of actual birth(na sci\/psy na) of Kryst, Love Supreme sacred indivisible blackness\/black (w)hole (w)holines of y singular singularity of infinite potential for light power of ignore-ance\na’sci’ng\being born is a\/A’s fool ishness .  A’s infinite potential for light means any appearance(potential a pair’ence) may be re-absorbed in or a’s that potential is all along in any(a na y) blink of eye.  That sacred invisible kryst A’s y na body or bodhi k(a)’no‘wwwwww’g in eve’re thing’k(a)’ing purely a’s y na thing, a’s infinite potential to be(ing) ginning or gaining to lose, must appear to disappear inward(word) all while(y’ll), eve’n(a) w/outward(word), still being  y that I am is in the first place(locus of A B’ng C’ng).

That is A – fool ishness of B’eing C’ng a’s though(t) in re flection a’s b’ginning or gaining to lose.  A being that complete completion in understanding still stillness(immortal immortality) y be ginning(gaining to lose) a’s though(t) too(two) being(s) in the indivisible first place(& time\/zep tepi)  of first person that I am is A fool-ishness .

It seems the first place/locus of being first person is last place we remember seeing y that I am looking in first place to begin with & y na.

Then where else would y/you begin if na in the first place, re; abstract first principal principle point of ytn \/ y t(h)at na/d’na (is). Or y (is) t(h)at na/d’na?

In other(na sa me) word(s) y is where/wwwwwwwww’here & (k(a)) no wwwwwwww’ng y or y na as though(t) existing to exit in a na y(any)thing’k(a)’ing “that I am in anything(‘k(a)’ing)”.

We must be naive/na-eve or a fool to believe (as too/two) be(ing) lie (of) (e)ve’re thing appearing to disappear in na tivity of a’s though(t) time, space, & circum stance(staring still around).

Is birth or na sci in reality na sci-ence?  Is na-science/nescience, in reality na-psy-ence or na sighing a’s k(a) y na/no ‘wwwwwww’ng/ignoring/denying a’s though(t) in y man’as mind is merely(mirror-ly) reflection of singularity (k(a)) now wwwwwwww’ng in duplicitous imaginary duplication in actuality(actor/karta/I-magic I-magician) I-magining/acting/reflecting inward(in word) as though(t) in duality/do-ality standing(staring) still(immortal) in apparent whorl’d’ing motion notion of any(a na y)opposition of sa me to na me, of here & na here, of now & na now, of y sum thing & y na thing?

In that there seems direct analogy of triple bodhi/body/way of(wave) y person-na in man’as mind to mahaman’as(cosmic\/ka’s mic) mind & body/bodhi y as though(t) of Creator\/Creation\/Ishvara\/Varishtam circumscribing in still’ing that center centered centrality of uni-versal being y\/Y\/Yod\/Iota\/I o-ayin ta(t)\/I am t(h)at\/t(h)at I am a’s y na(infinite potential a’s though(th) appearing/a-pair’ing in too(two) being(s).

In that MAHANTAM VIBHUM ATMANAM -great(cosmic) effulgent being is sa me first person, that I am, in of person-na or na-tion ality\/no-tion ality of d’na in that I am a’s that “I am Jane or Dick Blow”, y a-wise man’as mind grieves na.