Eve’n(a) a’s eve’r(e)y thing entangled or ensnared as though(t) in d’na, in denial of that singular sum thing (a’s ka y) now appearing as though(t) na thing discretely informed a’s information, that I am is being in all been, see’ng in all seen.

Entanglement phenomena due to memory of superposition in that way of(wave)function, that that as though(t) now superimposed a’s discrete particular mass.  Mass tangled or twisted in a confusion of na, of d’na, in apparently na readily separable in that way of(wave) function as object for objective actuality.  In other words the rope appears to be a snake.   While appearing as scales of time, that mirage of snake may be measured against the quantum mechanics of quivering psy’t as way of(wave) function in all that snake might do, whatever potential the psy’t of that wavy critter might hold in a tension of see’ng as believing.

Realizing that mirage, we may still act as though we are making all the tests, making all the measurements, the only correction necessary is intellectual.  A wise man’as mind may still act while knowing eve’n(un) in actuality on purpose(way of(wave)function) of trying now mostly w/out crying.  Wise man knows, ‘only failure is failure to try’.  There is only a’s though(t) a na y thing discrete from that sum thing as d’na, that x’ka’s y z mos(tly) vibration to the situation in that way of(wave) function appearing to disappear & that eve’r(e)y thing is modified & managed by mental control.  Eve(that Virgin Mother\/Matter is Na, appearing as ka now’n Empress Da\/Womb\/Door\/Do’er)+r(e)y, Y that I am thing is everything eve’n a’s though(t) still sum thing to worry about, all tangled up in the ‘blues’.

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