The scale of visible light to that invisible when taken in relation to human body equivalent to head of a pin needle in a ‘hey’stack.  In that ‘sliver’ of visibility relating to limitation of da y light of a na y (as) thought other y’s in a na y thing’k(a)’ing, we’ll(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) appear/a pair to turn in opposition of seer to seen/scene.  Eve’n(a) in da y light as though(t) appearing/a pair’ing as too(two) d(hi)’o’wwwwwwww’ng k(a)no’wwwwww’ng y’all y’ll still(immortal) b’ng dhi sire/father/star’e/center centered centrality of dhi ark’en’ing/k(a)’urv’ing k’no‘wwwwwwww’ng potential in acting as thought knower k(a)no’w’ing in a na y thing’k(a)’en’ing/k’no’wwwwww’ng/as though(t) projecting y’all around in spiral’ing D(hi)’na y’ll y’all b’ng still(immortal), we’ll(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) re-turn as in complete d’ark’ness, in complete circle[<L circus] of beginning in y’alls eve’re KurveN’d’ing.  Thus eve’re thing’k eve’n(a) as though(t) appearing/a pair’ing in potential opposition remains complete d’ark’ness/circle[<L circus] unbroken.  Y is be(ing)cause(causeless center) of complete d’ark’ness/circle/circus of a na y thing’k’ing at any(a na y) level of visible or invisible complete N’circlement as infinite potential be’ing cause of Mr. indivisible singular re-ality from circumference of atom to ka’s mic-memory-intelligence consciousness center centered centrality awareness that that I am is eve’r(e) thing’k appearing/a pair’ing as thought formed in & of complete d’ark’ness/n’circle’ment spiraling of Mr. re as though(t) ‘moving’ y’ll still(changeless) appearing to disappear in apparent/a pair’ent increase or decrease of distance(dhi ‘stance’/standing/star’ing) of/in/from that awareness that that I am is

In other word(s) y’all ‘k(a)’no‘wwwwwww’ng = d’ancing/distancing/dhi ‘stanc’ing  on head of a pin(turning on a ‘d’i’me’) as eve’re thing’k eve’n(a) as thought is complete d’ark’ness, total D’N(a)’circle’ment in-spiraling of infinite potential cause of y of a na y thing’k in b’ng alone(immutable) sa me thing’k of y as thought other y’s in mem(man’as mind) or y of me(m) or y(ou).

Thus the y of complete d’ark’ness/N’circle’ment assures returning of a na y thing’k back re; into that circle of infinite potential to begin N’ding/k’No’wwww’ng in the first place of B’ng alone at a na y Mr. re point along the wave y function in mere(mirror) thing’k(a)’ing.  At any point(Mr. re) at any time we may realize y complete d’ark’ness is still(immortal) unbroken(eve’r(e) abstract/virgin/potential) circle of y’all round y’ll living/breathing eve’n(a) beyond sliver of visibility, eve’n(a) y’ll awake.

Thus eve’n(a) though(t) y’ll, away in that way of(wave) y k’en’ing/k(a)’no’wwwww’ng, turn back & realize Mr. re of feeling being alone is realizing that I am is being star’e/y’ing still(immortal) in complete y’s dom(us)/first place/B’ng alone w/a’s though(t) a ‘sliver’ of visibility to appear/a pair y’all for a y’ll in mere(mirror) psy’t of being hear(ing) (k)no’w’wwwww’ng per-sonically.