Welcome home.  Why el co-me(mory) a’s h(ey) om e(iya).  That memory of\/ove el(love) a’s hey(vital breath breathed breathing) a’s om(sum thing – gestalt of all sound of breath breathed through human, hue & cry man’as mind a’s throat to lips) expressing inward, in word, & outward(w/out word) recognition of that awareness, that that I am is a’s that vow, that SACRED PROMISE TO REMEMBER.  That, that is why, the Y/that I am/ time in which we see(m) as though(t) to leave home in the first place means we may find our way back inward, in word, by word of mouth expressing in & a’s meaningful sounds of that vital breath breathed breathing(brea-thing = b’ng re-divine a\/A (a’s that sum) thing).

“…the only way out is in.”      Junot Diaz

That complete rest(re esse t(at), divine to be t(at)), that we may find only in or a’s our true home, is only possible if no net forces(for c’ng esse(to be’ng)) are acting as though(t) in actuality.  One scenario, one see’ng, in which this can happen is in the absence of the na-actuality of any na or d’na thing of that, that as though(t) na matter’ing whatsoever.  That might seem like a vacuum.  Yet eve’n(a) in actuality, all matter(s) are(a re) a’s though(t) existing  a’s en(nun) mass causing gravitational forces(a tension or aten sion/Great Worker-Work/actor-action/karta-karma) on other a’s though(t)(potential) en(nun) masses.  To realize a motionless state, all actual forces must compensate each other.  In other word(s), in that we are motionless we may experience apparent e-motion & g-motion to the o’tion (ayin t(at) i\/I in\/am).

In addition to gravity are electric & magnetic forces as well as two kinds of forces, weak & strong interactions reigning in realm of elementary particles(particular ka-now-ledge).    Electro-magnetic forces, easily compensated over large distances by +/- charges, mutually neutralizing each other.  Forces coming into play in atomic nuclei interior act only at extreme short range.  Gravity remains alone.  In actuality, gravity(gee(going a’s) ar\/ra vow i\/I t(at) y(you-yod-that I am) rules general attraction of masses & energy distributions in space-time & thus dictates behavior of Universe itself.  The gravity of life & death, going w/in the sacred promise to remember that, that that I am is, rules the attraction of man’as mind in minding human, that hue & cry of being in that complete universal subject, subject to a’s though(t) apparent objective behavior.

In that relativity, mathematical analysis of such relationships & what we can learn about nature in as though(t) of being a fully objective observer independent way, a way of(wave) d’na(denial), leaves a weight, an indefinite waiting.  Why we are waiting is Y, we are, now a’s though(t) weight waiting at a tension.

For many centuries of man’as mind, space-time was as though(t) of a’s observer independent.  Then man’as mind as though(t) came to a ‘Special Relativity’ of space-time inseparable from observer.  Ka now’ng , science-scientist realized space-time cannot be seen w/out seer, cannot be seen in separation but a’s intertwined & observer dependent.  Values measured, different dimensions of singular space-time of observer observing observation, only concepts as though(ts) independent of person-na making their measurement.

First consider 3 dimensions of space; sideways, back & forth, up & down w/time to transform space into time, must vary a quantity given by a ratio of spatial & time extensions, a’s velocity, that obtained as a ratio of distance to required time.  In other words, there must be an angle to the dangle. To have a ratio there must be rational of Y, a point of view, of you.  The phenomenon of Special Relativity as though(t) a changing angle of view, of you/yod/that I am(time/t(at) i\/I me\/em) transforms spatial extensions, changing velocity of observer commutes spatial distance to time & vice versa.  Space is time(that I am) & time(that I am) is space.

Distinguishing space & time thus dependent on point of view, of you.  W/out point of you, of Y, of the question why, what is the need for space & time to begin?  It seems in actuality, changes are as though(t) caused by observer taking different positions & states of motion.  Since physical laws must be independent of special & personal properties, d’na man’as mind making observations as though(t) concepts distinguished only by d’na(denied) point of view, of you/yod/that I am, must be discarded.  Newtonian concepts of rigid space & time observer independent would not agree w/Special Relativity.

Transformability of space-time found only at very high velocities or very precise time measurements at low velocities.  At velocities close to that of light, space-time changes drastically.  Observer at rest at that velocity might find time transformed almost completely into space & thus time passes ever more slowly. Once speed of light is a’s though(t) reached, which is possible only for massless subject, that awareness that that I am is, light itself as all time & distance vanishes in singular complete ka-now’ng ka-now-ledge ka-now’n.  That, a’s speed of light, analogous to that ‘swiftness’ of realizing that, that that I am is, being that singular pointless point of view, of you, all along.

