In that sum a’s ka now’n a’s though(t) appearance appearing to disappear, scientist a’s that psy en t(at) is t(at) or tat tat tat, may miss ka new ro ro  ro’ng of Stardust Revolution.  Ignoring or a’s though(t) denying that a’s d’na y’ll, he may find matter, Eve’re thing, the divine virgin mother, e-wave, made of atom, of Adam(like the ‘good book’ says).  If na (is) -atom, vacuum(vow a’s c’ng vowvow memory or you a’s narrative) state realized a’s starting w/d’na y’ll, denial of that vow to remember ka now’n a’s na(d’na) thing matter(s).  All that matter(s) cannot be created from na thing w/out y, why that I am.  From that, that na particular point of view, of you in that way of(wave) function(actuality) it, all that matter(s) appears a’s though(t) to conceive concepts of time conception as space & space conception as time that matter’s for the sake of the(tauteth hey eiya(that I am)) or y of quantum object objectivity w/gravity of time to think in loop(y) way of function y we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) function a’s x ka’ng y.

In other words, in all actuality of sum of spacial properties of atom a’s that foolish fooled fool we may conceive space as though(t) w/out time enough to expand in volume & thus imagine a helluva tight spot, w/out drugs, sex, or rock’n roll.  That space w/na time for eve’n light, imagined in d’na y’ll, in denial of that, that I am might seem like hell of an(a) ominous discrete darkness w/out sound or form or reason y.  That is y, why we make that sacred vow to remember time after time that I am.  In that, that re-mind’ng of the complete completion eve’n(a) in d’na y’ll, denial, that I am is y & y we ask y.  That complete darkness is na hell or y he’ll,(that 1st person(purushaha-MANANTAM VIBHUM ATMANAM that I am) a’s ka now’n in actuality of infinite potential, appear a’s a gain to lose in that loop(y) of life & death that is an y y na thing but d’na y’ll, denial of still stillness, immortal immortality of that, that that I am is is.

In that we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) thinker thinking, eve’n in the rarified air of Quantum The or y, of a ‘crushing’ darkness as hell, reflects prevailing prejudice against darkness as evil & also the ignore-ance of the complete life of 3 bodies in single singular individual indivisible awareness consciousness truthful fullness in finite infinity that that that I am is, was, & always will be.  In that that, we realize the PRIMARY CAUSAL BODY UNIVERSAL UNIVERSE that we all(wheel) turn in e turn’ity, w/out exception, experience directly & periodically as basis for all experience is ‘soaking’ sacred BLACK (w)holy (w)hole (w)holiness body of singular bliss LOVE SUPREME, complete ignore-ance bliss a’s cause for all joy & sorrow in apparent duality(do-ality) of opposites in e-motion & g-motion, love & hate, right & left, black & white, da & ta, ma & ya, me & you, memory & y remember that awareness that that I am is si.

That there is belief in unification means there is belief in division.  Discerning that indivisible singularity of being mere(mirror) being that awareness that that I am is asz x ka’ng y now the question who am I that denies that? & Y helps relieve the stress & pressure in d’na y’ll, in denial.  Until you asz x ka’ing y the question, how do you expect to find the answer?

Dealing w/singularity problem while d’na y’ll denying that I am is is, may seem a’s though(t) too(two) paint one into a particular tight corner of hell.  W/so much apparent time as though(t) concept conceived invested we all(wheel) may never turn asz too(two) surrender our d’na y’ll a’s only the lonely to appear/a pair in memory/me or you a’s a gain to lose in that loop(y) way of life & death.  Is that a free choice to be embraced or ignored a’s d’na y’ll?  Only you know for sure.