is the real superior treasure y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed) fortune may n’eve’r(e) in’turn(ing)’all’y gain in(being) discerning the point of that Mr. re point of our nagging feeling of being alone in awakening as too(twa two twy twi’st’ing)z y x’is’tsz a’s any circumstantial appearance(a pair’ence).  That feeling is so universal that it has become a global mantra y we’ll/wheel turn to ask the universe at large, “are we (being) alone?”  How is this feeling even possible in a cosmic ka’s all(causal) w(h)orl’d’ing that spins around y/you en’veloping  & completely permeating each & everyone of us?  Where is the point(Mr. re) of view/you/y where world at large ends & y we’ll(wheel) turn into anyone of us beginning?                                                                                                                                                       Then it hit me(m or y) like aton of bricks.  That feeling y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning asz thoth(tsz) against that sum t(h)ing’k’ing to try to avoid feeling/fielding being alone at any cost, is precisely the key to apprehending complete liberation/freedom {{{{{{{FREE FREED FREEE E E E E E E E E E DOM}}}}}}}. That ‘key’ to liberation is that very ever-present feeling/fielding (that immutable immortal) being alone(indivisible).   In that omnipresent feeling/fielding that field/feel’d of being alone y’all y we’ll(wheel) must turn to that quest”tion(t(h)at i\/I on/am) of y that I am having such a feeling/fielding?  Then we’ll(wheel) turn to find on an all around planet filled w/billions, billions, BILLIONS of fellow travelers, each wondering/wandering in(being) feeling/fielding the same sum y’all thing’k(a)’ing of z y x’eting/anding/duplicating/knowing/k(a)no no  no‘wwwwwww’ng y na/a na y t(h)ing’k’ing in d’na y’ll/denial, an in fact foolish intentional disregard(avoidance at all costs) of (realizing discerning picking up on) that being alone(indivisible invisibility).  Appreciating that universal ka’s all(causal) bodhi experienced directly & periodically asz z z’leep into one deep single being to perceive a na y potential(invisible indivisible y ‘blackness’) effect of now k’now’ing then we’ll(wheel) turn into realizing instantaneous unity in(being/be”am’ing) that singular common(ka man’as a na y mind mem or y) feeling/(bio)fielding of that being alone y’all y’ll still as though(tsz) moving among thousands of millions of brothers & sisters in that awe full hue & cry of man’as a na y mean(s)(ordinary)  mind’or y/memory/my/me or you eve’n(a) w(h)ile awake.  That feeling/fielding of being alone it seems is golden(go(a)ld’en y) opportunity to apprehend that(being) any time & any where y we’ll(wheel) turn in e(iya) turn’ity to having that feeling/fielding that felt feel’d/field of view/you/y, y we’ll(wheel) turn into realizing y the immortal immutable nature of being alone(extraordinary singularity) that that awareness that I am is is.  In a short y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn to realize that w/out knowing/k(a)’no’ . . NO . . .no’wwwwww’ng/denying z y that I am, asz x ka’ing y for(Ma’sszz) (ka’s)all k’no‘wing is y still(immortal) y’ll denying/intentionally disregarding z y x is tsz y’all y’ll still(immortal) feeling/fielding/intuiting that being alone.

