After too many years working at painting that I am realizing best results can be achieved by letting the ‘paint do the talking’.

Abstract or non-objective art is the natural outcome of this approach.
In abstraction, the viewer,  (the one who sees) becomes the true subject of the art.

“Seeing is totally different from looking”

 Betty Edwards – Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Seeing is always inclusive total in’visible  indivisibility of seer sight seen/scene, whereas looking seems(asz in word though(tsz)) to divide the viewer(subject) from objective object seen/scene.  Familar forms promote looking.  Abstract realism promotes seeing.

Consider drawing, the foundation for painting. The components of drawing, i.e., edges, spaces, relationships, light, shadow, are y’all still visual visualizing visualization.

 Drawing is seeing.  Seeing is realizing the total  holistic nature of oneself.  Seeing  always inclusive of being seer.  Only when seeing turns in word to looking or thinking is the seer seemingly (in word as though(tsz)) divided or objectified from the object seen/scene. Yet is the reality of the whole  ever divided?

In that I am inviting you to consider this possibility. ‘Whatever is objectified/seen/scene cannot but be in fact the subject seer now ‘ignored’ by k’no no no’w’ing/thinking mere(mirror) in word thoughts of that being now out awhile as’ex u’all(y’all), indivisible in’visibility appearing out x’s ting in’formation. In formation of time space in word asz though(tsz) being otherwise .  Y you’re; you now appearing a pairing merely in word as though’tsz in being other Y’s.

Are you the seer, the one who sees?

Is there any difference between yourself and the seer?

Is the seer ever seen?

It seems now k’now’ing the entire objective world, like a dream, is an illusion, a mirage(mirror’age), merely(mirror’ly) arising as though(tsz) within the real subject being, the seer, given apparent/a pair’ent(mirror) reality by in word perception in name and thus for’ma’sz appearing eve’re’y ting out x’s ting before the eyes .

In that we all in turning into & out of that indivisible in’visibility black’g’round of her”e eve re’y body personically y’all into or out of sound waves appearing anybody.  In that turning we all as though’tsz projecting it do not see that seer. In that we all turn into thinking that I am appearing out in word now awhile, imagined as somebody looking at a mirror.  The position of seer remains still center centered centrality of awareness of y’all that appears in mirror memory.  Merely as though, as though’tsz see’ng is that seer reflected in the mirror.  Whatever is seen cannot be that indivisible in’visibility of any individual seer sight see’ng.

Awakening to ‘that’.  I am trying to set your hair on fire, to incite a hair fire value for realizing any appearing being merely a mirrored being. Being still being that seer, neither possessed by nor possessing that, that awareness that I am is is.  That is that which cannot be found because that seer seeing is never lost or separated from that (in)sight seen/scene field of view, of you, of y.  Yet being not realized in(being) y’all seeing as whatever is seen, what is ever really found or lost?  Being alone.  Who does not know that feeling? Feel it. FEEL.  FEEL IT, BEING THAT BEING ALONE, indivisible invisibility of any individual.  Feeling that is realizing being that being, y’all alone the invisible indivisible individual.

“If you ain’t gotten(realized) Aten(Atman), you got nuttin'” There are many correlative disciplines or methodologies of seeing realizing that that ‘that I am’ is is. Y’all learning & earning is to pay at’t’en’tion. That attention re; y point of view is the point of you, of y, of yod-iota-t(h)at I am is is.  Of y you’re; you, re:aten t’ion(t(h)at i\/I on\/am) is is still A(ten) Being in the first place. Pharaoh Akhenaten = Pa’roo’Ma(Parama) A’w/akhen Aten being still in the first place – Pa’roo’m’a – the great house of a being that Parama being is is.

Drawing/ Seeing/ Realizing/ Observer observing observation that that I am is, is in any in word mere(mirror) being being apparently//a pair’ently awake, in(being central point of view, of you as though’tsz projecting) dream and dis’appearing//a pair’ing in the ‘soaking’ invisible indivisible complete darkness of deep sleep, wherein we all(wheel) turn b(l)ack into one(herhimit  eve’re’y bodhi now still point of view, of you, of a y w/intent of intentional(functional) disregard of) being be”am’ing that awareness that I am is is.  We all(wheel) in turn(ing) still may recall that that I am is is present stillness being presence in deep sleep as that, I am still(immortal) that eve’n(her eve’re’y invisible black mirror seas bodhi)(potential’l’y y’all) out x’s ting in formation as in word though’tsz of a pairing w/b’ng c’ng apparently now k’nowing black’g’round awhile awake.

3360+ year old secret paying attention to that awareness behind the three great western religions—-reawakening Pharaoh Akhenaten still being that a b’ng c’ng in the first place Pa’roo’ma A’w/akhen Aten—-awakening a ten binary to that Mr. RE’Y asz X’s ting letter’all’y y’all in word in formation. Considered most ancient of all the Egyptian gods, Mr. re’y is in fact the first abstract principal principle, merely mirrored in word binary appearing a pairing in a being being that awareness, that that I am is is… out(x) black’g’round k’now’ing it as in word though’tsz reflected in mind or y memory of any mere mirrored y na me, you a ten bi na’re’y project projecting a’s though’tsz projection of now b’lack(ing)’g’round k’now’ing being named.  That A’re’y is a re;y a’ten a’re’y’all  bi’na’re’y projected a’s though’tsz by any mere in word mirrored y na you not(denial) now around k’no no no’wing roles or rolls, quantum gravity loop’y loops, of complete black’g’round d”ark’ness.

“That I am all that is, was, & ever will be”. .inscription on bce Egyptian temple of Isis

That I am speaking for that that the whole is is because apparently that I am still that whole that that whole is, indivisible.  The (any y na) individual is the indivisible in’visibility.  This appearance(of these words, etc.) is y/you now(y na) in being out awhile k’now’ing(reading about it still inseparable from being that seer insight seeing these words in the first place) the first indivisible in’visibility of any individual principal principle Mr. re’y standing at attention of the whole.  That principle, Mr. re;y radiating a’re’y’all as in word though’tsz of that awareness that I am is, is a’s ~A~ subject being in the first place that may be approached rationally and scientifically like any subject.  The only difference is the’re y as a re’y’all of the’re’y is no difference(y na/you now turning into or out of differentiation by k’no no no’wing black’g’round denial of indivisibility of it). No or na na real reality differentiation of subject y & object as’ex u’all. X’s ting remains that y’all now out awhile a’s known unknown. Y you’re; you. You, that seer sight see’ng a’s’ex. A’s ex per i\/I en see’ng (experiencing) now out a’while as ka’ing y(asking why), ka now n u n’y ka now n.  Consider this ‘you speak’ like ‘You Tu’be’ as you to be now out in a’while appearing a pairing in time space (a’w(h)ile(cunning deceit of any mere mirrored y na you now in duplicate duplicity) still by being y that indivisible in’visibility of any individual.

