is seeing in word as though(t) in formation in y man’as mind(p’sy’t(ing)) exists to locate or find dhi way of any(a na y) thing’k(a)’ing y’ll still(immortal) as mere(mirror) seeing in re-verse or as though(t) knowing any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing of being alone.

Dhi [< Sk dhi to perceive, think, reflect, wish, desire] way of(wave) y function is that do’or way for coming & going as too(two) being other(na sa me = me(m or y) of na sa/na sci/(being)born to die(dying is in essence d/dhi n’y’ing or d/dhi na’ing in way of(wave) y function in merely(mirror-ly) seeing as thought in re-verse(story of Mr. re in na me only) in knowing/k(a)’no‘ing/d(hi)n(a)’ying y’all y’ll still(immortal) being that alone(immutable).

On that field(feel’d(hi) of being alone) of view(you/yod/y) being alone is sum thing’k(a) y/you can always, always(in all ways/waves) count on being there(t(at) here) as eve’n(a) in eve’re thing’k(a)’ing/k(a) no‘ing/d’na’ing/d(hi)’n’y’ing being alone.

In other word(s) as eve’n(a) of any(a na y)thing’k’ing y na in knowing/denying as y we may try desperately to escape or a-void being alone all y’ll still(immortal) being that alone.  That need to escape being alone arises from confusion of y that I am w/y that I am as thought knowing.  Thus in any(a na y) thing’k(a)’ing / k’no’wwwwww’ng we are as though(t) a-voiding being alone for a y’ll y’all as y that I am eve’n(a) y’ll y’all still are being that a’s a (Mr.) re.

Thus all knowing/k(a) no’wwwww’ng is intentional disregard or ignoring being(indivisible) alone in favor of actual(play of acting, mimicking,reflecting) appearance/a pair’ence as too(two) exist[< L ex out + sistere to be located(causal) < stare to stand] to stand out into being(s) (a) seen/scene as though(t) separate from being (indivisible) alone(singular singularity).  Yet we never ever ‘shake’ that feeling of being alone, the Mr. re-ality of y that I am all y’ll y’all appear/a pair to disappear/dis a pair as death do us part, as y na/death of knowing returns to being alone that indivisible individual knower all y’ll y’all w/out need of knowing/denying/dhi’ing y.  That need only arises from sense of sum thing’k’ing as though(t) that I am missing (in) sa me thing’k(a)’ing.

In verse of Mr. re sa me singular thing’k(a)’ing of y’all appears(a pairs) as though(t) y na/a na y thing’k(a)’ing in duality(dhi’ality) of na sa me.  Y’s dom(us) of immortal immutable timeless being alone now inward(word) as though(t) appearing/a pair’ing as too(two) dhi’ing/do’or way of existence is in standing out a’s any(a na y) body/bodhi/ perception of being alone (ka)now (ka) no ‘wwwwwwwww’g as though(t) mortal eve’r(e)changing time after time in na me (being) alone.