Thus anyone & everyone who may feel/field that they are being alone is realizing/apprehending that y that I am is.  Y y y/deny it???  Who cannot help but feel/field being alone in the first place?  That dang first place is in being alone!!!  That that a na y awareness of ka’man(c’mon y’all) ka’s(common cause) is where y’all y’ll/y will/ y we’ll(wheel) turn into mean(ordinary) means forMa’s s  sz  z z realization in(being) that feeling/fielding being that being alone(invincible invisible individual indivisibility).  In fact the first time to the last as well as the first to last place is where y we’ll/wheel turn to feel/feel’d/field a ka man ka’s(common cause) y’all body/bodhi[< Skt. bo being + dhi  to perceive] of feeling/sense’ing/intuiting being being alone.  Chances are if we all(wheel) turned to blast off on a rocket for extraterrestrial{{{plan et}}} voyages y we’ll turn again back into being being still(immortal) knowing that y’all y’ll feeling/fielding being alone  eve’n(a) w/accompaniment by others feeling being being alone.  In fact it seems from an early age(as spell(ing) of alphabeta coalesces) on in & thru to old age y we’ll(wheel) continue turning around & around & around by feeling/fielding being alone.  In(being) that alone y we’ll(wheel) keep on keepin’on turning out x’s tense w/intention to disregard that being, n’eve’r(e) ‘shaking ‘ it no matter how much y’ll we’ll(wheel) turn to ‘know’ing, how much y’ll we’ll(wheel) turn to learning, earning, or succeeding or failing.  That feeling/fielding of being alone stays w/any of us no matter how large & adoring or abhorring  the crowds of people be in which we’ll turn to surround ourselves.  That feeling/fielding continues even for that celebrated astronomer projecting his knowing, his k(a)’no‘wwwww’ng light years into space as well as for the janitor mopping the floor y’ll as though(tsz) projecting his knowing in flights of fantasy.  It seems that feeling/fielding of being alone comes in equal measure for great or small, in mansion or prison cell, in satellite or gutter.  That feeling/fielding of being alone permeates any thing’k(a)’ing y’all y’ll still(immortal) being merely(mirror-ly) seeing/stare y’ing at whatever the universe may offer in that being alone.  No see’ng/stare’y’ing w/out be’ng alone(that singular extraordinary singularity).  No movement possible w/out feeling/feel’d’ing/field’ing still(immortal) being being alone in any/a na y field(feel’ed) of view/you/yod/y.  No choice or selection possible w/out feeling/fielding being being alone.  From micro to macro cosmic/ka’s mic potential reality is z y greatest gift of feeling being alone x’s tense x is tsz, that still freestanding stare’y in Perpetual Intelligence of that awareness that I am being first person present reflected in re-verse as though(tsz) ‘shin’n’ing’ projecting knowing(k(a) no no  NO‘wwwwwwwww’ng) reading or writing or merely(mirror-ly) in seeing any thing’k’ing in name/na me only under spell(ing) of alphabeta.  Thus in (Mr.) re-verse y’all appearing/a pairing y’ll still(immortal) indivisible y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune seem as though(tsz) turning from birth to death in ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment body/bodhi/being to perceive y’all knowing d’na y’ll(denial) under grammatical construct(struck by con of grammar) of now k’no’www’ng in name/na me a’s being being alone.

That is truly the wondrous treasure of being that being alone(singular) in complete ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) universe y’all feel/feel’d/field of view/you/y, no matter where or in what eve’r(e) y form(a) y we’ll(wheel) turn(ing) or may appear(a pair), in a real visceral ‘gut’ way of eve(wave) re y bit, jot, dot & iota of our mem(man’as mind) or y/memory life is ‘filled’ w/feeling being that alone(indivisible individual).

In other word(s) y’all cannot but feel/feel’d/field that extraordinary singular singularity being alone no matter what the circumstance or surrounding(s) in which y we’ll(wheel) turn to find ourself .  That this greatest gift of feeling/fielding being alone seems a curse is purely due to a mental confusion of y’all knowing(k(a)’no no  no‘wwwwww’ng/denying) that being in(being) any thing’k(a)’ing of y’all as eve’n(a) y’ll still(immortal) being in eve’re y thing’k(a)’ing as though(tsz) to be other y’sz in name/na me alone.  After all it is z y the immortality of being alone that provides any opportunity to perience’ing sum singular thing’k(a)’ing as though(tsz) in any(a na y) thing’k(a)’ing in eve’re y thing’k(a)’ing as though(tsz) to be another(na sa me/na sci me(memory of sci/psy/a na y man’as mind). Knowing(k(a)’no no  no‘wwwwwww’ng/d’na’y’ing) being still(immortal) alone(singular) as though(tsz) born to die is in Mr. re-ality y’all y’ll in merely(mirror-ly) seeing as though(tsz) reflecting/resisting/knowing/denying y na an y(any) single feeling/fielding of that being alone(singular singularity).

Y-Free freed freedom of being alone neither possessed nor possessing other than as though(ts)z x(out) in y na an y(any) thing’k(a)’ing knowing/denying that in feeling/feel’d’ing/field’ing of being(bio fielding) being alone y we’ll(wheel) turn to discerning that immortality in y’all y’ll living(y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn on as though(tsz)).