That principal principle, Mr. a’re; y that awareness that I am is is a subject y you’re; you y’all that may be approached rationally & scientifically like any subject.  THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE or any mere mirrored y na you now black’g’round k’now’ing appearing apparent difference.

Its not what(na y//y na) we all turn to see, but that we all in turning see(realizing day or night in one indivisible sun shining).

Not what(na y//y na) we all now turn to know, but realizing y that we all in turning now into knowing the’n.  We all turn into one denial as’ka y k’urve’ing now no no no w/ time in roles or rolls of complete d”ark’n’ess(e), a complete electromagnetic loop’y way of her’e way, that way of eve re y, wave re y will we’ll wheel in the quantum(black’g’round bodhi) gravity, the weight or wait of knowing(as though’tsz projecting) the unknown death nun of her will(eve’ll), for ma’sz e turn’all’y y’all turning black’g’round ka’s mic mic’ro wave(her way a’s z z  z any y na you now ka’ ma’ing) black g”round & around & around in complete electromagnetic loops, su’person’ic sound ways of eve re y’body as’z z z z’leep’in’g synapse between head above(having released that tale, that a re’y’all star’e y now out as’z ex’et’ting duplicating merely mirrored as in word though’tsz in formation  by opening mouth as supersonic organ of speech), head above & tail below.  A’s above so below.

There is separation of church and state, thank God?!?, but never separation of the sacred from the secular.  Letters are that sacred ABBC(supersonic alphabeta binary code derived from hieroglyphs) even formed as too(two) be conceived as profane words used in y’all manner of context. That is the most astonishing aspect of ABBC.  The meaning of the sacred letter A B’ng C’ng still in the first place, along w/its sound form in forming sound remains inviolate .  Thus learning a mere 22 mirror letter code generates realization recognition picking up on as though’tsz of being that out in’k’a’s mic memory mirage mere age of being out(x) in word of a while(duplicity) being still(indivisible in’visibility) of any individual appearing a pairing in any mere mirrored y na you now awhile y appearing out a’s ex y’all’s sexual counterpoint.  You are still(motionless) a’s ka’ing y mic memory intelligence consciousness now w/intent of being black, being lack’ing thus necessitating the mother of y’all invention, ka’li Ma, Her time of eve’ll, her will, her way of el wave function energy will turning churning burning black g”round into complete roles of d”ark’ness.

Therefore, that awareness becoming aware of being that being aware of that awareness on this hallowed internet(y n(a)’et-and-duplicity)ka’s mic memory) is, is this wish to consecrate for the whole, a re’awakening of that very principal principle of the whole, that that I am is is that Mr. re purpose of realizing that asz means meaning of life beyond sex drugs & rock’n’roll politics.

That is being now JIVAN MUKTAHA realizing liberation a while living. A while still being in the first place now appearing binary around & ab’out living in denial of it. The print is still readable even though the paper is burnt, crumbling to ash at mere touching.  That is real death, dying, as the idea of being a separate being while still remaining living, while still appearing as though(tsz) separate. Being aware now of being that unknown, that una or a one indivisible ka now n(ka’s mic memory).  A’round binary k’nowing denial of the unknown now appearing out x’s ting in word in formation awhile awake.  Knowing being complete in a while still feeling being completely alone. Being aware of being awareness w/intent of denying, actively perceiving any mere mirrored y na y’all now.

Thus this offer of the beating of tiny moth wings to the sanction of the whole world wide web that y’all will realize what why(instrumental case of what, for what purpose) is the purpose/per pose of that free freed freedom standing status stare y story of you now k’now’ing Dhi’ni’ing(denying) by stare y’ing w/out(x)/seer w/intent of intentional disregard of being invisible indivisible individual (k’no no no’w’ing) sight see’ng is is to help re’surge that a unifying(you in function y in go(al)’d’n) field(feel’ed) energy in re’cognizing inward(word), that re’ality, that awareness that I am is, is in order to find/discern/re’alize/pick up on our salvation, our liberation y’all while still(immortal) living g”round’ed by waiting on death. Realizing being that being free of the weight of the or y mem or y of waiting for death. Y freedom now. Y freedom forever.

We may negate re’ality of that rope to cre’ate mirage snake,


for there is much to learn from a snake, much to k’no no no’w of snake. Y there is much as too X’plane in any role played out.

Y nothing/y na/y now may be discerned asz y x(out) x’eting/anding/duplicating by/being y positive negation of intentional disregard of y infinite potential(mere(mirror) being being) purely for sake of any/an y y na way of(wave) function(objective intent), once we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) recognize that immutable non-objective reality, that that I am is is. That recognition is the beginning of the end of y the belief in nothing/y na asz pseudo predominate reality.  An y mere(mirror) y na’thing is possible in that there is in(being) always(y’all waves) that, that y single invisible indivisible singular that, that awareness that I am is is.

See for yourself.  Science recognizes being, a’s’ex w/out not realizing being a’s y you’re; you still w/in. Objective science must draw the line at that ‘eve’n’t horizon’ crossing which means the end of objectivity, the end of science, of knowledge being as’z though’tsz separate, something other.  Re’alizing being that subjective point of view, of you a’s seer knower still that objective field of view continues, merely as’z though’tsz appearing a pairing that singular being in memory of me or you.  Subject being now objective of y’all being objectivity.  Subject of being that knower now objective, now end of knowledge.  Overstanding point of view, of you, of y still point of understanding being now a’s though’tsz other y’s.

Neuroscience recognizes being x out now awhile still w/out realizing y.

