!!!!!!!!%%%%%%%%$$$$$$#####****o0o****#####$$$$$$%%%%%%%!!!!!!seems all that is certain may be due to ignore-ance or denial(d’na y’ll) of that sacred vow to remember that, that that I am is is.  In remembering that, we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) remember mere(mirror) being being that first person singular singularity Y, that singular certainty of question(ing) why we all(wheel) turn out(x) to be being.  In that we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) appear to completely disappear w/out finding a clue Y.  Thus evaluate why research, search for re; meaning of life & death.  Pop that bubble w/discernment of the whole point of view/you/y being that awareness being that that I am is is.  Otherwise, life w/its strange consequences will likely never be questioned, let alone re-solved.  In that Y, in that question, that quest that i\/I on, that I am, we all(wheel) turning in(being) that e(iya) turn’ity may find y that I am is is in reality or turn, churn, & burn on & on & on in(being) forma’sszz z  z a long long looooooonnnggg w(h)ile, that cunning deadly desperate duplicity of e(iya) turn’ity wheel(we all) experience. Realize now(that) w(h)ile k’no no  no’wing(d’na y’ll//denial) asz that that i\/I am is is never exclusive nor excluded in any un/one as in un+i, that uncertainty is y’all along one(uni) certainty in the uni-verse, that that that I am is is.

Even in theory of quantum measured measurement, that measuring is of such that I am is certain to be subject to objectifying objectification as though(t) informing any potential information.  In other words, no measurement possible that exerts no influence of that, that I am in actuality whatsoever on that measured.  Every measurement is subject to that, that I am, as though(t) to be objectified if it is to provide any apparent information at all.  In that seer see’ng measurement is now as though(t) scene.  That point of view, of you/yod/that I am in actuality is seer see’ng as though(t) discrete of sum thing in a way of(wave) being useful as apparent information.  In truth we cannot use that, that I am as though(t) other than to realize that I am.  In realizing that, we collapse, we come to realize na, d’na, denial is a functional dementia in that that I am is eve-re thing complete & completely w/out & w/in all apparent actuality, measured or na.  In other words if we as though(t) do any thing as that d’na, that denial of sum thing, in actuality it is only potential appearing from power of ignore-ance of that indivisible individual indivisiblity.  That re eve’n as eve’re thing from the point of view, of you, remains whole & wholly subjective na subject to as though(t) d’na in objective objectivity.