
That apparent/a pair’ent separation of mean(ordinary) to x-treme(x-tra ordinary) ratio/relation means we’ll(wheel) turn on & on & on in now(time) k’now’www’ng as though(t) in(being) other y’s.


In(b’ng) a c’ng z y out(ing) x now k’now’www”ing(k’urve(ing) time) completely around in(b’ng) a na y roll/role of ka’s all(causal) bodhi/being to think, to desire we’ll(wheel) turn to awaken’ing, to that way of eve(wave) re y now k’now’www’ng en’y t(h)ing’k’ing/(h’ey)ting’k(urve’ing)/assembly as though(t) kurving around that still indivisible invisibility Mr. re point of view/you/y in complete d(hi)’ark”ness of ka’s all(causal) k’now’www’ng(kurve’tim’e”e e  e   e”ing) on, super-face’ialy, a way of eve(wave) re y function(al) x-plane’ation in(b’ng) order to merely(mirror-ly) reflect now as though(ts) of the n’d’ing of eve’re y dios/dias pole”ar’i’ty for opposition to pose against (d’)or ne-gate/a na y gate x(out) w/a moveable barrier to seeing y’all that I am that see”er y’ll(wile) still freestanding star’e now star’e”t’ing out(x) waves(ways of eve) re y function as though(ts) for ma’s(s) sa”ke.