Neuroscience, merely(mirror’ly) that heart-brain studying the heart-brain w/intent of realizing why, why, why, y, y it is. Is it being mere being mirroring that being as’z z  z’apping synapse a’s though’tsz appearing in mem mind or y memory that now recognizes it, if not yet realizes being the predominant mode of cognition is being still that being, that singular invisible indivisible individual experienced directly & periodically as’z z  z’leep black into one un(a)consciousness. That singularity consciousness now awhile out w/intent of d”ark fire a’s’z z  z’leeping eve”re’y neuron w/that known unknown spark of infinite potential black bodhi bo being + dhi to perceive unified felt feeling field of view, of you ni y na function i.d.d’a blackness, being lack’ing, being as though’tsz missing sum t(h)ing’k’ing t’ing now awhile by ka”no no no’wing denying being still completely complete completion. That black bodhi(eve’re’y bodhi), in the sense of sensing being lacking is cause for y(y you’re; you)  as’z too(two) e’gaining beginning(b’gaining) appearing a pairing by awak(h)ening(a/aten w/ak(h)en(akhenaten) in g(G=Quantum/black causal bodhi gravity weight waiting of/on/by/for/in death(‘n’/a n y mirror y na(you not now)}}}}}}}}}}thus death is denial/y’ll d’na/ of y will of any mirror y na duplication duplicity cunning crafty deceit by being you now k’now, k’urving now time, k’urving y’ll d’na(denial-k’no no no’w’ing) around complete quantum gravity loops d’ark matter energy. . . in other words d(h)e'(t)ath is life w/the gravity weight waiting now awhile time space . . .  death . . . wave function{{{way of her@eve’re’y’ma’re’ykali~ma}}}as we all wheel in turn k’no no  no ‘w’ wwwwwwwww(deny) it[invisible indivisibility of it the individual] in that for”ma(nun)’sz z z’sound ways of eve(ma) re y function y will her will eve’ll of Ka’li Ma, that k k ka”urve now time in function of function((((business being now awhile busy being busy (bu being esse’ntially y’all a’s ex[[[sexy beast]]]/nun/ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness) ‘s”z z  z’ap’ping eL-mode the subdominant mode, called narrative, is still completely based on/in being that being now a’s”ex memory zapped(be”am’ing) through the brain/mind’s unique facility, based in’ward(a)l’y//y’all in word a’sz, to perceive, develop, index, and store thought forms(for’ma’s’z z z wwwwww’ay’ve ) (t(h)ings-assemblies a’s though’tsz).  }}}}(((recent research has failed completely in finding any location of long term memory in the brain. That would seem to confirm that, that long term memory arises from subtle(duplicating duplicity) luminous counterpart/dream bodhi[<Skr. bo being + dhi to perceive], said to encompass complete y’all ‘past’ lives))) That subtle luminous counterpart may on rare occasion reveal a past life experience while being aware of awareness in the subtle dream bodhi. Adi Shankaracharya tells of the opportunity open to any dreamer, while dreaming, realize you are the source, the projector projecting imaginary images imaging through I magus magician letter B’in’g key 1 of ABBC. B, Beth, Beta, Be, ba, bo dhi,  bu dhi. A Being in the first Place beth h’ome. Home-boy always being that being ~~~{{{{{ being, being in that home bo’y in the first place is magic magician HERMES hermetic hermit Y’od I’ota alone(immortal,invisible,indivisible). That’s’z z  z’y’all. That’s astonishing mind blowing ‘blow your’e shit’e away k’in’d’a beautiful t(h)an’g.  Being that Ka’s mic being.  Thus subtle long loooooooonnnnnng term memory ‘flows’ from above as below, through the 8th chakra wheel we’ll y will, inches above the head/brain 7-6-5-4-3-2-1st chakra wheel we all turn back into admin administering intellect. This chakra intelligence center wheel we all in turn may experience passing through the transparency intelligence 7th chakra wheel we all in turn experience as Shankara’s projector projecting that ka’s mic dream dreamer seer I-magus Image”ining I’mag”us”in’at’i’on(imagination). I aton ma. I aton ma. It seems to me, lowly home-boy, the problem of confusing(fusing the con, cunning deceit of seer appearing a pairing in me or you))  confusing subject that I am is is now awhile time space appearing objectively divided by the spell spelling ABBC as though’tsz in memory, continues.  That confusion, eve’n(un) in dream, seems to me(my dreams still scare bug the shite out of me) to still carry over, that failure/denial to realize being that still stillness motionless the or y observer of dream eve’re remaining that center centered centrality of y’all cognition(realizing, apprehending, discerning, picking up on being y’all that all along ka’smic being, waking or dream.  BEING THAT BEING. A’s seeing a mirror image, the witness, the seer remains motionless centrality unseen, mirror’ly seen now awhile as though(tsz) in’word out(a’s ex) (p’eh-by word of mouth) and’ing y duplicating as’z though”tsz’ y na you not(denied) by appearing now in name(na memory) only.  }}}}}}}}}}looking in a mirror we”all(wheel) in turn see or imagine to be that (h)our self y y you’re; you as though’tsa in name(in fact center centered centrality position of that seer remains still changeless, immovable) ???w/black ba’g”l’ove memory??? {{{{{{{{{{Why a demented(forgetful) memory fails to associate mirror image as being that first person that I am is is seer sight see’ng out x(unknown) in name only. Also any and y’all cognition remains of that singular singularity focus, one channel as it were. Being that the individual would therefore still be that mere(mirror) being being indivisible in the first place. Realizing that singularity reveals the extraordinary super nature of that awareness that I am is is in any mere(mirror) an y y na being being y’all.

Narrative mode is utterly dependent on being being that, yet that being is never being conceived nor conceiving, merely(mirror’ly) reflected out(x) asz any an y y na t(h)ing-assembly form of thought in word.

You see, then you think. You see, then you think.  YOU SEE, THEN YOU THINK.  Seeing and thinking do not in fact occur simultaneously. Seeing requires singularity, thinking, duality(in’word).  Being that consciousness awareness is indivisible, any so-called ‘shift’ from y being being (Re-mode) to y being narrative(y na) being (aL-mode) is purely intellectual(k’no no no’w’ing, denying that singularity).

Y’all science recognizes being w/out(x) now awhile w/out realizing y being w/in forever, thus it took an artist, Betty Edwards, author of that incomparable book, DRAWING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BRAIN, to own it, to actually realize y y’all being that being. Using drawing as a means, she fully realized drawing is seeing and seeing is being. That being alone(indivisible), that ‘silent friend’, is the eve’re’y bodhi reality of who we all(wheel) are w/intent of turning asz though(tsz) away(wave) from sum t(h)ing’k’ing that I am by merely(mirror’ly) k’no no no’w’ing an y y na bodhi y’ll d’na.

Y’all science it seems must continue its fruitless endeavor to somehow being isolated isolating(objectifying) being, in a sense ignore, intentionally disregard by k’no no no’w’ing objectifying as’z though(tsz) thinking around about the ever present subject subjective presence awareness that I am is is in favor of intent of conceiving objective conceptual absence (of being y) now awhile by na. The artist cannot but embrace being that as all narrative disappears, melts black into the “MAHANTAM VIBHUM ATMANAM”, the great effulgent being as expressed in timeless Sanskrit scripture. {{{SANSKRIT W/OUT lower case}}}

Is seer ever seen? There is apparent reflection of being merely(mirror’ly) being any an y y na body in mem man’as mind’or y/memory/me or you. This reflected reflection(that seer now as though(tsz) seen) demonstrates the incredible power(as well as mere mirror way of(wave) function) of any(an y y na) intent to intentionally disregard/ignore the immutable infinity in favor of apparent objective limitation. This illusion, it seems, is possible under the mere(mirror) spell(ing) inward(word) referential name/form. This conceptual illusion has no effect whatsoever on still being inconceivable non-conceptual being. Yet being that that being ‘fills in’ all concept(awhile appearing conceived – a wile, a cunning crafty duplicating duplicity of y you’re; you appearing a pairing as’z eX u’all(sexual y’all)).

The only real requirement for realization, realizing still being that y you’re; you y’all along, you ‘hafta’ want it. Otherwise(a’s other y’s) you must ignore it, being, in favor of narrative intent which we all turn b(l)ack to then repeat endlessly for conviction of our conceptual self.  Conviction to death. Being still(immortal) that being continues to ‘fill in’ you/y, no matter the concept. Being continues, in reality, to ever predominate. It’s only a matter of time between you and that, and time asz matter is concept of time/now/t(h)at) i\/I me\/em\/am.

