It may be time to embrace a Y’der point of view(you/y/yod).

In the Eve’ent(ing) or N’ding of Eve’re thing’k(a)’ing(k(a)’no’ wwwww’ng) a’s any(a na y)thing, we may ascertain(realize as certain) y knowing/ka no’wwwww’ng is y as though(t) reflecting/resisting being still(immortal) eve’n(a) all y’ll being w/standing/staring as mere(mirror) gazing.

Seeing in re-verse is all y'(a)ll as though(t) waiting/weighting in resistance of (being) w/standing or w/staring still we as though(t) push back, re; in causality of all knowing/ka no’wwwwwwwww’ng d’na’innnnng y as appearance(a pair’ence) of any(a na y) thing’k(a)’ing a’s eve’re thing appearing/a pair’ing in N’light’n’ment/infinite potential for light appearance/a pair’ence in formation of y & y na way’t’ing in way of t’h’at(wave) y function as mere(mirror) knowing.  Knowing/ka no’wwwwwwww’ng that y way’t\/t(h)at way (is) for N(a) light-n’ment.

In other word(sa) y as though(t) knowing/ka no’wwwwwww’ng y na(a’s infinite potential for any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing) is ‘flashing’/’sparking’ N(a) light’n’ing in sum thin(g)’k(a)’ing/knowing/ka no’wwwwwwwww’ng all along the way’t(way of t(h)at).

Thus it see’ms y is weighting/waiting of gravity in being y na appearing(a pair’ing) as too(two) disappearing(dis a pair’ing) or born to die.  In that sense(awareness that I am is) gravity of ‘falling’ back, re; in toward(word) that (center centered centrality/ccc) as though(t) actuality of y that I am na/na’ing/ka no’wwwwww’ng could be potentially separate from that awareness that that I am is eve‘n(a) w/out y na(any)thing.  Is being alone na possible w/out y eve’n(a) in sum thing’k(a)’ing as though(t) y being in any(a na y) potential?

Y is way’t y’ing of(wave that y(‘s)) sum thing(k(a)’ing) as though(t) as k’ing y na/ka no’wwwwwww’ng y na.  Y’s way of(wave) of knowing(ka no’wwwww’ng) y na is mere(mirror) reflection/dup(e)location(B’ing) as though(t) duplicity(city of dupes) of tricky deceit of double(reflection as too(two) being(s)) dealing(dupe/dope).  Y’s weight for all that eve’n(a) till death(na/nun/noon) does us part as though(t) too(two) being(s) w/out knowing/ka no’wwwwwww’ng y.  Mean(‘ing) y’ll all along the way’t’ing of (that (indivisible individual) sum t(h)ing’k(a)’ing as thought in na me only, we appear to disappear all y’ll knowing/ka no’wwwww’ng(no’ing/denying) y that I am.

Thus as though(t) caught up in knowing(no’ing/denying) y we may feel in that sensory way of(wave) y function in actuality of na being still(immortal) y’s man’as mind as though(t) mere(mirror) seer see’ng grieves na(t).

In other word(s) we may na realize y that I am is w/in & w/out all knowing until we so/sa desire or wish for seeing sa me/suma thing in any(a na y) & eve’re thing’k(a)’ing.  Then it seems only prejudicial judgement of putting cart before horse prevents ascertaining as certain that I am is predominant sa me thing eve’n(a) thing’ka’ing as though(t) knowing/ka no’wwwwwww’ing/denying being a’s other y’s.