Eve’n(a) in actuality of duality(do-ality) of life & death(actor\/karta & action\/karma), we may find finding that awareness that that I am is is continuing continuous continuity of center centered centrality. Being that still stillness(immortal immortality) of mere(mirror) observer observing observation we may reflect in reverse as though(t) see’ng motion in the n’ding(www – way of(wave) y function) or n(a)otion(o(ayin\/I am t(at) i\/I on\/am) of that I am na.

Key 13, letter N/Na/Nun/Noon of ABBC(alphabeta binary code) reveals in that triple analogy of form, sound, & meaning the na-ture(na sci\/psy) of na or nun in the wavy(way of Y) line www.  That way of(wave) Y function a’s analogy is why(Y) na, letter N, retains original form-ation(aton i\/I) of hieroglyphic re(ality) source.  In(I na) that letter form see’ng is primary mode(m(emory) o(ayin((tat) I am) d(o’ality) e(iya/eve’re thing is you/yod)) of cognition in formation of any(a na y) situation.

In na y way of(any wave) function, motion as to walk away, to go away, to wave hello-good by, to appear to disappear, to change, transform, modify, vary, is attributed to a na y way of(any wave) a’s though(t) conceived to manifest, a’s festival or celebration(cerebral calibration a’s reflected in re verse in mere(mirror) observer observing observation) of mani\/man’as mind (tat) i\/I (am)).  That illusion & allusion of motion to the n(a)otion of ocean is exemplified in cycle of water evaporating(appearing to disappear) to fall back, re; turn as ri-ver(se) flow(ing) to source (m)ocean in complete cycle w/out essential gain or loss.

Imaginative Intelligence is mode of consciousness cognition attributed to n(a)un, letter N.  This N’ding modality implies na causality is image-na-tive.  In other word(s) image is na-tive or result of na me, narrative memory of that i\/I (a)m magic a’s spell(ing) of na-r-rative na-tivity.  That knower of man’as mind is Y you are, also called buddhi\/buddha in Sanskrit.  Imagine that a’s na.  Know na a’s that d’na(denied)

Thus na-tivity is death(N’ding – www-way of(wave) y function) as motion notion of change determined & defined in a spell(ing) of na me or eve’ll.  Eve(na/ma) will is I Mag(e)ician\/I Mag(e)ic as though(tsz) seer see’ng(scene) in do-ality(Y function) a’s point of view(of you\/yod). Eve’ll, as thought too(two) being(s) transient transience, appear to disappear. That you\/yod may overcome death(na\/nun\/transience\/way of(wave) y function) means you are na(t) na or being still(immortal) yod\/Y that I am.  Y is as though(tsz) will of eve(eve’ll)/ma’sz, the na-tive being eve’n(a) in actuality that still(immortal) mere(mirror) observer observing observation, reflecting reflection or seer see’ng(scene) in re-verse as though(t) nun or na-thing(any/a na y thing) of eve’re thing appearing to disappear in that indivisible sum thing.

Thus in apprehending that na-ture of na me we may overcome death w/understanding free freed freedom being alone that I am is, bodiless in midst of bodies. That sense of being alone(in complete universe that is in front, behind, above, below, right, left, & all around ) is key(0) to finding desire to realize Y that I am or that I am y na?

Eve’na by its eve’re y thing na-ture(d’na\/reflective denial) must cause(ignore/intentionally disregard) that indivisible sum thing that I am being now k’now’www’ng as though(tsz) eve’re y thing to happen, to activate in actuality of actor(Y that I am) ignored/now k’now’ed in that way of(wave)y function a’s na me, narrative mem or y still suspended or centered in Y that I am.  In fact that that center centered centrality is eve’re y where, appearing to disappear, we inevitably must reckon w/finding out(realizing) Y/why.  Thus entire ka’s mic(memory-intelligence-consciousness) order in that samsara(sorrow/sum sa(that) ra\/ar) of appearing to disappear promotes realization of why, of Y/you are or demotes that as too(two) d’na y’ll/ denial, or ignore-ance eve’n(a) while eve’r(e) still(immortal) w/in that awareness that I am.

“Suffering, poverty, disease, inharmony, & death prod race(of y man’as mere\/mirror mind reflects in re-verse as though(t) na me) onward(on in word) in search for truth.”         after PFC.  . . . .    . . . . .  .   . .   .. thus ‘haaarrrd time(s)/suffering promotes value for liberation/realization.  Passing away(a way of eve(wave) re y function of ‘spirit/subtle bodhi’ bliss eNchants any(a na y) & eve re y forMa'(s s  sz  z z) t(sz)ion in(being) now ‘z’ k’now’ing out(x)other y’sz in foolishly ‘falling’ off that a’ledge’d’ly of now/no'{{{ne’gat(e)’tion of y’es}}}w/ k’now/kurve’ing time around & around & around continuous complete rolls/roles of d”ark’ness of da y light/viszibility/per sonic ally of sound wave echo’ing . . . . . .e”chhhhooooo”””iiiiinnnngg back off that ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic micro wave(way of eve/ma) re y back(re) g”round after weight’ing for a long, long, looooooooooonnnnnnnngggggg wile(that cunning/ ka’nning/conning duplicate(ing) duplicity) y’all y’ll still freestanding stare’y(tsz y x’s tense first person present(now) singular that that I am is) in heaven, hell(o), or eve’n(a) now  still star’e’ing z y out(x) at this screen.

It seems the choice is in Y/yod/you (is)are (a re) or na d’na(denied).