H’earing(here’ng) (k)’no’w in that sound way of(wave) y substantiates being here(h’ear’ng) (k)no’w, in a na y (k)no’wwwww’ng of hear’ing/here’ing.

Y’all hear(here)’ing knowing is in present tense, at tension caused by potential w/standing still(immortal)/reflecting/resisting as though(t) in too(two) being(s) appearing/a pair’ing in polarity of opposition.

Thus any(a na y)thing’k’ing is y’all ways(waves) y in present tense, at tension as though(t) actual cause of appearance/a pair’ence in mem(man’as mind) or y as a na y thing’k(a)’ing.  Pre-sent tense, at tension of w/standing/resisting y’all as eve’n(a) y’ll still(immortal) being singular is causal effect(potentiality) of y k’ar’ma((Mr. re) ar’k of ma’ eve) carried over from previous cycles(psy’cles/d’ark’ness/infinite potential causality implied in complete n’circlement of Mr. re a’s though(t) a na y thing’k) of a na y na’med  X’ as tense [X = eve’n(a) as though(t) singular unknown k’no’wer/eve’r(e) knower unknown].

Thus as we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune n’eve’r(e) ‘k’no’wwww the k’no’w’er, n’eve’r(e) hear(here) the hear’er being y’all along the way of(wave) y in that sound re-turn of a na y sound when here’d per-sonically.  In that hear’ing of b’ng here in as though(t) a na y w’here/wwwwwwww'(ay ove/ab ove) ‘here’ing (k)no’w.

A na y hearing is realizing here.  Any hearing is realizing(ascertaining as certain) HERE a’s a na y k’no’wwww’ing is realizing NO’W.  Here’ing & k’no’www’ng substantiate[< L sub– under + star’e to stand] b’ng here in the (k)no’w.

Hear’er/here’er\/re(Mr. re here) as though(t) heard = sound way of(wave) y function per sonically in mere(mirror) reflection of here’ing.

Listening is hearing/here’ing w/intent just as(justice) looking is seeing w/intent. In tension of y as though(t) in a na y thing’k’ing too(two) being(s) in w/standing/resisting y’all y’ll still(immortal) in appearing/a pairing in polarity of opposition we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune find purpose.