The (d’)or/’go(a)l’d’ y en/eN/na is a en/na y way of eve(wave) re y x is t’ing’k fun”ction t(h)’ing’k’ing now z k’now’www’ng x(out) y’s dom(us)/building building in(being) that ‘d’or'(go(a)ld/dhi or/to desire or y z x is tsz) of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) mem man’as mind (d’)or y/me (d’)or you now k’now’www’ing x(out)”s z’e’x”y appearance/a pair’ance in(being) as though(tsz) too(two/twa/tw’is’t of wave(way of eve) re y k’limax(ladder) clim’at’e chang’ing y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel), ke’e’p(ke’y e’p”p”’p’eh) turning in complete d’ark’ness(desire k’urve’ne’ss) only(on el(go(a)d) y) a’s too(two) on awaken’ing/a way of eve(wave) re y ‘k’en(d)’ing/k’now’www’ng/kurve now’www’ng(time’ing), ignore/intentionally disregard center centered centrality of Mr. re point of view/you/y by/being z y x’et’ing/(h)and’ing out that still freestanding stare y tsz y x’s tense in now for ma’ing now as though(tsz) k’now’ing(k’urve tim’ing) a na y t(h)’ing k’a’s’ing(causing)/t(h)ing’king in(being) a round/roll/role of that awareness that I am is asz y x’s tense now k’now’www’ng as though(tsz) other y’s y’all.