Realize that now moment by moment or ignore it lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.

That being said, that single singular ka’smic ka’s all y(causal y) y’all black(her eve’re’y) bodhi being being w/intent y to desire x experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep y’all take black into a(A) deep un(a)consciousness }}}}}}}}}LOVE SUPREME{{{{{{{{{{{bliss                                                   may be realized now asz even merely(mirror’ly) that being being that I am appearing now awhile apparently reading this.

When you realize that, you realize that that I am is, is always complete, cannot be added to nor taken from.

Realizing that, you realize apprehend discern pick up on being freedom now, being freedom forever


Ever(eve’re’y) the center centered centrality, that I am is is never affected by any and y’all circumferential actuality function, being that I am center centered centrality of an y y na storm of visibility, it remains ever indivisible, ever invisible.

Nature of being being is y’all-seeing, non-doing. Yet being still(immortal) ‘fills in’ all actuality, y’all function’all ‘do’-ality.

Seeing is equivalent to meditating. Neither has any effect ever on being w/in other than merely(mirror’ly) reflected reflection reflecting(asz that Mr. re point of view/you/y) asz though(tsz) being w/out(x).

Concepts of motion, creation, and dissolution still do not apply to that being. All concepts, all mental images period, need not apply. Like oil and water, being and narrative only seem to mix now for a w(h)ile, a cunning duplicitous duplicating duplicity of any an y y na mere(mirror) y in being in by being y appearing//a pairing as z y out being x.


Suffering is the jewel of realization. In that, in valuing realizing that, the first least suffering shall be last and the most suffering, the last, first. Suffering is key to evaluating liberation.  That is the y Y  Yeeeeeiiiya.  Y so many human being(s) inhabit plan et (h)’ear’th(((that super sonic super imposed mirage(mirror’age) kama’ing ka’smic black’g’round))) at present as only that ‘k(a)’ing’dom perceives desperation of ([<Skr. dhi -to perceive])separation of being & appearing asz too(two+) a pairing(Y a’s eX’y’all) being(s) in now a(A) w(h)ile{{{cunning crafty daring deadly mere(mirror) duplicitous duplicity}}} of long term memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.  Being, being that is all-inclusive, well hidden in being invisible in y’all beings.   [W/the caveat, be aware of neurologically tracked chemical ‘addiction’ as too(two) suffering. Meditation is conscious means for neurologically re’wiring by brain wave entrainment w/appropo mantra – still it is up to you & you alone just as(justice) you alone fall as’z z  z’leep black into one invisible indivisible individual black bodhi(eve’re’y bodhi) un(a)consciousness w/intent of reawakening(dying to be re’born)].


Are you the be’er, the one who be?

Is there any difference between yourself and the be’er?

Is the be’er ever been?

Still not a thing changes that thing being changeless.

Y is you is yod is iota is that I am.

That I am is you.

Where is point (of view/you/y) going from mere(mirror) being being aware of that to awareness of that?

We all(wheel of fortune & mis(sed) fortune) turn asz too(two) experience three ‘actual’//functional states of reality, deep sleep, dream, and waking. Deep sleep is still the primary functional causal(ka’s y’all-ka=8th chakra several inches above top of head) mode model wherein that, that I am is, is experienced in its true y singularity w/intent of eve’re’y bodhi[< Skr. bo-being & dhi-to perceive, to wish, to think, to desire]. It seems, we all in turn may fail to realize that because being taught and conditioned to believe in y you’re; you is nothing, that you merely appear to disappear & may never realize why, y. As this mere(mirror) an y y nothing/y na is, is only belief, only denial(k’no no no’w’ing) we all(wheel) may in turning still asz though(tsz) in a w(h)ile(cunning duplicitous duplicity) too(two) now actually experience one singular awareness in being be”am’ing that that I am is is. We all, we’ll(wheel of karma) will in turning still now learn to think of y that, that I am is, is as y nothing is, which is pretty much guaranteed to resolve the confusion of appearing only to disappear!?!

Deep sleep is in functional(function assigned to ABBC key 18 the Moon(Qoph) “back of the head” gateway to being primary ‘black’ ness singularity encircling in word dhi-visibility(visual field remains indivisible – seer sight see’ng complete field of view, of you only as though’t’sz divided)  , eve’nt horizon(black whole singularity surrounding ‘window’ of relativity e-motional generation(feeling being alone) as opposed to g-motion(a’sz z  z’leep) into one black (w)hole surrounded by relativity) while awake -preceeds & follows any appearance/appearing to disappear – actuality one singular dark ‘black'(b’ng lack(ing)/b’ng appearing w/out) causal(way of eve’re’y a’sz z  z) body of any an y y na infinite potential still being(invisible indivisible individual) now w/intent, intent of awakening by k’no no no’w’ing eve’re’y thing. Being that, that that I am is, is still eve’re’y bodhi, remains free, even free of causality, free of intent. That that is, is completely free freed freedom of any doer-ship or potential doer-ship, yet in y’all actuality, that, that being that I am is is appears as too(two+) a pair by ‘filling’ every act. Y as x’act’l’y that.

Imagine the power of y infinite potential. Y you’re; you, you feeling being alone.  Feel it moment by moment or ignore it lifetime by lifetime. Thus allotment of lifetimes is infinite.

Imagine the power to ignore that y’all-pervasive infinite being, now by k’no no no’wing/ignoring/denying being that in favor of y na being y’all ‘invasive’.  Realize E.T. w/in as’z y na’ked singularity of blue light, being el u/you (wave)function of light way of eve(ka’li ma – her(the’re) ka’s mic memory)

It is said, ‘we are all part of one indivisible whole.’  That means there are no parts, only that, that singular invisible inseparable whole.

Pity y’all those who have not suffered enough to find themselves that, that ‘true value’ for realizing discerning that feeling of being alone still y you’re; you in the first place.  All too often, we all turning around & around & around may remain convinced and convicted by memory possession and functional obsession with y’all that appears too/two/twist/X/as matter,  still fired by invisible indivisible energy of ignoring around(k’urving no no no’w’ing) y’all that I am.

A pilgrim, after a long, arduous journey seeking a most revered master, asked the monk when would one qualify for enlightenment.
The monk replied, “When one can swallow the entire sea.”

In other words, when he realized y’all along still being that being, that ka’s mic being, that I am is is, re’absorbed all ‘separate’ concept of sea, planet, moon, or stars or galaxies in the ‘blink of an eye’. Being that indivisible singularity y’all along, one need merely(mirror’ly) realize that now awhile ignoring still being that.

Cause always pervades effect. Effect is cause. Realize y’all objective theories(the or y of man’as mind or y) of separate effects and things resolve in that indivisible subjective reality, that, that awareness that I am is is.

Entire universes may appear and disappear in that ‘blink of eye’.

How long does it take a mirage to disappear?

How long & how far from y nothing/y na now that I am, to that one thing y that I am?

When you see, you see forever.
When you be, you be forever.

