in that whorl of world of ka’s all(causal) ka man’as mind as though(t) y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn to any/a na y t(h)ing’k a’s way of eve(wave) re y ‘pointing’ out w/Ma’s(s) re y dias/dios any(a na y) eN-circlement of particularism, that exclusive devotion in(being)to circumstantiality or relativity of y’s s  sz z z ka’s all(causal) bodhi x’s tense as two/twa/twist in(be’ing/be”am’ing) k’now’ing y as a na y\/y na mere(mirror) though(t) being out(x) ‘be'(ing)side(ing)’ that point of view/you/y in(being) super imposed super ‘face”ial  x-plane”ation of that roll/role of complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement that appears/a pairs awake as a t(h)ing, a thought assembly form for Ma’s s  s   s re y dias/dios to completely ark inspir(al)”ation that ‘given’ circumferential actuality functioning now kurve(ing) now/time kurve(ing) in a na y k’now’www’ng awakening of ka’s all(causal) bodhi y’all y’ll/y will/ y we’ll(wheel) turn away(of eve(wave) re y) as though(tsz) x’eting/duplicating(out) that still freestanding star’e Mr. re point of view/you/y.

It seems that devotion of k’no’w’wwwwww’ng any t(h)’ing’k’ing may be due to confusion of de vow’el w/any verb/word/noun/name under literal/letter all spell(ing) of alphabeta.  The vow’el is that ‘the’ /t(at) h(ey) e(iya)/that I am ‘el(singular go(a)d go(a)d’ing of inward(word) capacity for direction of x(out) ray of eve(rave) ma’s s  s   s re y dios function of mere(mere) part’ing of two lips(of still singular mouth) k’now'(ing) as too(two) x press peh ar ti’cu’l’ar breath breathed breathing in sound/healthy/holy/well/we’ll(wheel) ways of eve(wave)re y vibrating in vocal a chord(s) w/ark of covenant between/be(ing) tween/twin(e)/twist of ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi being to perceive form for’Ma’s s  s   s re y dios (m)’ark’ing as though(t) t(h)ing’k’ing x(out) a na y circumferential actuality.  Thus that sacred ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic vow of that ark of the p((e)(h)i ti’cu(be)’lar perpetually x-presses p(eh)’ing’ing a na y t(h)’ing’k”ing till apparently/a pair’ently ‘bouncing’ back(Mr. re) off ka’s mic(mem or y – intelligence – consciousness) in that sound/well/we’ll(wheel) turning microwave(way of eve”re y) back”g”round in ka’s all(causal) myriad(mirrored) mirage(mirror’age) y’all reflecting now by k(urve'(ing)) now y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn inspir(al)’ed ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic bodhi being to perceive hear/here(ing) that k’now ledge merely(mirror-ly) w/standing that still freestanding star’e in(being) x tension/a ledge’d for”ma”tion of resistance in appearance/a pair’ance as though(t) a na y t(h)ing’k’ing ‘polarity’ for now k’now’www’ng y’s dom(us) a’s ‘falling’ off for ma’s s  s k’now ledge in dhi’s a vow’el, that el/go(a)d of vow(ing) to ack’now’ledge, to admit, to allow to ‘en”ter awareness of that awareness of being(in) still freestanding star’e of Mr. re point of view/you/y .  That is y y’all we’ll(wheel) turn in complete devotion, total d’vo’w’lution, complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement to any thing’k or any role/roll of ka’s all complete ‘d’ark for ma’s re y dios.  Now k’now’www’ng y’s dom(us)/building/b’ing we’ll(wheel) turn ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi into appearing/a pair’ing as mem/man as mind or y = me or you.

