We are all familiar w/that ‘nay saying’.  In fact an y may encounter it when discussing this blog as that free freed freedom in realizing in that awareness that I am is is denied as too(as though two) being(s) any thing (an\/na y thing).

That is apparent paradox of being anything(an y(you\/yod thing) all while denying being an y thing.  This apparent contradiction arises in actuality as that duality or do-ality is eve’n(a) as though(t) possible only in d’na/denial of that singular singularity in that awareness of being that I am is.

As too(two) denying that singular thing I am you must know or feel(sense) that I am na thing.

Eve’n(a) when believing ‘that I am na thing’ you are knowing that belief as sum thing.  It seems any belief still requires knower knowing that belief.

That we seem to live as in d’na/denial, na y saying is typical first response to an y suggestion of being y na or yod(that immortal changeless immortality-which ain’t all bad) na-tivity as in belief “That I am na thing & therefore you are na thing”.

That is mean & denigrates or defames as means of avoiding or ignoring that issue of meaning means, of any life leading all too(two) quickly to death & dissolution, in ultimately meaningless distraction w/transience of appearing to disappear a’s na thing eve’n(a) while all knowing is sum thing.

In all thinking there is thinker knowing knower that I am as though(t) thinking, knowing thinking.

Doing na thing is that way of(wave) Y function or n’ding(waving as though(t) hello good by to a n(a) y other) in appearing to disappear from in being that awareness that I am is.

In fact, discerning singular reality of being in that awareness that I am is, turns nay saying “that I am na thing” into positive negativity.  Then & there negation becomes now & here that na gate tion(t(at) i\/I on\/am), a re-movable barrier in question of Y that I am appearing to disappear as though(t) na thing.  Thing is you (&) can be denied only as though(t) na or d’na thing.

That there(the re) may be re solution to that dilemma must of necessity of maintaining ignore-ance be(ing) d’na, denied as nary(na re) sum thing in as though(t) eve(na)’re thing is na thing.