In that experiencing 3 bodies or states of that awareness-consciousness that I am is as though(t) na or d’na-tivity, we may appear to disappear as in 3 magi.  These 3 states of being in that awareness continue to radiate outward w/or w/out word as though(t) that streaming stream of consciousness of being that awareness that that I am is w/out beginning or end, in all actuality manifest & un-manifest.  In fact that reality is complete & completely w/out movement being in actuality eve’re thing in eve’re where that still stillness, immortal immortality.

ABBC, that alphabeta binary code reveals A B’ing C‘ng in anthropomorphic ascription as Magician, Beth or Beta.  Beta refers & infers a’s ‘house’ or locus for existing\/exiting a’s being as thought, human, w/hue & cry of man’as mind.  That man’as mind as though(t) channel\/bed\/beta for C/G c’ng g’o’ng, streaming stream of awareness that that I am is in all actuality, offers opportunity for life as existence exiting, to appear to disappear as death(d’na or d’na-tivity of eve re thing).  In that spell(ing) of A Being C‘ng Go’d’oing we express as though(t) 3 magi, 3 states of actual awareness primarily infinite potential causal causality(complete darkness reflected in light energy form of information developed in d’na or denial of eve’re thing re; na me, narrative memory a’s though(t) subtle & gross body or bodhi, k(a)now’er k(a)now’ing k(a)now’ledge.

Thus the mode of consciousness attributed to B’ing the Magician is intelligence of transparency.  This predominate mode of consciousness, mere(mirror) observer observing observation must be that which affords free & open channel of communication or streaming of awareness as though(t) downward(word) & outward(word) in all actuality from w/in that I am center centered centrality.

In other words that predominate infinite potential causality continues a’s eve’n(a) a’s thought causing appearing or creating creation which appears over time releasing(disappearing), re; back into its na-tural un-manifest formless awareness that that I am is in all actuality whole wholly sacred blissful darkness w/infinite potential for light energy to re-form & appear to disappear, again & again a’s gain & loss.  We, appearing as eve’re being all experience directly this actual creativity or na-tivity as sleep, dream, & waking actuality.  In that we witness the operation of modality as waking from causal indivisible singular dark(d’ar k(a)) only in time to ‘fall back’ into re; that awareness that that I am is all along.  That ‘falling back’ is model modality of death or na(ture) \/ eve’re thing as though(t) sum thing or sum thing that that I am is appearing to disappear as eve’re thing.

Above is the direction assigned to beta as upper face on cubic 3-D book of ABBC be(ing)cause being superior or predominate mode of human person-na.  Thus that Magician is merely(mirror-ly) that ‘onlooker’ or seer see’ng as though(t) na me, narrative memory of person-na(d’na) of person(purushaha) that that I am is.  Thus that Magician is you\/yod in a’s eve’re day eve’re way of(wave) waking consciousness re; action actuality depends on awareness of that action-less actor streaming as though eve-a\/d’na appearing to disappear a’s eve’n(a) while being ‘above'(free of) nature \/ na t(at) u (a)re.  This suggests that free freedom streaming is as though(t) quantified or modified by desire, that from star(t) to finish we may alter self-consciousness by our longing for whatever floats our boat, that ka-new now ka-nown & referred & deferred to as first person that I am is.

Thus that trinity of magi, the 3 states of deep sleep, dream, & waking stream & as though(t) form & inform eve’re thing through d’na(ignore-ance) as too(two) twisting w/desire to reflect each other until we come to that desire to realize their(there\/t(at) here) singular singularity in being each (& eve’re) other.

Thus in fact the 3 magi = HERMES TRIMEGISTUS hermetic hermit yod\/you that I am awareness as though(t) streaming down(in)ward\/word & out(in)ward\/word.  Word of that awareness that I am is, is designed to eve’r(e) man’as mind to mind & remind all that appear to disappear w/out realizing that permanence in midst of impermanence of that, that I am is.

Now we are on the verge, the extreme edge of the hermitage, the age of the hermit, the re treat, the sum thing that gives the unusual pleasure remembering being that dwelling, that beta house of the Aquarian water(consciousness) bearer streaming forth as though(t) from inward(word) to pour out indiscriminately through all a’s that eve’re thing whether we realize or na, or d’na\/deny.