ABBC, that 3-D picture book based on esoteric know’ledge n’coded in 22 Hieroglyphic-Hebraic letters key to modern 26 Greco-Roman letters begins naturally w/a A.  A’s pictured a’s young Androgyne stepping foolishly off ledge y’all y’ll ‘star’e’ing still(immortal) in apparent/a pair’ent ‘movement'(ove m’en’t’ing/of m(em or y) en’t’ing/en’d’ing as though(t) b’ng ‘ginning/gaining in a na y time to lose).  That ledge of k’now or k’now-ledge offers a/A/fool potential ‘falling’ in toward(word) that spell(ing) as though(t) developing a’s a na y thing’k & eve’re thing’k.  Standing/star’e’ing/gazing still(immortal) y’all y’ll appearing/a pair’ing to fall, a/A fool (k)no’wwwww’ng a’s though(t) w/in tension of me’m or y’ou faces ‘falling’ down from above( B‘ng ove ab/father/dhi sire) to below(C ‘ng b’ng elo’him wwwww'(ay) thru w(h)orl’d(ing) in center centered centrality(T ‘at/that) of Mr. re point of view(y/yod/you) into y mother eve’d’na a’s in a na y or eve’re thing’k w/in judgement/hearing/here’in’g(Sh ‘in’ng) in time for dinner(d’inner) a’s though(t) suspended in any(a na y) man’as mind/mem or y/M).

A’s fool wears a black coat, color of complete d’ark’ness of any(a na y)thing’k’ing/k’no’www’ng/denying/dhi na y’in ya’ng  of that singular reality which a’s though(t) ‘produces’/’induces’ reflection/resistance in that w/standing of stillness(immortality). That imaginary potential polarity is reinforced by actual hemispheric division of singular brain in too(two) introducing actuality/duality/do-ality of right & left modes/models of perception (k)’no’w in apparent/a pair’ent opposition.  Predominant visual right/R mode(we see then we thing’k) accedes as thought to subdominant analytical left/L mode in time for any(a na y)thing’k’ing.  In time we’ll(wheel) turn into any(a na y)thing’k as though(t) into(two) actuality(play of karta/actor/k’no’w’er as though(t)) of being other y’s in karma/action/k’no’w’n).

In other word(s) extraordinary singular being no’w(k’no’wwwww’ng) under spell(ing) of alphabeta appears/a pairs in k’no‘wwwww’ng as too(two) ‘divide’ into me ‘m/man’as mind or y/you in actuality/duality/do(ing)-ality.  Caught up in the ‘heat’ of battle is y actor seems as though(t) to ‘a fool’ish falling’ into(two) being actual appearance/a pair’ance.   That singularity of being alone is so extraordinary eve’n(a) to appear/a pair in any(a na y) & y’all thing’k ordinary.

Thesis, the ‘sis'[< L sistere causal of stare to stand] is any(a na y) (k)no’w in potential causality as though(t) reflecting/resisting as antithesis which ‘marks’ any(a na y)thing’k’ing of standing by that of sitting a’s in/b’ng y’all what see’m’s to go up must come down.  That ‘above'(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire) must a’s fool’ish thought see’m(see’ng in m’em or y of na/narrative me to appear/a pair in center centered centrality of ‘w(h)orl’d'(ing) in spir(al)-ation of d’na creating(acting) in polarity karta/actor in karma/action) to ‘fall’ into any(a na y)thing’k a’s eve’rething’k defined(dhi ‘fined’/fin’d’ed/en’d’ed/en’d’ing/k’no’w’ng) a’s though(t) inward(word) formation.

Thus actuality(play of actor in action) is directed by any(a na y) appearance/a pair’ence  to disappearance.  In singular brain arise a’s though(t) appearance/a pair’ance of right & left crossing over as handedness(right hemisphere directing left hand & vice versa).  Thus singular be’ng comes across(a’s cross[< A- on, in + cross][ < OE cros < ON kros < L crux] a’s A fool(singular ‘son’/a’s on(b’ng) of dhi sire) on a-cross = A’s crux/pivotal Mr. re A point’m’ent as apparent/a pair’ent(ing) ‘shift’ in focus(focal Mr. re point of view/y/yod/you) from y intelligence to any(a na y) artificial intelligence of in word formation under spell(ing) of alphabeta.

We’ll(wheel) now(k’no’wwww’ng) of fortune & misfortune ‘turn’ sum thing(singular/indivisible) up above as though(t) that as(A’s) fool ‘falling’ in to(two) any thing’k’er thing’k’ing down below the ‘ledge’ of k’no’w(ing).  Under that k’no’w'(wwww’ng) ledge we’ll(wheel) turn to reaching out a’s a way of(wave) y ‘grabbing’ the golden r’ing of Mr. re’ing of circumstance of y’all y’ll still(immortal) merely(mirror-ly) standing/star’e’ing here’ing/hear’ing in the first place(B’ng) of k’no’w(ing).

