A’s a-fool(a’lph’a’oo’l) in a’s k(a)’ing'(dom(us)/building/house) y we’ll(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) as though(t) appear/a pair as too(two) re-turn to descend from above(‘ove ab/father/dhi sire/sideris/star’e(y)/stand(ing) still(immortal) thru center centered centrality of w(h)orl(d’ing) in ‘spire’d as too(two) in complete d’ark’ness/a na y complete n’circle’ment to reflect (k)now a’s though(t) in mother(matter) eve‘n(a) as though(t) below(b’ng el’o(him) (in) wwwwwwwwwww’ay’s(waves) of a/alpha fool.

We may find being of such esoteric thought reflected in ways(waves) y of the brain.  EEG studies have shown alpha waves ‘connect’ our attention from consciousness of beta(b’ng) to subconsciousness of theta(the ta(t)/that that I am is) & delta (un/nu(n))consciousness of complete d(hi)’ark’ness.  Thus thru alpha waves(ways of) y we are able to be aware, a’s eve’n(a) y’ll awake, of our complete d’ark’ness as nun other than that awareness that I am is as well as dreams(dhi Mr, re (I) the ta(t) am) a subtle form as though(t) appearing/a pair’ing as other y’s n’light’n’ed by a na y thing’k(a)’ing/she e  e  n’ing in y perpetual ka’s mic intelligence is.

A’s that connection we may find in delta consciousness in the I dhi-el ta(t)/idea of that complete d’ark’ness/a na y complete n’circle’ment, the dhi y of infinite potential to perceive, to reflect that singular standing still(immortal) above into sitting as though(t) below(b’ng el’o(him)wwwwwww’ave’ing) in a na y thing’k(a)’ing.

Thus the w(h)orl(da)’ing of any(a na y) point(Mr. re) of view(y/you) a’s center centered centrality as though(t) suspended in y man’as mind(mem or y) is as in judgement(trying to speak right [<L judex, icis <ius right + dic-, root of dicere to speak]) when emerging in that we’ll(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) appear/a pair to be born to die/to dhi/to desire to think in ways of(waves) k’no’wwwwwww’ng death/nun/na/no, k(a)’no’wwwwww’ng any(a na y)thing’k(a) as though(t) other y’s a’s fool’ishness of k’no’wwwwwing ignore-ance of y in the first place of feeling/feel’d’ing/fielding b’ng alone(singular).