphs may be read either way depending on indicated context]  There is a cross-over(handedness) from right to left in brain function where right brain hemisphere controls left side of the body & vice-versa.  Finding a predominance of right-handed people is finding a predominance of left brain or L-mode artificial narrative intelligence which reduces free flowing thoughtsz to numbers, symbols, letters, & words as tings, assemblies of thoughtsz t(h)ing’k’ing, k’urving around complete rolls, complete roles of d”ark’ness.  Could this favor right-wing politics as well?  A visual artist would naturally favor R-mode of simultaneity where any mere mirror y na you now asz z  zapping field of view, of you as her electromagnetic eve’re’y black bodhi invisible indivisible visual bio-field of view, of you now appearing a pairing awhile still singular whole pattern of light & shadow.  In fact we are all asz though’tsz turning into visual artists, visual beings, as predominately seer sight see’ng, then thinker thinking as though as thoughtsz(any ting).  We all see before turning as too(two) think.  WE all SEE in the first place, THEN turn as’z too(two+) THINK as thoughtsz of being a second or two+, whether right or left handed.  The visual R-mode is predominant even though, under the spell(ing) of alphabeta, we all turn as too(two) ignore w/intent of intentional disregard of this pre-dominance of singularity, still that indivisible awareness that, that I am is is, to favor on purpose(being busy being busy) as the sub-dominant L-mode duality (do-ality) of thinker / thought.  Even though see(m)’ing now awhile(time space) a’s too(two) fall under that spell(ing) of potential doing in do-ality, the reality of non-doing, non-dual, seeing seer ever continues, ever is, whether realizing it or not.  Realizing it or not is ever a free & open choice only potentially restricted by relative degrees of karma, apparent cause & effect distilled & instilled now awhile over that 4th dimension of time, an illusion of space.  The Universe of that THAT singularity, being that invisible indivisible cosmic being even appearing a pairing in potential actuality of space-time is still eve’re’y one free freed freedom w/in or w/out space-time or space-man / man’as / mind.

In essence Sanskrit originates w/sound & had no written form till the advent of that era of trade, commerce, & conquest leading up to our present day.  Thus there is no word in Sanskrit for ‘literature(letter’ature)’.  Collections of sutras or verses are Veda / knowledge known as Sruti- heard, Shastra-taught, Smriti-remembered.  That, being “that, the things from books are not so advantageous as things from the living or abiding voice”.  Thus the teacher from an oral lineage is the book, the thesaurus, the treasure, a firmament of living breathing knowing knowledge of being that & not dependent on paper & ink bound books for aiding its communication to others.  In the case of Sruti-Upanisad, svares or points of intonation are used to assure accurate transmission from teacher to student who then becomes teacher to another student in an unbroken lineage going back to the Great Lord, Great Word of the Great House, Prima Materia, Sacred Womb man’as mind.  Only a language of such as Sanskrit, rooted in some 2000+ meaningful sounds, has the gravity to carry this water. When these root sounds are all committed to memory definitions of tens of thousands of words may be recalled in their root meaning form.  Similarly, using the ABBC, we may recall that, that that I am is, in seeing any word any time a’s the root meaning letters of which it is comprised.  Thus, knowing ABBC, we have the meaningful means of realizing that, right before our eyes whenever & wherever we see word or letter to recognize a b(eing) c(‘ing), that that that I am is.

In Sanskrit, even the entire system of grammar may be committed to memory using sutras, concise verses woven into a complete volume.  The memory bank of a true pandit or scholar would be unimaginable to even the most learned university professor in the West.  Sanskrit comprises 2 distinct periods, Vedic & Post-Vedic, beginning w/ Rig-veda, probably dating from around 1300 bce coincidental to the time of Akhetaten , & extending through the 3 other Vedas (viz, Yajur, Sama, & Atharva -veda) w/their Brahmanas, Upanisads, & Sutras.  This period pre-dates that of a written, purely phonographic, alphabeta.  The Post-Vedic period literature begins w/the Code of Manu (probably about 500 bc) w/its train of law books & extending through 6 dualistic systems of philosophy, vast system of grammar, the immense Epics, lyric, erotic, & didactic poems, & various treatises on mathematics, rhetoric, prosody, music, medicine, metallurgy, astronomy, etc..  Considerable advances were made in astronomy, algebra, mathematics, botany, medicine, & superior grammar long before some of these sciences were cultivated by the most ancient nations of Europe.  The sheer length of some of the Epics such as Maha-bharata, of which the Bhagavad Gita is a few (18) chapters, is astounding.  For instance, Virgil’s Enid is said to consist of 9,000 lines, Homer’s Iliad of 12,000 lines & the Odyssey of 15,000,  Maha-bharata contains at least 200,000 lines!

The wonderful thing about the essence of that knowing known knowledge, Veda-anta, is we are being that.  Thus a handful of letters (22) a’s ABBC, are sufficient to remind us of all that that that I am is.  Realizing being that magnitude abolishes or re-absorbs any & all complexity instantaneously, just as we find that I am in returning to that causal state in deep sleep.  Any & all complexity, no matter how much, is ever of such Veda-anta, knowledge known knowing as that, that I am whether in Akhetaten 1350 bc or Chicago 2017 ce.  All word remains at all times, spoken or written, composed of letters which are graphic forms of sounds that are vibrations of life breath breathed from that esoteric hidden invisible knowledge knowing known, Veda-anta, in all being(s) atma/aten/that that that I am is in apparent genesis & exodus from the Great House of the Great Lord of the Prima Materia, the Sacred Womb man’as mined.  Do we really mind being that?