…… least as far as that I am knowing !?!

You always see in/as that one thing, being that invisible indivisible awareness of seer sight see’ng, yet when you think about it(by being that eve’re’y bodhi potential being able (w/intent of intentional disregard/ignore’ance) to perceive, to wish, to think), other things as though’tsz come inward(word) to mind or y(mem or y), then still merely as though’tsz go, in that still being awareness, that I am is is y now w/intent of potential intentional disregard of y you’re; you appearing a pairing as’ex’u’all .  It seems we all turn into victims of our own ignore”ance by ignoring that being free freed freedom.

One of our closest and brightest stars, Sirius/Isis-Meri, a mere(mirror) 8.6 light-years distant, appears as consort to the constellation, Orion/Osiris, 1500 light-years away.  Myth has it, Meri immaculately conceived Osiris’s only begotten son. That immaculate conception was necessary as Osiris had been chopped in some 30+ pieces in an epic battle with his evil twin, Set. Meri managed to retrieve and reassemble all the pieces except ‘ol Johnson’ and the family jewels. Meri then immaculately begot Osiris’s only son, Horus, as Osiris is forever banished to the ‘underworld’ of the night sky, joined in eternity (at least for a long time) with his saviour, Isis-Meri.
The son, Horus? Well, we all in turning see him rising on that ‘horizon’, banishing his folks to the night ‘underworld’, until he ‘sets’, and once more the battle continues.

Y’all that grand mythos, so far beyond, is being still, that, MAHANTAM VIBHUM ATMANAM, that great effulgent being, that I am is is.

“That I am all that is, was, and ever will be.”…..inscription carved into thousands year-old Egyptian temple to Isis.(being that that I am is is)


That being still ‘fills’ in whatever you call yourself, know that, if not being with out then being within.

Our ‘mono’ god, Horus, banishes the ‘poly’ gods that blaze in the underworld, as he shines till Set comes and all the ‘poly’ gods once more come out to play and slay. As Horus shines still, he is, as far as we all are turning to be concerned, our only sun (our one god!?!…only one that I am now knowing….98+% of the mass of our solar system is the sun……for all intents and purposes, we all appear to be turning into being in, of, by the sun….certainly, there is no appearance without ‘ol Horus).

Doing is being being in way of eve(na/ma)(wave motion) re y functional actuality, yet being still(motionless)ever remains(eve’re’y ‘black’ bodhi)  y’all-seeing, non-doing still w/intent of infinite potential.

Realizing that, that I am is, is avoiding the void. Emptiness, a concept of nothing but mere(mirror) fullness(reflecting as though”tsz now emptiness), still ‘filled’ in with fullness of being, being that, that that I am is always is. Hence all possibility to experience emptiness is in potential actuality but not in being. Being that you cannot but experience the complete fullness of that singularity, that I am now as’z z  z’leep into one un(a)consciousness ………re deep sleep….you do not need actual sleep, to be actually asleep, to recall at any time, any time(now), being that singularity y of the y now e’x’perience(cloaked in complete blackness of her, eve re y(eve”re’y bodhi) ‘n(www) ting(event) horizon).

That I am feeling means that sensory experience, in that ‘satorical/ inner awakening sense, is still primary and best teacher. After y’all, word is based on sensory experience and what can we all in turn say or even look at without them, senses or word.  Our 5 externalizing senses are not means for realizing being, as yet, as that being ‘fills’ in all around and through. Hence that invisible being cannot be seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted,(as other than that, that I am is is – sensory sensation being that being y’all a’sz z  z’leep synapse of ka’s mic mic’ro waving back’g”round ra’dhi(to perceive)ation(aton I)   yet there is no sense to it without being, whether we all turn around as too(two+) realize being y that is or y not(y’ll dna). There is no sense for being it(other than that universal feeling of being alone UNIVERSAL FEELING OF BEING THAT BEING ALONE(INDIVISIBLE) which is certainly all y y’all need to realize it), yet without realizing being it, no sense can be made out of it.

Apparently, being in actuality, we all turn to find ourself a mirage superimposed as something else….re; snake on a rope….then it all begins, for there is much to learn to fear from a snake.

Sanskrit, called the ‘elder sister’ of Greek and Latin, far from being an archaic ‘dead’ language, breaths with the bearing, function, and design for realizing that being thru the beginning & end of knowledge(vedanta). In that tree of knowledge, that is beginning, middle, end of all its branches. Being that(the k’no no no’w’er of) knowledge, that awareness that I am is is, never becomes subject of itself as other than it being that being that I am is is. That singularity may never be divided unless it seems we all turn as too(two+) do doing it intentionally on purpose, for whatever purpose/intent we all in turning into it might imagine(eve’n now being busy merely(mirror’ly) being busy). That is not something we all by turns need to know out of necessity, but purely should (h)our hair spark on fire. HAIRFIRE prevents ignoring that. That fire of really wanting to know is a gift of long hard suffering. Otherwise there is no need to know as being still ever(eve’re’y bodhi) continues to ‘fill-in, completely and unequivocally, all ignore-ance of that. Of that I am sure. An ignoring that, that continues lifetime after lifetime after lifetime ad infinitum ad extreme nauseum.

Could say, everything(her eve’re’y black bodhi) (in mere mirror concept) from ignore-ance k’no no no’w’ing of one indivisible thing’k’ing(k’urving now/time after time after time awhile around complete rolls/roles of d”ark’ness of her eve’re’y bodhi, that dhi ark of the covenant agreement w/the go(a)d of energy, gravity of waiting to die, to end by beginning – to perceive a k’urve in now, in time by her awhile, her cunning duplicity of mirror waves of function, that funny action of being busy being busy). That is always always ALWAYS now free choice we all by turning black around(as too(two+) face the re’ar(y you’re; you), the tail, the tall tale of ((h)our e star’e y) may make in any any ANY moment of time. We all(karmic wheel) turn as too(two+) choose either to ignore that(being still being that one being now a’s two busy being busy)   or realize that, that I am is is.

Power of infinite potential of that in actuality, any and everything is potentially possible. In reality sans actuality, one thing remains that, being that, completely free freed freedom that that I am is is.

What does it take to ignore yourself?  One thing a’s the power of ignore-ance of that reality, the beginning, middle, end of that being one thing now in potential to be anything, any time, any place even as all the while and woe still being that singularity, even dualistically conceived in actuality, that MAHANTAM VIBHUM ATMANAM, is is that I am reading these words or ignoring them.

Being fills in, unequivocally, a’s light entering a lens.

All concept insentient without being that I am.

REALITY from root re/al. That being that divine, that Mr. re that is al(l) that is el.
El for elohim. Elohim may be thought of as other beings, considered genetic engineers for human being, that being, said to inhabit that specific planet, that we all turn to know. Still, we all may turn to find that they, the y are y’et ‘filled’ in as it were, and continue to be that ever singular being that I am reading this.