In the k’no’w speaking per-sonically in POW  POW   POW‘erful sound ways of(waves) y b’ng in right hemispheric mode(l) of predominant singular wholistic awareness y’all y’ll still(immortal) appearing/a pair’ing in the (k)now as though(t) in formation & d(hi)formation in word language of subdominant any(a na y)thing’k’ing a’s artificial intelligence of left hemispheric mode(l) of dualistic/do-alistic actuality awareness a’s though(t) b’ng in any(a na y)thing’k.  Speech a’s vital POW  POW   POW power of breath breathed in sound ways of(waves) y k’no’wwwwww’ng out ‘of mouth’ word ‘fences’/dhi fines that feel’d/field of consciousness a’s en’circlement of y complete d’ark’ness a’s infinite potential for causal(ka’s all) effect of apparent/a pair’ent division of eve’re thing’k in (b’ng) hearing/here’ing(b’ng here alone(singular/extraordinary).  That singular extraordinary b’ng here is Intelligence of House of Influence (B’ng Here Hearing) corresponding to key 7 of ABBC, letter Cheth/kayth pictured as charioteer(k’ing) in(b’ng) any(a na y) chariot/kart(karta/k(a)’ing as though(t) kart) & hieroglyph of simple ‘twist’ of flax(fa’x) na included in modern Greco-Roman alphabeta.  Just as(justice) in ‘kayth’/case we’ll(wheel) of a’s thought of fortune & misfortune turn feeling/feel’d’ing/field’ing as though(t) nominative(singular extraordinary first person y’s dom(us)/house/b’ng/y/yod/you a’s though(t) na’med na’tive) ‘falling’ into various cases of syntactical relationship of, in, by, for, from, etc. in other words a’s though(t) other y’s.

Any(a na y) apparent/a pair’ent ‘tower’/erection is above(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire) all as though(t) en(Na)light’en’ing/flashing/striking inspir(al)’ing d’na/denial/k’no’wwwww’ng in sound way of(wave) y function in first place in mere(mirror) (b’ng) here here’ing/hear’ing.  That ‘hearing’ stands still(immortal) y’all y’ll as though(t) in judgement of mem or y.  That judgement of she e  e   e(ve)’n’ing/shin’ing perpetually ‘activates’/’excites’ any(a na y) thing’k as though(t) in formation by tearing back(re-turning as we’ll/wheel want ‘to do’ in y’all n’d’ing) down limitations/e’l’imitations of anything’k.

That which appears/a pairs as too(two) creat’ing in creation(act’ing as though(t) in any/a na y actuality) in the first place(b’ng) is same(sa me) (b’ng) a’s that which appears/a pairs to as though(t) destroy sum/same/sa me thing’k’ing of that.

Thus opposition of creation to destruction appears/a pairs as in actuality/duality/do-ality of divided hemispheres of singular(extraordinary) brain awareness in order to ‘play’ out roles as we’ll(wheel) turning g’round & g’round want(dhi sire) to do, to perform/per form as though(t) in name/na me alone a’s eve’n(a) y’ll still(immortal) b’ng singular/extraordinary ka’s mic me(m or y(ou).

In the ‘missing'(in Greco-Roman alphabeta) key 7, that kayth/case of k(a)’ing a’s k’ing’dom(us) symbolized in ABBC as chariot/kart w/charioteer/karta we’ll(wheel) of fortune & misfortune turn to anthropomorphic allegory of reality y wave function of extraordinary singular brain/bra(hm)in/reality.  The actual division of cerebrum into two halves facilitates any(a na y)thing’k in way of (wave) y function into half & half, k’ing & thing(C/G’eve-D’empress-queen) a’s though(t) thing’k’ing.  They/the y appear/a pair again’st back(Mr. re)g’round city & field of view/you.  The city of stone buildings signifies collective will/we’ll/wheel turning in ka’s mic k’ing man’as mind(mem or y) in finite field/feel’d of view/y/you.  Fore/fourg’round of chariot/k’art on two wheels(we’ll’s) is ‘m’ove’able fence or na gate’t’ing of the(ing) k’ing(t’ing of the k’ing) in as though(t) ‘turning’ inspir(al)’ation of Mr. re in utter’ing right(R-mode)  POW  POW   POW’er of ka’s mic force coming from ‘above'(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire) a’s though(t) thru out any(a na y)thing’k’ing.