Y N(a) light or a na y(any) light includes visible & invisible wave(way of)y length from K(a)/curve N’ding to K(a)/curveN’d’ing in circular wave(way of) y beginning in a na y circumstantial n’ding .  A na y d(hi)’ing is act(a c’ing t(at)) of in person(ically) ‘playing’ that sound wave(way of) y function of mere(mirror) reflection of hear/(still/immortal)(b’ng)here’ing(hey a r(e)’ing  ing   ing    ing).

H/H’ey, key 4 of ABBC re-presents transparency of outlook 4 insight(in psy’t/in y man’as mind is as though(t) opening & closing in a na y thing’k(a)’ing).  Thus H(ey) as code(co de/joined w/D-empress as H-emperor ‘the’ window(w/in do’or’wwwwwwwwww’ay of(wave) sounding) is joined to do’or way of(wave) appearing in sight(psy’t)) for that ‘the'(t(at) h(ey) e(iya)) definite article/thing of y sounding in sum thing’k(a)’ing out loud.

“Constituting Intelligence  (key 4 H(ey))…is said to “constitute creation in the darkness of the world””.  In ‘the’ darkness(d/dhi/to perceive + ark’ness/Mr. re of ar k(a)’ness), ‘the’ void(vow o-ay in id) we’ll(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) continue to actually b’ng as mere(mirror) breath breathed breathing in sound wave(way of) y’ na(a na y)thing’k(a)’ng y’ll awakening(a way (of) ‘ken’ing/k(a)’en’ing/k(a)’n’o’wwwwwwwww’g) w/eye opening to day(da/dhi y)light & a na y thing’k(a)’ing of knowing/k(a) no’wwwwwwww’ng/projecting denying(dhi na y’ing) as though(t) other y’s.  In that we’ll/wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune(Ka curve) constitute ‘the’ definite article/thing in a na y thing’k(a)’ing of going around.

“{Egyptian}Memphite doctrine affirms that at the beginning of creation, there existed a cosmic void…plunged in darkness…filled w/waters of Nun{infinite potential of a na y thing}…& the Spirit(wind/breath) ‘hovered’ over.”  The  Cosmic  Story is analogous to our person-na(narrative) in that way of(wave)y function of indivisible complete-ness eve’r(e) complete as second is to eve’re minute, minute to eve’re hour, hour to eve’re da’y, da’y to eve’re we’ek, week to every month, month to eve’re year, year to eve’re century, century to eve’re millennia, a na y time is in eve’re time.

Thus da y light is a na y light wave(way of) y function of appearing/a pair’ing at length of time(t(at) i\/I me(m or y/me or you)/m/am) for a na y actually appearing/a pairing as too(two) doing a na y thing’k(a)’ing in mere(mirror) sight/psy’t/y man’as mind (is) reflecting & d/dhi-flecting  ing   ing    ing as though(t) na feeling/feel’d’ing/field’ing being alone.

In other(na sa me) word(s) D’a Empress is a na y womb of virgin High Priestess now/na’wwwwwwww w/open sound(P’eh esse/potis esse/potential/able to be) do’or way for infinite potential of a na y a’s 2 thing'(s’)k(a)’ing other y’s na’ing/knowing X’s(a na y (un)known) tense(tension of apparent opposition a’s other y’s dom(us)/building/B’ng).  Emperor ‘provides’/’supplies’ ‘the’ HEY to Da’Y.

He(y) ‘supplies’ she’na’eve’re vital breath breathed breathing in the mere(mirror) b’ng/b’aming way of(wave) y function in man’as mind reflecting/resisting as though(t) of a na y thing’k(a)’ing y’ll breathing the “unique divine power…Great God, whose na me is un(na)known…”  “Great God” = “Great Go’a’d’ing/Great Work of Ka’s mic Sa MeThing indistinguishable from a na y thing’k(a)’ing.  Thus ‘Great God’ is na known in & as y’all knowing/k(a)curve y no’wwwwww’ng y’all y’ll still(immortal) around.