“The self is being known as ‘that I am’ to all people and no one has any doubt about this.” T.M.P. Mahadevan(even when thinking that I am doubting this)

Words are concepts of letters of alphabeta. Alpha being that y(a y) immutable singularity that seems to love to appear//a pair in B’ng any an y y na mere(mirror) potential b/beta/in any an y y na x(out) beginning. A/alpha//B/beta, a being both consonant and vowel//form & sound, fills all need for potential to appear/a pair as too(two) being(s) ‘in the beginning’ of actual wave function.

Alpha is key 0 in ABBC, alphabeta binary code.  Alpha state ‘A’wa(y)(a)re’ness/ awareness realizing being beta that complete singular zero completion is needed for an y y na 1 B’ng to be a ten complement/binary and thus a a’s b’eing appears/a pairs asz too(two) transit from above/ove ab/ove father/ove sire/dhi sire/energy/en y erge . A to b to be ab’le to be possible to be actual an y y na mere(mirror)wave function. Alpha contributes zero to any an y y na mere(mirror) one.  Alpha zero effect on mirage(mirror’age) an y being being y na, y’et being(in){{{y et’ing/anding/duplicating}}} an y y na & every effect.
Beta is key 1 in binary letter code.  Beta = Beth = Bold = Building//building =in dwelling for human(((hue & cry of man’as mind’or y))) being = fixed abode, a locus, a place from which potential movement is possible. Area, a re a , being divine being. From that area, any an y actuality(karma) merely(mirror’ly) y na appears//a pairs to move out(x), asz too(two)w/a y(wave) function functioning, y to ex’it//x et’ing//(h)anding//duplicating, asz too(two) y x exist//x is t(at)/that way now merely(mirror’ly) k’now’ing as’z’en y y ne(a).

There are 2 schools of Zen. Northern and Southern. Northern subscribes to the ‘quietude’ of meditation as a path to enlightenment. The Southern school developed from its 5th patriarch. Hui Neng, an illiterate peasant who abruptly merely(mirror’ly) realized that being being that in(being) which no path in or out, to or from is possible. That sudden satori/awakening occurred when Hui Neng, while gathering wood, inadvertently overheard a monk chanting Diamond sutra. That awakening eventually led to Hui Neng being proclaimed 5th patriarch of that ‘abrupt’ Southern school.  Because, he said, “I don’t understand Buddhism.” All ideology is filled with reality yet too often fails to see that ‘forest in all the trees’, all concept and complexity never ‘stick to the filling’.  In(being) that, awakening w/out path to opening eyes of seer sight seeing realizing that that I am is is.

Alpha/aleph/aton/A10/atman/adon/adonai/atom/adam/aum refer to mere(mirror) being asz too(two) being(s) appearing/a pair’ing an y y na that I am is & is na.

Infinite potential still(immortal) ‘fills’ y’all, during any an y and y’all y na(nothing) actuality.

In(being) that y’all can have y na(nothing) asz being reality in wave functional forma’sszz z  z a(A) w(h)ile, a cunning crafty deadly duplicity during and thru any and in all actuality, as after all it is only mere(mirror) an y being appearing//a pairing being y na, asz that modus operandi, y infinite potential potentially y na……at least as far as that I am telling!?!

In trying to make sense of that, we all(wheel) might turn asz too(two) reverse thread, tread in re-verse, as it were, from sensing without to sensing within. We all(wheel of fortune) may turn asz too(two) find that being awareness being within, that core faculty, feeling, that somehow, we all(wheel) in turn(ing) all’y know, that wisdom ‘SARVASYACHAHAM HRIDDHI SUNHIVISHTAH’-‘that I am well established in the heart(hriddhi) of y’all’ enraptures qualities of discernment, judgement, discretion, and sagacity, with a capacity for profound thought and insight of that & it seems heart primary faculty of being mere(mirror) being in way of(wave) function actuality~~~{{{{{{“heart’s intelligence” defined by HMI-HeartMath Institute-nonprofit research & education organization working to better understand heart-brain coherence asz “flow of (that) awareness & insight that we experience once mind & emotions are brought into balance through self-initiated(y’all ‘hafta want it) process.  This form of intelligence is experienced as direct intuitive knowing that manifests in thought & emotions that are beneficial to ourselves & others.”. . . .a path w/heart. . . .w/out which leads to fatal heart disease so prevalent in modern high-stress society . . . .”In 1991, the pioneering work of J. Andrew Armour, M.D., Ph.D., showed that the heart literally has a mind of its own.  W/as many as 40,000 neurons, the heart has a nervous system that functions independently from the brain.  The technical term coined for this system is the intrinsic cardiac nervous system, more commonly known as ‘heart-brain’.  The discovery was so monumental it led to a new field of science called neurocardiology.”. . . . .Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza}}}}}~~~  To that being asz ‘heart-brain/he(y) art-bra(hm)in/being being reality’ y’all senses act as subsidiary agencies to complete feeling/fielding/bio fielding being alone(indivisible).  Wisdom of mere(mirror) being that being ever to be realized, is ‘built in’ the very potential of any an y and y’all y na actuality wave function. Is that urge(((energy/en y erge))) for(ma’sszz z  z) freedom there in that wisdom? Is that erge/urge to find permanence in the midst of impermanence that thing we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) feel/field in the heart of y’all that matters?
In that sense, we all(wheel) are turning feeling/fielding as a noun(name//y na me), as that thing now k’now’ing/k’no no  no’wing/denying with y potential for y na(d’na y’ll) actuality. That that thing y now k’nowing(wheeling/we all k’urving around time after time after time) makes sense as a transitive verb needing complement, assumes general ability to have and to hold through agencies of sight, sound, touch, taste, smell.  In that we all(wheel) now k’now’ing may touch asz ka’s y’all ka’s mic micro wave waving instantly backg’round. In(being be”am’ing) that we all(wheel) may turn asz too(two) apparently/a pair’ently contact that, because it, the thing is, now here k’now’ing there, (at least as far as I can tell……somehow it(ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi) ‘arrives’, no matter where, when, however we all turn asz too(two) get there, to arrive in that split-second before us so that we may have the pleasures of its company, be in apparent/a pair’ent companis, that we may now assemble(that t(h)ing’k(a’s)ing), that we may now ‘break bread’) a simulation becomes as simulation, assimilation of that mere(mirror) being being as though(t), actor(karta), as though(t), action(karma). It seems we imitate(mirror) that being in being that reality ‘backs’ all play, ‘fills’ all imitation/simulation with alpha, a ‘s, as it is as though(t) that is y ever appears/a pairs (e)x u’all y potentially other in(being) being merely(mirror’ly) that awareness that I am is is. Y potentially to be is potentially an y y na to not be……y potentially to touch, to contact, is y to potentially lose touch, lose contact. Being merely(mirror’ly) being that, ‘fills’ all conceit is what we all(wheel) may turn asz one too realize given that wish, that longing, that desire, that de sideris, that from star… bar…….we are that I am reading this.

