How long does it take to get to the point of view/you/y?

At any given moment, how far from that point of view/you/y might you be?

At any given age, how old is that point of view/you/y?

Is there any difference/space between anything & that point of view/you/y?

Where is that point of view/you/y & when will you get it?

Is there a secondary point of view/you/y from which to view that primary point of view/you/y & thus ‘get’ it?

Y do you k’now anything?

How many pages in that star’e y of a wile will/we’ll(wheel) turn to ‘get’ the point of view/you/y star’e’ing at the screen?

Is anything beside that point of view/you/y?

How do you ‘point out’ that Mr. re point of view/you/y?

Y will/ y we’ll(wheel) turn to that point of view/you/y in z x sight/psy’t/y mind of eve re y t(h)ing’k’ing by z pointing out(x) y that sum t(h)ing is forMa’s s first time now appearing/a pair’ing in(being) memory/me or you?