That devotion as we’ll(wheel) turn inspir(al)’ing as though(t) ‘k’lima’x(ladder) too/two/twa/twist(ing) form(a’s) at tension of ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic/memory-intelligence-consciousness now(time) k’now k’no’www’ng x(out) sum purpose(per ‘pose’ of still freestanding star’e Mr. re point of view/you/y).  A’s it, that, we’ll(wheel), turns out & on, sum purpose is total per/p(eh)i’er pose of that still freestanding star’e now k’now’ing y x(out) siding(sur ‘facing’ in super ‘face”ial’ity) in(being) any/a na y x(out) direction of now k’now’ing ka’s ma’s s  s   s re y dios ar”k’ing of acting in actual ka’s all i\/i t(hat) y(causality)/y that I am now k’no’w’wwww’ng as though(t) merely(mirror-ly) infinite potential (ka’s all”i’ty/causality) in any/a na y circumstantial circumferential act y’all ‘ity'(state, condition, or quality of a na y appearance/a pair’ance as though(tsz) now ‘spinning’ inspir(al)’ing ka’s now’www’ng d’na y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn into I magic”ally of being abel/able ka’s for y’all a long, long, loooooooonnnng mean wile of that a’s ka’s y’s all ma’s s  s   sz re y dios re y dhi ‘A a  a t’ing me”r re y (mirror”y) mirthful(mirror”th ful) cunning/canning/ca(i)n’n’ing joke/i”y’oke chain”ing human'(d)’or y(that hue & cry of man’as mind/mem (d’)or/go(a)l’d y) in ka’s all(causal) k’no’w’www’ng a na y p(eh ‘i)ar t”i\/I cu(be)’l’ar(p’articu(be)’l’ar) way of (eve)(wave) re y t(h)’ing’k’ing of actually(w/out(x) direction) in(being) be”am’ing x(out) psy’t”m’en’t of memory/mem man’as mind (d’)or y/me or you now k’now’www’ng y in that wave(way of eve) re y function of mere mirth(mirror mirror”th) of ka’s all bodhi jo’ke(ing)/iy’o’k(ing) that long long loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnng  mean wile verse of u ni/a na y(y universe) w/that awareness that that I am is appearing/a pair’ing in micro & macro ka’s mic ways).

Thus as it turns out that w(h)orl(d)’ing inspir(al)’ation k’now(k’urv’ing time as time for going around) as though(t) produces a ‘twist’.  In that k’now twist, that twin’e of k’now ka’s ‘ing(causing) k’now’ledge, a ledge or x-tension/potential for x’s tense foolish ‘fall’ in a’s too(two) for ma(form) a t(h)ing, a hey ting of y ma’s LOVE SUPREME appears/a’pairs to separate that sum ‘h’ey’ ting into(two) mem(man’as mind) (d’)or y/me or you/memory.  Now is k’now, a kurv(ing) now/time a’s t’wa y t’wo y t’w’is’t of destiny/ dhi sti/sta (re) x’et’ing e’n(ding) y in a na y t(h)ing’k’ing

Thus Y com-plex’ity is a na y t’ing w/a twist of pi’ng  of Ma’s re y dios playing out roles of complete d’ark’ness/eN-rapture of ka’s y’ll bodhi/being to perceive, to think, to de’sire as too(two) foolishly fall in LOVE SUPREME inspir(al)’ation of ka’s all D’NA/d’na y’ll/y we’ll(wheel) as though(t) turn in two w/standing/resisting remaining still freestanding star’e now x/out side(ing) in any/a na y ‘direction’ of b’ka’s(be’cause) y’all playing on complete d’ark’ness of Ma’s re y dios.

That ‘B’ ka’s is b’ng/key 1 ‘in’ x/out(ing) now(time) b’ka’s ‘in’ k’urv’ing/turning now into the eN for any/a na y potential t(h)’ing’k’ing/t’ing k’ing.  Ar k’ing as though(tsz) from above(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire) to below b’y here’ing now(time) Ma’s re y dios y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn in complete d’ark’ness/eN-rapture of ka’s all(causal) bodhi to awakening, a way of eve/ma(wave) re y ‘k’en’ing’//k’urv’ing no’www(t’i’me) around m’y(mem/man’as mind (d’)or y = me or you)  Mr. re point of view/you/y by play’ing of Ma’s re y dios x re y pe(h) ar’k’ing  b’y(((key 1 – Magician/b + key 9 – Hermit/y’od/iota = 10/a ten/ I-Magician/ Y wwwww’ll’ing I-Ma’gin’n’ing I-Ma’gin’at’i’on))) pi vow’t’ing(t’ing of sacred ‘pi’ vow  vow va  va voooooowwww of p’eh ”i(key 16 The Tower + key 9 – The Hermit = Hermit Tower of The = Still Freestanding Star’e of The.  The word is tau-teth(keys 21 – 8) hey(key 4) e-iy(a)/y iota e-iy(a).

In(being) other words ‘the’ word is a’s pi a ‘orderly constantly computing’ constant for in (h)our myriad mirage(mirrored mirror-age) w(h)orl’d of a na y see’ng(a na y scene)( in(being) macro ka’s mic’ally (d’)or micro ka’s mic’ally a na y magnification follows order of appearance/a pair’ance y being(in) a na y being(in) et cet era. . . . . . . . .t(h)at now(time/tat i\/I me\/em=that I am in(being) form(for ma/eve) a ‘pi’ relationship of apparent/a pair’ent ‘computing’ constant in perpetual ‘order’ of magnification & magnet-ification{under direction of I-Magician I -magin’ing I-Magin’ation that still freestanding star’e}