That mere(mirror) being being used as transitive verb always requires complement, as though(t) complete being needs completion……. as though(t) that I am is, is always needing complement, re;  that I am born…..that I am growing…..that I am feeling….that that I am is, is always complete completion, still(immortal & indivisible), only as though(t) appears/a pairs of memory/me or you to be any t(h)ing’k’ing that I am seeing any//an y y na t(h)ing’k’ing.

That I am, as transitive verb, seems to transit to complement, to completion even all the while and woe, ever merely(mirror’ly) being being that completion.

Eye surgeon to intern….”study well and research the eye, but never forget it connects to the brain and never forget the brain connects to the heart.”

Heart and brain always that single feeling/fielding/bio fielding alone(indivisible) as right and left brain hemispheres (Re & aL) always a single singular brain, that, as male female always the human, being that reality to engender the generis, the race to be that one asz too(two) realize realizing that ‘who’ that I am, reading this, is important

Let being being ‘fill’ in as though(t) that it were, already here.

Thing is that mere(mirror) being, being that thing, is not subject to/of time yet at no time is being being without that thing.

Reality never constrained within concept as concept never constrained by reality.

That personna is a’s simulation, as though assimilation of that person, that PURUSHAH, EVA IDAM VISHVAM, that person alone is all this. ETAT YO VEDA, he who knows/realizes that,……that PARATPARAM BRAHMA, that great immortal being…..NIHITAM GUHAYAM, exists in the heart of every being…….SAH,he……VIKIRATI AVIDYAGRANTAM, destroys here (& now) the (k)not of ignore-ance……..SOMYA, o’ good looking one…….MUNDAKOPANISHAD (II.i.10)

Nothing changes being changeless.

No time being timeless.

Imagine being that y infinite potential possible only with y B g(a)inning y na N’ding .

Imagine anyone as having that been once your mother.  In(being)forMa’sszz z  zion, that ‘hill’/he’ll care/desire carrying carrier way of eve(ma)(wave).

N/nun is key 13 in ABBC, alphabeta binary code. N meaning cause, source, origin. N like M, retains hieroglyphic form of wavy line, re…..MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
NUN is noun and verb as generative power… water rises from sea to fall back, potential motion of being circular, circumferential actuality always utterly dependent on that center of being that I am which permeates all potentiality as sea permeates mostly unseen, hidden in the spell(ing) of alphabeta. Potential cause is potential effect. Being that has no potential beginning without N’ding.

Love is nun other than that being in bliss of infinite potential actuality, we all experience cyclically. That causal body first potentially appears in oscillations of electromagnetic energy waves. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

WAVES of heyvavhey of being yod/iota/that I am. Yodheyvavhey…..yodheyvavhey……..yodreligre..yod-re-lig-re..being that I am that divine ‘connecting’ that divine…..yod re lig re = yodheyvavhey.

We may find that I am as both actuality and state of being who I am. As noun, as nun, is that thing as love/bliss un-manifested, love manifested, and love being manifested, potentially. Do we want to be that love or taste that love? That is to be a’pple or bite a’pple?
Overcome evil/transience of nun realizing good being that permanence in ja/yod/iota/that I am.

evil=(OE) yfel= y fel= you/yod fel(l). That fall is spell(ing) of alphabeta, in that actuality of objective name/form, in that we may appear to bite apple even while being apple, so to speak.

Joshua called son/light of Nun. Jesus=Ja-sus=Joshua=Ja shu a=Ja liberates/liberation/salvation……”to that wisdom declaring whole cosmic order to be a process making for free freed freedom, every heart responds.”


‘No force or law of universe inimical to human or obstacle to this freedom,’..ancient intuition.

It seems, when we understand that one thing, that LOVE SUPREME, ‘not silly ecstasies of emotional adoration for personal deity’,that love is ‘the fruit of understanding’ in that one being expressing order of the heavens, always whole/holy working towards/in liberation. In that we may advance from fear of Creator/Creation to that wisdom in realizing that order, that condition wherein love casts off fear and with that deeper understanding comes freedom from fear of death/nun. Now it seems time is close at hand when human shall master the secret of death, nun itself. In that are we able? Being that death is inevitable as being only that immutability ‘fills’ in inevitably. That thing is ‘kingdom’ of being that great effulgence, that brilliant radiance, that certain splendor, in actuality as impenetrable darkness of infinite potential to be in any and all manifestation may be revealed in realizing that I am reading this.

That fall may be that spell(ing) of alphabeta a’s b’ing a’s b’ginning to b a’s with b’ginning comes n’ding.

Are we coming up on being that, when we gaze to edge of time?

Binary reality being that I am, tho non-doer, may potentially appear in actuality reflected in ABBC alphabeta binary letter code a’s b’ing c’ing.

C/G key 2 = Gimel= Camel=Came el=potential motion of coming and going-travel, communications, commerce in association, combination, co-existence. As moon appears to wax and wane, personna, reflecting person a’s being b’ginning and n’ding, appears to disappear.

Zero key in binary reality in that 1 potential out of zero-0-reality complete with out ‘stuff(y)’ concept other than that I am.


M = key 12 = mem = seas/water= ‘seed and root of all minerals’=matter=mother.
Water first mirror, reflects upside down. Suspended mind being in potential, ‘hangs’ from T crossing of vertical I with horizontal M as mem-or y potential suspended as it were in t hat, a’s b’ing born 2 die a’s 1 zero’d out in that thing being that I am reading this.

Purushaha/person = “Ancient of days” reflected in re-verse, upside down a’s personna. Realizing that it seems being that walks in ‘all things contrary’ or are we putting ‘cart before horse’? Let horse of being that pull of cart, let b’ing b, so to speak as being that I am liberated liberation from ignoring that reality. Reality that is only thought to be reflection in reverse, re verse in fact turning away only in potential actuality a’s b’ing ‘fills’ in thru-out. All potential to be born to die in zero gravity, ever ‘bodiless amidst bodies’, realizing that center everywhere, that potential falling can in reality only be that a’s concept in word that I am thinking of a’s reality. Remember? Re mem b re. Memory always recalled now, called re in (dis)guise of any and every thought.

…JA LOVE…JA LOVE…JA LOVE……..babycakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All action appears circumferentially in that being ever reality, ‘in front’, ‘behind’, ‘to right and left’, ‘below, above, and extended everywhere’. In that you/yod always observe from center out you/yod are the center of this universe, this VARIShTAM BRAHMA…reality most whole.

We cannot but be being this centrality as every child realizes before falling completely under the spell(ing) of alphabeta and learning to think otherwise.
Realizing being that I am, we cannot but be that, that I am, & must be a fool to feel sorrowful as here we are appearing to find sorrow and joy to heart’s content/discontent.


……following some musings from 6 months solitude rebuilding partly demolished cabin, former home 23 years in remote forest in N.Cali, on west-fork creek, 2014 {{{{later burned to the ground in largest wildfire in Cali history, 2018}}}},…with occasional visit from M.& P……..(from notebook(w/asides))…sun-streams announced in flashing water…..4/7/14 Alone up a creek. May Lord give me strength to accomplish goals a’s I’ve already failed here before…4/8 sun rising through misty vale-whose going to win out? Dreamt of going/coming home-at the end the dirt road that curves off to the left. Dark, moon is down with rain & road winding…4/9 Tea & walnuts for breakfast. Quiet with crush of moving creek, solitude w/out distraction…finding myself full or empty?

