Who as relative pronoun is that which applies to persons or things indiscriminately.  Whose is possessive case of who or that.  Thus whose = who is that or that se

Se or Samekh is key 14 in ABBC, one of 4 keys missing in our modern Greco-Roman version of alphabeta.  Samekh refers to the quivering of electromagnetic energy whose charge, we, that see(seer, see’ng) as though(t) form(ing) solid matter/memory potentially consolidate or objectify, & store under the spell(ing) of alpha-beta.  In fact we are the same or identical as that.  In other words that awareness, that I am, is ‘built in’ to the very fabric of space-time that charges forth in that cosmic expansion of potential actuality observer observed observing.  Scientist, physicist thinker thinking thought apparently finds in relativity there is no correct time or distance between anything & anything else.  Thus to analyze the experience of vision as a symbiotic event, a consortium of dissimilar organisms or elements or particles or waves is theoretical or falsifiable.  It, any symbiotic event, is only potentially possible by ignore-ance of that, the singularity that I am is is.   Of such is the experience looking at a sunset, then we see color & appearance out of what is invisible melange of electro-magnetic pulses.  Seeing that, even as ‘looking’ is realizing being that all along.  That is the way of(wave) awareness that I am before(& still after & during) the fall(ing) into apparent objective relativity through the spell(ing) of alphabeta.

In ABBC, that 3-D pictorial book of wisdom, Samekh is the winged arc angel[ OE engel < L angelus < Gk angelos messenger; trans. of Hebrew mal’ak (Y H W H) messenger (of Yahweh) ] {Thus we see in the etymology of the word, the key to understanding what Marshal McCluen meant by ‘the medium is the message’, you are(is) Yod Hey Vav Hey / Yahweh} Michael, fiery cosmic messenger of the sun shown streaming from his yellow hair.  Sun is our system’s actual cosmic source for that charge of fiery electromagnetic energy that precipitates any & all potential form in cosmic actuality of that, being whatever may appear to disappear from that centered central centrality.  When we think of the sun we look up at it being out there.  Yet the reality of sun streaming forth is one of singular suffusion of light, heat, & energy throughout the complete planetary system enabling all on Earth to appear to disappear.  We may seem to objectify all that through the power of ignore-ance generating apparent name & form through ABBC & man’as mind or y memory, but its(that I am) subjective reality is never altered, even for an apparent split nano-second.  For all actual practical purpose, we are the sun.  We areThat center centered centrality from which we observe all circumferential actuality, no matter the apparent distance of space-time measured or where in the actual cosmos it is measured from.  That is key to cosmic understanding the imagery of key 14 or any imagery for that matter.  We may observe a vast expanse of space-time, decades, millennia, parsecs, etc.,w/out any effect or affect whatsoever on that, being ever changeless, motionless, timeless, infinite infinity heart that that that I am is is.  Doesn’t mean we can’t try & cry about it though!

Thus the question, ‘Whose in charge?’ is also the answer, ‘Whose(that se, that same-kh(a) is) in charge(conveys load(eloah/divinity) in cart/karta/do’orship).  In other words the cart does not go before the horse.  The karta, the doer/do’orship of karma, action, is in reality that, that immutable subject that I am, even still while reading this in being apparent apparently(for appearances & experiences sake) streaming forth in a quivering wave of electromagnetic energy, in fact doing na-thing, d’na thing(denial), in that curious twist of fate w/out realizing it.  Those twisted strands remain apparently open to experience all that which is in actuality infinite potential.  Thus that purpose then is to try, to experience that.  In that, “the only failure is failure to try.”  In a life rich in failure( & all lives ultimately fail, appear to disappear) & suffering we inevitably come to value realizing ‘who is that ?’ is who is that, THAT, that I am, or na(d’na).  D’na say that I am na telling you so even though you d’na want to listen.

