as though(t) that, we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune appear in ‘sliver’ of light to turn y’all y’ll standing/star’e/y’ing still(immortal) as timeless observer observing observation/seer see’ng/scene psy’ing  psy’t in y man’as mind is as thought in any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing ka’s mos’ motionless center centered centrality.

Thus a na y thing’k(a)’ing of turning motion utterly dependent on being still(immortal) center thinker(subject of thought only as ‘that awareness that I am) in complete singular d’ark’ness/circle[<L circus] of any(a na y)infinite in spiraling potential circumference/circumferential actuality in d’na(d’na’y’ll) of simple(mere reflection) twist of fate, destiny, chance, & necessity.