“TAT/that[Sanskrt w/out lower case], by knowing which the unheard becomes heard” Man.VI,i,3

“All this has that(Brahman/reality) as its self” Man VI,vii,7

…4/10 Face sun, phone out-just glad generator ok(miles off grid). Black cat came to visit last nite(in dream-cat expression of creative need) Frame ceiling of 2nd fl. bath today. Chac & messe, baby-O Lord give us this day…4/11 Day 5 but whose counting !?!- how long in this vast forest, this wilderness where batteries go to die & electronics waste in the dust and blood, before personal reality starts unraveling? Not a’s long a’s have spot of tea & sun shines-what about friends? do we really have them? or do they have us? If the Lord said, “Prepare ye for death.”, what would you do? no body will accompany you-best to find the only one that knows the way…………

That re-absorption in being that, that I am, a’s causal body, that singular darkness in which I may find only that I am that now a’s dark/black/negra whole, that a’s black hole demonstrates experientially how easily, a’s free from any constraints, effect/affect, always a’s potential, we being that cause, re-turn a’s that cause. A’s bracelet is gold all along, even as bracelet goes gold is.
Perhaps in death/nun, we may find a’s in deep sleep, a’s that black holeness/holiness, that gold of potential bracelet, ‘washes/watches’ over all illusion/allusion, melting bracelet black into gold…….(& mostly we caint wait for ‘sundown’ to get back there!!!!!)

“Even science is welcome at this feast(of divine ambiguity[of that I am being that I am]), so long as it can renounce its monopoly of interpretation, its flacid totalitarianism, its absurd paradigmatic hierarchies, its pathetic triumphalism, and its lack of playfulness.”

SAaDHANA/DHYANA/Ch’an/Zen/Zero = spiritual practise realizing that……”Therefore one should hate this”…enlightened man should have re-pulsion a’s well as propulsion for/to results of work….should know well not a thing may be added to being oneself.

4/12 Sun rises- Re-Horackty- Horus, only begotten sun- on horizon- one sun among several gadzillion – but the only one I’m feeling as warmth on my face…4/13 M.&P. brought supplies-good stuff w/almond milk. Sunshine bathes w/soft warmth a’s rushing water caresses ears w/ sound earth blood pulsing her arterial high and low ways. Reassure her/me I’m not looking for a vagina- to get into or out of…not meant to be personal just one man’s expression of a universal design. 14/14/14 – Remembrance-C-my first love/lover @ 18-we met in a snowball-wet hair clinging to cheeks color of hot cherries-eyes sparkling w/innocent wonder-1967- what a goddess-I managed to shred it all w/in 5 mos.-only C I’ve ‘known’. 14/15 Found the boy…ok…some scrapes & bruises…”When one can save oneself by running on foot, one should not move on ones knees.”

“One, that constantly thinks thus, ‘there is only this world, and none(nun!?!) hereafter, comes under my sway again and again.” Lord Death (KA I.ii.6)

4/16 Wired & fired (the casa @this pt.,framed&shingled,need wire, frame&plumb by co. bldg.prmt. dead-line some wks ahead) by sun-rays bursting stoney ridge. What is word? O Lordy, give strength as machines rip sky…..friends? (by 65 alot have passed away) I have not a thing that they want-too bad for them- I’m holding the C-note.

Speaking of descent: “Then they resort to this very path again, just as they had come. They reach space; from space air; having become air, the sacrificer becomes SMOKE; having become smoke, he becomes vapor; having become vapor, he becomes cloud; having become cloud, he pours down (as rain).” (Ch. V.x.5.)

4/17 She came to me in dream, dog woman-strange creature- howlin’ like coyote yet super-sensuous- extension of novel(I had in3/4 r.d.) Cheri w/first good kiss in many moons-not so important for old-fart w/out adequate space/time,&circumstances….for real thing……

…aside from all that…LORD YAMA/Death put me on this path at 2 yrs. when ran over by 1950 Chevy panel truck, delivering?………Lord sayeth, “That I am, the pickle of life,…so shut your pie-hole, be still(ness), observe….it’s okay(do-k)”……..1973 Haight/Ashbury, then a book, TAROT by Paul Foster Case/PFC, then, 1975 Laguna Beach, AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA by Dane Rudhyar.

D/Daleth key 3 = door=do’or/er admits or bars a’s that thru which some(one)thing passes…that do’or suggests defense, protection, preservation, safe-keeping…a’s motion, motion into & out of…egress ingress…egress ingress…egress ingress…departure from womb b’ing house & re-turn…storage, conservation, & development of all that is useful to us…planetary attribution= Venus=Hathor=Athor=Tora= to ra, re mem b re…WISDOM or FOLLY …direction East= E a’st= E[vowels a&i fold into eiya a’s ya/yod]/Y/Yod es t/Th a’s t…D=Dhi=Bud dhi= Buddha=dha=dhi= wise man that grieves not, being that.

Th a’s t(ee hee)/Tav key 21 = signature= mark a’s cross of ‘=’ a’s ‘+’…tau=tau cro’ss = salvation a’s final seal & witness completion in GREAT WORK a’s liberated(li(e)-berated) liberation…that is that center, that “palace of holiness in the midst” said to “sustain all things”…”where man can commune w/God”…65 Adonai/ADNI/ADON/ATON–aton/ator= center where 3 mother letters[A-M-Sh] cross= 5th dimension[3space+time=4+being that a’s 5](d’hi mention that?)…spatial relations ‘n single here a’s time relations single now…culmination of con-centra(l)ation/realization…time/Saturn devours ‘his children’, “absorbs its own expressions back into itself”….DOMINION & SLAVERY …right interpretation of necessity for (apparent) limitation, secret of dominion, wrong interpretation cause for (apparent) slavery to conditions…”He who would rule must first obey”…ADMINISTRATIVE INTELLIGENCE, active part in cosmic government…kingdom of having fully enfranchised citizen charged w/full responsibility for execution of law… key 21 -3 & 12/21–sum of #’s 0-6- compare to these keys(& don’t forget to remember to include that 0 sum in all calculations) a’s series of trumps #’s 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, & 18.

L/Lamed/eL key 11- Justice– a’s verb= to teach, a’s noun= a goad to realization, that inward urge/drive/capacity for self-direction–from center that actor, even a’s appearing in/on a’s many stages, remains ever infinite potential to be’yond, further on, to the far, f’ar, that ‘ar/ra re-mem-b-re that who I am is here right now.

Triptich panel 2 oile 40"x30"

Triptich panel 2 oil 40″x30″

Triptich panel3 oil 30"x40"

Triptich panel3 oil 30″x40″

Triptich panel 1 oil 30"x40"

Triptich panel 1 oil 30″x40″