Why eve’ll(eve + will) appear to disappear is primary quest of that Y(why?) life.

That why ask why life = apprehending Y(why) is you is yod is that awareness that that I am is.  In that, w/out question(that quest that I am is) it seems as though(t) that eve’ll appear to disappear as eve’re thing .  In other word(s) it seems eve’re thing is eve’ll be being transitory, always going away of(wave) function functioning to disfunction, living to dying, until we consciously quest for or seek to know, to discern, to realize that very permanence awareness in which all eve’ll appear, sustain, & disappear, that awareness that that I am is & cannot but be being.

Who else you going to ask ?  In other word(s), it’s okay to talk to yourself as eve’n out loud.  It seems that universe, that unity verse, that singular indivisible lie of eve’ll accommodate ignore-ance for as long as it takes, as long as that spell of word as though(t) continues to bind us in that actual actuality book of such as we so desire.  As we mature to desire to slip the spell(ing)bounds of ignore-ance, we may find that complete universe also accommodates question of being that & that is a beautiful sum thing eve’n as eve’re thing appearing to multiply, divide & disappear as though(t) d’na thing.

In that eve’re thing, that Virgin Mother\/Matter, womb of potential space time, space man as mind, we see & therefore think of & in a’s though(t) appearance to disappearance, yet being that always inclusive of you & me(yod\/that I am is & na me\/narrative memory appearing as thought in being Y (why), that awareness that that I am is.  We may realize that if we so desire or d’na(deny) it as we seem to reflect in that simple singular twist of fate, that mere(mirror)observer observing observation.  A’s d’na is in all actuality, eve’n(a) eve’r(e) inclusive in & of ‘da’ Y, it must appear to disappear a’s d’na or denial of such, of that awareness that that I am is, is that seeming impermanence in midst of permanence.  Thus that denial, that d’na, automatically refutes & despises realizing that awareness that that I am is unless & until we find the desire to consciously choose that knowledge over ignore-ance in that twist of fate. In other words, unless we deliberately & consciously seek to know “why the heck na?”, we are likely as though(t) doomed to lifetime(s) of sorrow w/occasional bursts of joy when we inadvertently recall that being of such.  In other words when we forget or forsake our d’na as that denial, that limitation of na me, narrative memory, we may experience that fullness of ka’s mic being that I am is all along.

What have we to lose beyond that EVE’LL, of its very nature(na t(h)at u (a)re), Eve will & must continue to appear to disappear.  Yet, eve’r(e) thing in reality being that indivisible individual sum thing(B’ng that Hermetic Magus, that unseen seer\/magic magician), we only a’s though(t) name\/form(narrative memory), in (k)now(n) apparent actuality go away, a way of(wave) Y-function functioning till disfunction.  In realizing that, we may find(realize) being non-actual, non-actuality, our true eternal nature.  Eve’ll has as though(t) na effect in that being as she must remain virgin or only non attached potential w/in reason of Y or Y’na.  Karma(action actuality) & knowledge(karta\/actor\/being that I am is) only seem as though(t) to mix, yet like oil & water, that mix-up is only a matter of time-space.

Reality that that I am is remains non-attached & unaffected eve’n(a) as though(t) drowning in sorrowful waters of eve’re thing.