That ‘the’ or y on a string, promising to unify all in a’s ka now’n forces as though(t) too(two) formulate in formulation of that single singular singularity in order to break that spell(ing) of alphabeta, ends in X’ska Y Z’ayin((that) ay\/I in\/am).  It may be in that sacred promise to x’ska’ng Y ‘z(d’m) that I am, we find united states of deep sleep, dream, & waking.  In that ‘Y’, a’s too(two) seemingly split off single singular singularity standing under that V,  that sacred Vowvowvow, we as ka’ng now a re awareness indivisible eve’n(a) while appearing a’s conceived concept of space-time carrying gravity & electromagnetic field(feel’ed) as messenger of electric force.  ‘The’ medium is messenger messaging message Y we x’ska Y Z.

We may as ka now’n Y, discern our world universal a’s though(t) single singular singularity apparently objectified in that way of function(actuality) subject a’s(A is) though(t) vibrating, e-moting & e-merging all apparent potential actual functional forces & matter in A B’ng C’ng G’o’d’ng on which see’ng seen scene they appear to act.  That G’o’d’ng, that goading is re-el.

This re-el’ity in any object subject to elementary form is eponymous, is relating to or constituting that legendary personage, that first person(purushaha) singular singularity from whom ‘the’ or y is reputed to derive name ‘string’ or ‘streng(th\/tat hey)’.  Different mathematical point(s-esse) of view, of you, of Y do not result in different physics.  All phenomena could be described by singular ‘the’ or y if we so desire to realize that, that that I am is.  In that that, ‘the’ or y of eve’re thing re-minds us d’na, denial of that sum thing sum time, eve’re thing a’s a(A) na thing, could actually happen happening in it.  In that d’na actuality of infinite potential, all the ‘the’ or is’ts(stars) are & a re grants free freed freedom.

That that must remain complete means, means that ,that that I am is full of non-use fullness.