& the great Mr. re of knowing/k(a) no‘wwwwwww’ng y a’s grand father & whole principal principle abstract point of y(of view/of you) space-time-man’as mind appears/a pairs in opposition/in act of resistance as y/you & me(m or y) in the first place(being that as(A’s k(a)’ing/knowing/ka’no’wwwww’ng y) as though(t) inward(word) in formation as too(two) do’ing/per(sonically) form’ing/acting/impersonating/mimicking/miming(my m’ing as though(t) my memory of na me or y or me(m or y) in whatever form ation/i\/I aton my(y mem/man’as) mind may know/(be/B) k(a) no’wwwwww’ng y in that, that awareness that I am is.

In other word(s) my story is Mr. re as thought that I am na y or a na y(any) na me(m or y).

The great na me is y No no’wwwwww’ng a’s ar(e)/(being) k’a.

That No(k’now’ing) as arc a = treasure chest hidden in plain site(merely(mirror-ly) seeing now in re-verse as though(t) k’no‘wing(denying y/d’na’ing y) as(y’s dom(us)=building B’ing) in any(a na y)/eve’re thing’k(a)’ing.
