The erg/urge y [<L ergon work] of y N’a is any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing as though(t) mattering as in any(a na y) particular form.


Infinite potential energy/N‘erg y(that na urge of y creation/knowledge creating/k(a)no‘wwwwww’ng matters in waves of y’s dhi’na’wwwwwwww’ing of Great(Cosmic) Work in any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing) manifests as though(t) in cosmic(ka’s mic-memory/intelligence/consciousness) mind/man’as ka’ing y na in ka’s mic appearing/a pair’ing as one body/bodhi/perception relative to any(a na y)other y’s y’all(na sa me) in cosmic actuality(play of mimicking/reflecting actor(karta) y’ll still(immortal) as though(t) appearing/a pair’ing in action(karma).

K(a) Ne’tic N’erg’y of Ka’s mic manifested by bodies/bodhi(s)/perception in motion as primary function attributed to y na/any thing’k(a)’ing.  Thus motion is m’otion or y mem or y otion/ocean as ev(e) a por(‘ing) ation(i\/I aton) in raining/reigning down in rivers/reverse to appear to disappear back, re; into m’otion  or n(un)’otion of change or transformation.  That change is eve’n(un) in y’all actuality mere(mirror) ka’s mic k(a)’now’ledge as ka’s mic thought to be found in any(a n(un) y)thing’k(a)’ing.

Collecting or Collective Intelligence is Mr. re of cosmic mode(l) of consciousness.  Mr. re of “Collective Consciousness concentrates y’all mode(l)s of consciousness that have gone before & combines them together in (k)new form”.  That Mr. re as though(t) re-generates y’all mode(l)s of person-na in feeling/realizing singular first person, that I am, in first place(B’ng) of that feeling being alone.

Key 19 of ABBC, alphabeta binary code based on 22 Hieroglyphic Hebraic letters now transposed in Greco-Roman alphabeta, re-veals the face of Mr. re as sun/son w/human countenance.  This Mr. re-velation re-presents truth of y’all as seemingly material forces of nature(na t(at) u (a)re) in re-ality are mode(l)s of a(A) cosmic conscious energy/N’ergy essentially human/hue & cry of man’as (ka’s mic) mind y’s’dom(us) of infinite potential in any(a na y)thing’k’ing.

Hieroglyph of Mr. re = circle w/center point of y/you/yod as first abstract principal principle of y that sa me thing appearing/a pair’ing as y’all in any(a na y)thing’k’ing.  That Mr. re is constantly re-inforced & realized in that certain feeling of being alone.