L, Lamed, el, key 11 in ABBC, alphabeta binary code, means as verb, “to teach”.  L/Lamed is pictured as conventional personification of Justice w/out the blindfold.  That blindfold represents ignore-ance of Justice in actuality.  True justice may be found only in realizing that truth of being that that I am is is.  Thus it seems all too often Justice in this world may ignore the reality of those who stand in judgement before her.  Far too many appear to suffer from this ignore-ance due to extenuating circumstance of color, gender, & economic status.  In this actual world those that suffer from this ignore-ance justice seem to far outweigh those who gain material advantage.  Yet in reality(re-al/el-ity), the el/justice(key 11) of re; first principal principle, that suffering is key to reflection(11), the throwing back of awareness of see”ng on seer, leading to ultimate free freed freedom in realizing that singularity of being that I am.  Thus we may find in that suffering, the first shall be last & last shall be first.  We know all those that gain apparent racial, cultural, & economic advantage will in time suffer that same fate of all in appearing to disappear.  Those that suffer most from apparent disadvantage may find, forged in the heat of battle of injustice & pain, their true everlasting advantage in realizing (ka)now knowing knowledge being that I am is & cannot but be.  The so-called good life of riches & outward success most likely will lead away in manifold distraction of ‘stuff’ that in fact adds nothing but greater degrees of ignore-ance, misery, & slavish attention to de-tail of the donkey, that ‘devil’ w/in de-tail, that “father of lies” of the illusion of d’na(denial) reinforced by the comforts of ‘the good life’.  That camel(gimel) trying to pass through the eye(I) of need(le\/el), of desire w/out realizing it(that I am) must fail every time as that I am is ever complete & completely free of any need(le\/el) in re-al(el)ity.

D’na, that simple singular twist of fate is nun (a’s though(t) of) other than the same-kha being seer a’s though(t) see’ng, quivering in that way of(wave) cosmic power from above(as above so below)the light(awareness) of the you/yod/Hermit/Hermetic wisdom appearing to disappear. In reality of non-actuality, you/yod in a’s d’na thing, do na-thing a’s you/yod are that singular sum-thing.  You/yod appear in actuality to act as if doing by being, be’aming & thus may realize that objective apparent form of reality is purely intellectual [< L intelligens, entis ppr of intelligere – to understand, perceive <inter – between + legere – to choose].  In other words that is ever our free choice being as though(t) choosing.  Thus our brain(bra(hm)in/reality) is a laboratory of selection(se – apart + legere – to choose).  Ultimately, that is ours, to choose between realizing that or na(d’na/denial), that being(be-aming) that I am naturally all along.

Realizing that, we realize all forms of vibration are modified & managed by mental control.  That is a beautiful thing or ugly depending on you/yod & you alone or you (a’s)al(l) one realized being.

“It has taken endless ages to create in man the courage that will accept the truth simply because it is the truth”     Calvin Coolidge

The brain may be the only organism in the world capable of analyzing itself.  How can it analyze itself as other than the one doing the analysis w/out denying that I am?  Thus (in d’na/denial) we may come to know how it works but not why it works or who it works for.  No matter how complex the computation & thought process, at the end of the day, we must ask who is now appearing to put their p.j.s on & their brain on the pillow?

Akhetaten, ‘greatest imperial city in the world'(of 1350 bc), made of ‘rough bricks cured w/fire’ instead of heavy stones, drew peoples of a multitude of languages from all over the known world.  To communicate, a new language developed along w/the a new religion, monotheism, the worship of one God, re-presented by Pharaoh Akhenaten( I am aten/I am that/that I am ) .  His chief vizier(prime minister), Ay, was known as the ‘Father of the gods’ or prime minister of the pharaohs.  Ay, unlike Akhenaten, traveled extensively outside the new city of Akhetaten to witness the devastation & despair caused by the new religion as the old priesthood & their temples were gutted to provide the wealth to build the new city.  Father Ay, Adon Ay, although initially converted to this new religion(hence the name Aten or Adon added as prefix to his name) came to reject it after seeing the misery it caused to the rest of the nation of Egypt along w/the new language which he did not speak.  With the death of Akhenaten & the ascension & death of the boy-king Tutakhenaten, Ay, father of the gods(prime minister to the pharaohs) eventually became a pharaoh himself or God the Father Adon Ay.  Now Supreme Ruler of all the land,  God the Father Adon Ay seeing the rapid growth in size & power of monotheists united in their new religion & new language & the ensuing desolation on the rest of his country ordered the exodus of the monotheists & the dismantling of their ‘tower of Babel, the city of Akhetaten.  Thus the people were scattered back to the confusion of their different languages & the monotheistic priests who had eaten of the forbidden fruit of the sacred tree(that meant only for God or the Pharaoh) were exiled to the neighboring vassal state of Canaan promised to them by God the Father Adon Ay.  Forbidden from taking w/them the sacred Hieroglyphs they developed from them a purely phonetic form to be written in 22 letter Hebrew alphabet which centuries later, long after the language had died in a spoken form, was picked up by early c.e. adepts as basis for a 3-D house of cards, a Cube of Space, the higher arcane of modern playing cards, Tarot or ABBC.  Key 16 of this ABBC wonderfully pictures the mythos of ‘the city of the gods’ as the ‘lightning struck’ Tower of Babel(Akhetaten).