The inner tension of space-time is gravitational force.  That a’tension, the sion of aten, the hill, the hey I’ll, the Great Work of Aten is that Y for ce’ng of space-time.  Velocities, cities of V el, the sacred promise to remember el of re, re-el-ity, must be very large to bring out the effects of special relativity, transforming space-time by having so many apparent points of view, of you.  Thus w/so many large cities we may be approaching enlightenment speed, that ‘swiftness’ wherein space-time continuum a’s though(t) vanishes in singularity of realizing realization that, that that I am is all ways(waves) along,  That singularity being of such that all ways(waves) are subject, that I am, as though(t) two, being objected(objectified) in extended wavelike forms in circumferential way of(wave) eve’r(e) appearing to be’ng  see’ng from that center centered centrality first principal principle person re; that that, that I am is.

That gravity is a natural tendency of all matter(s), its innate reality, to fall back into re; return, turn to re; its re-source, that center centered centrality, re-assures a tension(attention) of space-time continuing continuum towards, to words expressing Y that I am.  That a\/A tension, that attention, that re-point of view, of you, of Y that I am is ever singular even when appearing a’s two dividing, to be divided in two, into that gravity, that weight, that waiting between space & time.  At a\/A speed of light(el i\/I g(go’ng/gravitating) h(ey) t(at)), zero gravity, A\/a’s that zee ro ro  ro  of that ka-new being that that that I am is we may experience that instantaneous vanishing pointless point inward(in word).

Events, that Eve’re noon that shines, that eve’re sum thing that appears to happen in potential actuality, must in time(that I am) come to where(why (that I am) here) it appears to disappear.  Na, (a’s that) thing, can only a’s potential, a’s though(t) too(two) reaching beyond of such, a singular pointless point.  What event could happen to of such a singularity?  In any event, singularity A\/a’s though(t) of being two, & see’ng in this, we might appear to study mathematical equations of General Relativity to describe the structure of space-time as a fabric.  Problem lies in that, in contrast to a material fabric woven from threads w/gaps in between, the ‘sheet’ of conceptual General Relativity has no structure whatsoever when viewed, when a’s though(t) on smallest distance scales possible, potential w/differential equations.  At that scale space-time shrinks back into re; invisible invisibility, like that incredible shrinking man’as mind, inevitably shrinking back into that reality being of that zero gravity of singularity that that that I am is always, all waves, along.

The gravity of d’na, of denying or ignoring realizing that ka now is enough pressure to keep matter, that Prima Materia , that Virgin Mother, from collapsing back, re; Earth.  If Earth(Eiya ar\/ra t(at) h(ey)) were heavier, internal pressure & temperature would rise & cause partial melting & evaporation as happens on gas giants, Jupiter & Saturn.  That is why there is precisely the same amount of ‘stuff’ on our mother plan et today as millions of years ago.  According to plan e.t., A\/a’s k(a)’ing’dom, a’s ka’ng Y, re; that hue & cry of man’as mind point of view, of you, as critical mass attraction, we reach the tipping point in self awareness for mass liberation while living.  In other words, we do not need to annihilate ourselves to find being free freed freedom.  We only need look inward,  use our sense of ‘insight in word’.  Fortunately for us, we are always & already that awareness, that that I am is.  Thus mass liberation is in that proverbial ‘wink & blink’ of eye, of eiya ar(e) tat hey.  That is the plan e.t., our planet Earth, just the perfect weight & that wait is over whether we realize it or na, or d’na\/deny it.

Whether we realize it or na, or d’na\/deny it the gravity of that vow, that sacred promise to remember continues causing mass attraction to collapse of weight, of waiting.  Just as fatigue of person-na leads irresistibly to falling back into that actual black (w)hole of the deep sleep singularity, ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness leads to irresistible & inevitable mass attraction to collapsing back, re; turning to that cause in all effect, that eve’re thing a’s though(t) na thing, Ka’s moses D’NA, leading all to that sacred promise el and ove el.  In that LOVE SUPREME we find attraction offset by rising temperatures till all hydrogen atoms fuse into helium & burn off in desire, from star(t) to finish in space-time for all that matter(s) is but ka’s mic ignore-ance of that singular awareness in time(that I am) for going home for Christmas, that mass of X, un(+i\/I = one)known as that first person, that that, that I am is & cannot but be in all the hue & cry of man’as mind, in all the gravity of life & death on & in plan e.t. Earth, E iya ra tat hey.

Once belief, guiding majority of researchers, turns inward, in word to realization of that awareness, that that I am is real, the two pillars of physics, General Relativity & Quantum Theory, will as though(t) find compatibility w/each other.

That way of(wave) function, of specific, natural, or proper apparent action or activity of that sum thing must be Y of XYZ, or Y X’ska Z question in the first place?  W/out the principle of uncertainty, impossibility of determining by a single operation more than one magnitude or quantity, there would be no quest to X’ska Y Z.  That quest appears to be the sacred vow, if not to actually find that in duality, in do(ing)-ality, to REMEMBER that awareness, that that I am is eve’n in d’na(denial) of that.  That ka’s mic is memory-intelligence-consciousness means we are the means to find, to realize certainty by re-membering, by re-turning to that re-source, to that point of view, of you, of Y we are that first person, that I am, in the first place.