In that guise or appearance(a pair’ence) as(A’s) too(two) in(B’ng) (C’ng) as to D’hi’ceive/perceive, de(dhi)sire, (sa me)thing’k(a) as though(t) too(two) reflect each[< OE ever + gelic alike] other(na sa me/memory of na sa/sci being born (y’ll still(immortal)) being alone) to die/dhi’y in way of(wave) y function as mere(mirror) seer seen in re-verse owing to y inward(word) insight of any thing’k(a)’ing as though(t) reflecting that, that awareness that I am y’all y’ll still(immortal) feeling/realizing being alone(singular).

You may realize that y’all y’ll knowing/k(a)no‘wwww’g/denying that in feeling being alone.

Thus na matter/eve’n(a) y’ll word see’ms to ‘pile up’ as though(ts) of being alone we may n’eve’r lose in sight(p’sy’t) of feeling being(mere/mirror seeing) alone eve’n(a) in d'(hi)s guise of you(y) or me(m or y) as we continue to field/feel’d(hi) all the time in that being alone still(immortal) y’ll y’all know/k(a no no  no‘wwwwwwww) as though(t) other y’s.

Thus you & me = me’m or y = man’as mind or y = y manor = domain/B’ng y

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y me m or y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~