or misfortune be when finding ourself turning in(to) circumferential actuality, that play of being actor as though(t) actually appearing(a pair’ing) in that do’or/do-ality way of(wave)  being other y’s.  In that antithesis of being as though(t) other y’s as that we’ll(wheel) turn our back/re; Mr.re to the front to grasp, to comprehend mentally in definite ways of(waves) of acting in sharp contrast to ineffable abstraction of purely being y that I am.

Key 10, K/Kaph in ABBC refers to that curve or arc of y Mr. re of turning back into that as though(t) other y’s in apparent antithesis in ways of(waves) of K no’wwwww’ng N’un as though(t) any(a na y)thing’K’ing in eve’re thought.  In that K/kaph/curve we’ll(wheel) reappear(a pair) going around in any thing K’ing at eve’re turn.  K/ka’ph as wheel(we’ll) of fortune turns as though(t) counter clock-wise re-presenting involution of Ka’s mic/memory-intelligence-consciousness in k(a)no‘wwwwwww’ng waves of apparent(a pair’ent) beginning to end in other y’s name & form.  That N’ding as though(t) other y’s may lead to wealth or poverty in that opposition any(a na y) N-circling appearance/a pair’ence brings. In turning backwards(words) Mr. re of singular indivisibility makes itself renown as Mr. re of sphinx fame.  That riddle of being as though(t) half & half of singular whole is exacerbated in hemispheric division of human brain when predominate visual right brain accedes pseudo-dominance of artificial intelligence of inward(word) formation as though(t) y’s dom((us)/house of B’ng).

That inward(word) thought formation in spell(ing) of na me promotes ignore-ance of predominate whole see’ng in favor of having any thing’k(a)’ing of y Na being that.