“(That) I (am) had to learn w/a frown, nothing (na-thing) can be where words breakdown (into letters)….after Stefan George, THE WORD

Word ‘the’ is after all is said & written, letters t + h + e.  T = tauteth( in ABBC letter code based on 22 hieroglyphs transliterated into hieratic hebraic phonetic letters, letter T is redoubled as key 8, teth & key 21, tau.  Our modern Greco-Roman alphabet of 26 letters is primarily based on this code wherein some of the original keys are missing, one repeated 5 times & one(X) added.  Thus ‘the’ code is already embedded in our psyche.  That embedding is primarily as letters, pre-conceptual visual symbols that harken or say hey, remember we are that visual being appearing as though(t) concept conceived conceiving under the spell(ing) of word as named form.  We may find our pre-conceptual being in see’ng & realizing that seer that that that I am is, was, & ever will be.  Thus any alphabeta letter form serves to code this visual modality.  Any apparent ‘shift’ to eL or literal modality is purely intellectual & thus that spell(ing), no matter word meaning may be interrupted at any time, by see’ng(realizing) that seer that I am is still stillness, immortal immortality.  Our brain, our apparent psychic & physic bra(hm)in / reality center centered centrality in a way of(wave) function(actuality), operates primarily in singular global wholistic visual Re mode w/unique capacity to conceive, store, & index as though(t) informing information narrating(that na-rating) sum time(that I am) in a’s though(t) a discrete life of d’na or denial of death(na) in eL, linear literal na-rat’ing mode,).  H = hey + E = yod (includes vowels e & i + y or eiy(a)).  ‘The’ word is “Hey you, (that) tauteth (is) you\/yod\/that I am”.

‘The’ word a’s letter code of ABBC ‘s 3-D cubic book(house) of 22 cards to be see’ng a’s that seer scene in pictures is analogous to a’s ka’ng y’z mic / memory-intelligence-consciousness process way of(wave) function y of actuality of man’as mind manifesting the world, the universe, a singular first person w/infinite potential of causality in ignoring or denying, d’na(denial) x ka’ng y’z that that, that I am is.  Perhaps(ka’s mos likely) why science scientists loathe singularity as they owe their appearance & hence stature & livelihood to d’na or denial of that, that singularity that that that I am is measured or na, that ‘of such'(qualus) of all ‘how much'(quanta).  In & of that I am saying, “scientist know(realize) thy being that, immeasurable of all measure”.

That sum thing sum time is A a’s Fool fooled foolish key 0 complete completion w/infinite potential for B’ng a’s Magus magic magician be’ing beginning in a’s vibrating vibration building a building for that a’s ka’ng now a’s though(t) too(two) exit or exist in C/G a’s cee’ng/gee’ng go’d’ing gravitating gravitation a’s weight of waiting.  That na a’s though(t) of sum thing sum time a’s(ka) now k(a)nown a’s though(t) na-thing first appears a’s appearance in letter C/G a’s High Priestess, Virgin Mother\/Matter\/Prima Materia\/Na\/Nun followed by letter D a’s Empress w/womb potential door opening for first light of only sun breaking(breathing) forth a’s D’NA in H a’s Emperor hey sound toward(to word) w/vowvowvow F’ng a’s Hierophant, interpreter in sacred promise to remember Z Lovers Adam(Atom) namer of d’na thing conceived a’s Eve’re thing Eve’re time in that e-way of(wave) function (actor\/actuality\/ka’rta(t)\/ka’r(e)ma).

That a’s ABBC is A’s a-maz’ng story, es tor(a) y.  That tor a or t(at)aro or rota(tion\/t(at) i\/I on\/am\/that I am is ‘the’ word a’s A see’ng a’s though(t) seen in wonderful scene(s) that may ‘grab’ our attention or aten t(at) i\/I on\/am or na to be d’na whether we see it or na or a’s though(t) deny it.  In other word(s), ‘the’ word may lose power when na, when d’na as all that matters a’s eve’re thing eve’re time rather than a’s that sum thing that awareness that that I am is sum time, sum space.  Word, why ayin resh da(ta(t)\/why I am re sh(in’ning) (a’s) da(ta(t)), may serve to attract a’s informing or reminding us of that, that I am or to distract by re-enforcing d’na, denial of eve’n(a) while still being that.

‘The’ a’s ABBC, alphabeta binary code once see’ng as seer in a’s though(t) scene(s) is complete & completely incorruptible.  It lays out by ex-acting, by illustrating allegorical reciprocating images in a brilliant synthesis of symbol, color, & 3-D form radiating re; b(l)ack from that center centered centrality. that point of view, of you/yod/that, tat or tau key 21.  Key 21, the World reiterates key 0, ze ro ro  ro of ka’s mic a’s ka’ng new(na eiya wen) a’s ka’ng y (re-nown), that en e why we en(d) where we begin eve’re time a’s zero, z ero’s, in actuality ove’el, of LOVE SUPREME bliss of complete ignore-ance, A’s infinite potential causal causality a’s re pointless point of view, of you in that way of(wave) function, of Y, of why we are fool fooled foolish to begin to end(ing) a’s d’ne/d’na eve’n w/in & w/out realizing that.

Visualization of physiognomy, of features revealing nature is responsive responsibility for unprecedented access to ‘brave (x’ka’ng)new worlds’.  In desiring realization of that awareness, that that singular 1st person that I am is we may find that confidence that leads beyond faith to a sacred trust, an alliance of reliance on integrity, honesty, veracity, & justice on ‘the’ inside of insight beyond the reach of any corporate form, A still stillness, immortal immortality, in a word, that awareness, that, sum thing, sum time, in being all, that I am is.