Re; back to that greatest imperial city in the world of 1350 bc, Akhetaten, the horizon of Aten & the rise of monotheism.  Re-ality is in that principal principle, not subject to the changes of potential space-time actuality just as the mud-bricks of that lost metropolis found centuries later as fill in pylons of Karnak remain atomic in structure.  Atom(s) / Adam / Aten does not age.  Thus it is possible to realize that now, as it was then, at the time of 18th dynasty of New Kingdom Pharaohs.  Amenhotep IV learned of Aten from his father Amenhotep III & his mother Queen Teye.  Aten’s origin likely goes back to Atum, a primordial Egyptian god of 2200 bc & of course all Egyptian gods go back to Re, that singular singularity principal principle THAT, that that I am is.  Thus Atum is Re-atum.  In the course of events, re-corded on stela, engraved stone markers that survive to our present day, we know Amun was principal god of the 18th dynasty.  Amun’s chief temple, the great Temple of Karnak, was located in Thebes.  Amun was also a primordial god, that, like all the gods, did not achieve status until associated w/re(ality) & thus became Amun/Amen-Re (that Amen we refer to at the end of prayer).  Amun/Amen-Re took 1st place in the Egyptian pantheon by the time of the 18th Dynasty.  Amun/Amen-Re refers to the invisible one & thus, as in the Bible, no one could see the face of God.  Just as today, no one can see the face of Re, that being back of everything, every being, every appearance.  The key to understanding that difference between Amun-Re & Atum-Re lies in that one letter difference in spelling, the difference of Mem & Th(at).  In that M or Mem(ory) we find potential for an actuality of re-mem(bering), re w/apparent attributes a’s re-mind(ing) one a’s though(t) two being(s).  In Th(at en re-ality) we find non mem(ory) -or y / yod / you /Iota /that I am w/out potential actual actualizing actuality.  W/out re-alizing that, people continued to worship now Aten-re instead of Amun-re, only in a different way(ve).

“It should be born in mind that there is nothing more difficult to arrange, more doubtful of success, & more dangerous to carry through than initiating change.  The innovator makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old order, & only lukewarm support is forthcoming from those who would prosper under the new.”                      -Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince

Amenhotep IV found himself.  In a unique position, inheriting the greatest kingdom on 1350’s earth, he changed the course of history.  For this, he would come to be castigated & his name was obliterated for over 3,000 years.  Awakening can be a bitch just as the complete bliss of that deep sleep causal state is shattered in the cacophony of sound & the hunger of waking.  A new day develops by destroying the old order.

Amenhotep IV inherited a kingdom at the pinnacle of power, political, religious, & artistic.  In the 3rd year of his reign he changed his name to Akhenaten, I am aten.  In changing his name he changed the face of the ancient world & hence 3300 years later, our world by giving birth to 3 monotheistic religions.  Amenhotep IV now Akhenaten or I am that(aten)/that I am, had himself portrayed in the fashion of the new art form of the day as an oversized geek w/spindly legs, a big butt, & elongated head, but we know from a statue of him & Nefertiti in the Louvre, that he was in actuality of typical size & stature for the time w/a slight pot belly.  Just a man w/a plan that didn’t go quite, well, as planned.

It is quite possible, contributing to this radical departure, that he had the vision of the ‘burning b(h)u-sh'(from root bhu-to be, to exist), a vision of the living ‘tongues of fire’ that cap the Great Pyramid, the PYR -am is of the Great Work of realizing that, that that I am is.  Once he fully realized that, Amenhotep IV now Akhenaten(I am that) realized they were worshipping a mirage(mirror’age) of that, which perpetuated a priestly order, built on a lie(na), an illusion of such as that which continued to increasingly accrue wealth & power.  Being ‘da man’ of the time, he was able to chisel away these chiselers & build a whole new city from their confiscated wealth.  While this greatly favored the ‘chosen’ who were able to live in this city, the rest were left destitute & understandably ‘pissed off’.

Meanwhile in the celebration of the new re-formed monotheism, a new way of(wave) of worship, a worship not of things as a pantheon of gods, but of one single thing as yet to be realized by most as being that, that that I am is, their very own self, they continued worshipping, only now as that in the form of the sun/son.

The glory of Akhenaten & the city of Akhetaten turned out to be short lived as sometimes forever is.  Then came time for the father(in this case father-in-law, Ay) to restore the old order on the death of Akhenaten followed by the short 2-year reign of his successor, Smenkare.  Father Ay, now as ‘father of the god’ boy king Tutankhaten,  guided him to change his name to Tutankhamun.  Tut’s reign which witnessed the abandonment of Akhetaten & the return of the capitol to Thebes & Amun, also proved short-lived, promoting  father Ay to the throne. Father Ay, now God the Father Ay presided over the return as well as the exodus of the monotheists refusing to return to worship of the idols of the polytheistic pantheon of gods headed by Amun.  Thus God the Father Ay became God the Father Aten-ay or Adonay of the first Biblical commandment (I am that I am) Anokhi Adonay,  I am Adonay, I am (that) Aten-ay & well, we know the rest of the story till now when once again that, that vision of the ‘living tongues of fire’ that cap the Great Pyramid of the Great Work re-turns to reveal that, that that I am is in word for realizing that I am, reading this here & now.