Jo, god of the sea, said to P’ing-i, god of the Yellow River, “You can’t discuss the ocean w/a well frog- he’s limited by the space he lives in.  You can’t discuss ice w/a summer insect – he’s bound to a single season.  You can’t discuss the Way w/a cramped scholar – he’s shackled by his doctrines.  Now you, oh brother river, have come out beyond your banks & borders & have seen the great sea – so you realize your own pettiness.  From now on it will be possible to talk to you about the Great Principle [Re].”                     .         ….Chuang-tzu – Basic Writings

As we assume the sham(e) of the counterfeit appearance of being objective  in falling under the spell(ing) of alphabeta, we become self-conscious of our natural ‘birthday suit’, our nakedness & our sexuality.  We are as though drops of rain now precipitated from our Great Sea(See’r) source only to fall back into streams & rivers of (thinking thought) person-na to assume a separate name & form.  Briefly we appear w/in the banks(bank account) only to disappear once again into the invisibility of the Great Sea’er.

Thus we may see sin(OE synn = s/es/esse – it is y/you/yod a’s nun) as an error in thinking that that I am(the seer, the one who sees) is seen(object objectified as name/form/function) which correlates to original being now seen(sin) as though(t) other.  Reality is now appearing on the way(ve) out, yet still being the Way, the Source all along, as every rain-drop, every tear-drop, is water of the Great Sea’er of original sin(being as though(t) seen).

Sh – Shin/Sheen – key 20 of ABBC = ‘t(r)ooth’, the power that tears or destroys the false(form) as teeth tear up food.  As the S -serpent’s fang “kills” the false person-na & sense of separateness, shin(ing) is the fire, the knowledge,  that burns away the ignore-ance of that, that I am is.  In that way, THAT WAY, do you expect it, enlightenment, to come from somewhere other than you/yod/ that is that I am reading this?

Pluto is the planet associated w/key 20 & Perpetual Intelligence as the mode of consciousness.  As we seek to reach Pluto & the exo-planets at the edge of our solar system & break thru to the Great Cosmic Sea, it is necessary to stretch out in that mode of micro waves(minute ways of eve re y point of view/you/y) min(d”)or atomic perpetual intelligence potential to sur’face a na y time k’urve(ing) now(time) around in spiraling now as though(ts) turning around the center centered centrality appearing/a pair’ing  in exten’se”sion as ma re y dios d’ar’k’ing/d’turn’ing into a na y circum’stance(mean wile that ‘stance’ ‘perpetuates’ as still freestanding stare Mr. re point of view/you/y.  Now k’now’ing in awakening our sun would appear as that star’e in that Great Cosmic Sea of star(e)s, no longer appearing/a pair’ing separate as a ball of solar fire.

This cosmic breaking out is analogous to breaking out beyond the narrow confines of narrative person-na.  That person-na is obliterated in the magnitude of realizing that Purushaha, that real Person that I am is just as our sun is obliterated in the cosmic magnitude.  The complete wonder of realization is that no action is required & no essential shift or change happens in that that I am is, was, & ever will be.  No rocket ship, no cave or satellite sitting in time is needed to reach that consciousness, as even as raindrop is water all along so  we’ll(wheel) turn on the pi’vo(w)’t(at)(sacred d'(or)(go(a)l’d’en)ar’k of p(h)i covenant accord of P’eh(i)/vocal a cord ‘vibrating’ mouth organ of s’p(eh)e’ec(h)o’ing that vow-el that very singular singularity awareness consciousness being that that that I am is every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year of every decade of every century of every millennia in eve’er’y atom in that micro/minute/atomic wave(way of eve) re y still freestanding star’e Mr re point of view/you/y.

Consider that a na y brain w/capablity of functioning in dual modes of L & R.  L mode is verbal, analytical, & sequential.  R mode is visual, perceptual, & simultaneous simultaneity.  These apparent/a pair’ent L&R dual modes may be operational only w/that singular singularity y now at tention of x as two/twa/twist of destiny of now k’now’www’ing y as a na y\/y na thought of being/be’am’ing(in) that that I am, reading or writing this y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn on & on & on in that long, long, looooooooonnnnggg mean wile of ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi y singular awareness of a na y ka’s(cause) for x psy’t”m’ent.  Any operational difference/dhi ‘fer’en’ce/dhi ‘face”en’ce is only ka’s all(causal) x plane”ing of roll/role of complete d’ark’ness by awakening potential of d’na y’ll(denial) of singular reality(d’na y’ll = a nd'(ing)(n)a y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn into a na y z x turn’al circumstance.  Awareness / consciousness being that, that that I am is, ever remains indivisible & predominately visual as that seer seeing even now as though(t) that seen in that scene, that field of view(of you) whether microscopic or macroscopic.  That is all you are but then you are all that.

Prince Mou…looked up at the sky & laughed, saying, “Haven’t you ever heard of the frog in the caved-in well?  He said to the great turtle of the Eastern Sea, ‘What fun I have!  I come out & hop around the railing of the well, or I go back in & take a rest in the wall where a tile has fallen out.  When I dive into the water, I let it hold me up under the armpits & support my chin, & when I slip about in the mud, I bury my feet in it & let it come up to my ankles.  I look around at the mosquito larvae & the crabs & polliwogs & I see none of them can match me.  To have complete command of the water of one whole valley & to monopolize all the joys of a caved-in well – this is the best there is!  Why don’t you come sometime & see for yourself & SEE FOR YOURSELF?'”  Chuang-tzu…Autumn Floods