P, Peh, key 16, the Tower refers to ‘the mouth as organ of speech’.  The spoken word informs all the issues of a life.  As we gain the power of speech our person develops person-na & the power to objectify our being in that sense of separate functioning named form of being which we ‘add’ to that I am as in whatever form & actions we may appear to take.  Yet throughout our lives we never lose connection to that I am, constantly referring to it as that ‘first’ person(purushaha) whether we fully realize it or not.  The most exalted learned man or lowest man in the street still refer to themselves in that ‘first’ person. purushaha.

To build great cities of towers, man(as mind) must speak a common tongue to communicate the complex issues of engineering & construction.  Thus speech(Peh esse) as sound(breath breathed) must be comprehensible to all involved.  This problem is the same now as it was then at the time of Akhetaten.

In actuality the whole problem of potential(potis esse), to be able to manifest anything is contingent on that vital breath breathed generating sound comprehensible to build structures out of what appears to be all that matter(s) is the same (kha) today as 3300 years ago.  The modern scientific model of atomic & quantum mechanics prevailed then as now even though they may not have realized it.  Less than 1 century ago our cosmic awareness was limited to our ‘Milky Way’ & in that we thought we were alone in the Universe, a Universe that was not growing or expanding but appearing to be as big as it was ever going to be.  But then, after centuries of ever improving cosmic observation, we came to ‘over night’ expand our awareness by some 150 billion fold.  Now we may come to fully embrace that expansion by consciously realizing all that that that I am is or na.  Why d’na?  Why deny that legacy, that expansion by clinging to medieval icons?  Thus the tower built of ancient tradition & custom is ever struck by the iconoclastic force of active & exciting intelligence, (lightning)mode of consciousness attributed to Peh (esse), psy of science.

The Tower of key 16 of ABBC is built of 22 courses of clay brick, symbolizing the 22 letters of alphabeta & the ‘prima materia’, the cosmic ‘dust’ of man’as mind stuff analogous to the 92 elements of nature.  Lightening striking the Tower symbolizes that vital causal force in the inner light of the Hermit, that re principal principle now in apparent actuality eve’n while being inherently non-actual.  Thus all appearances must disappear in time.  All towers must fall back into that non-actual principle out of which they may acquire the potential to appear in the first place. It is only a matter of time.  Meanwhile though there is great opportunity to realize that for all who may have chosen to appear to inhabit the Tower, the City, the world of 21st century earth.

We may see the story of the rise & fall of Akhetaten & Akhenaten as allegorical to now w/the rise of the great cities of the world & the new ‘lingua franca’, English.  In the story, God the Father, Adon Ay chose to spare the inhabitants of the doomed city & allow them to keep their monotheism in an Exodus to another ‘promised’ land.  Perhaps this is allegorical to a mass cosmic awakening & metaphoric Exodus from the doom of appearing to disappear in the open d’na(denial) of that cosmic reality being that I am is, that Person/PURUSHAHA .

The conflict of monotheism existing today in the schisms of the three modern Judeo-Christian-Islamic counterpoints, both w/in themselves & the rest of man(as mind do-ality)kind along w/the conquering imperialistic ethos brought forward from that era,(prick-waving, as George Carlin used to say) certainly puts our world into similar camps of haves & have nots found in 1350’s bc Egypt.  For the sake of all those suffering mightily, if not for your own,  simply take a moment to let go of all the pre-conceptions inherent in cultural traditions & imagine, imagine, like the man said, all the peoples realizing being that that, that I am is, was, & always will be, infinite, complete, & (w)holy whole.  Why the heck na, that I am d’na knowing.  We didn’t have to actually put all those billion + galaxies out there, merely open our eyes wide enough to see them.