
forMa’s s  sz  z z order of I mag(e)in’ing in any/a na y roll/role of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) complete d”ark’ness of that way of eve(wave) re y dios (d’i)ci’ty function  merely(mirror-ly) in z any/a na y x psy’t’ing/out(x)sigh’ting/t(h)ing’k’ing out(x) z . . . z . . . .z’ing  thoth(tsz){{{pow . . . . .pow   . . . . .PO’W’er of that Go(a)d}}} of y man’as mind or y z x’s tense is.

That is forMa’ing inward/word’ly in(being) forMa”ation/aton i\/I forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios (d’)city (d’)ark’ing pi voting around & around & around that first place now k’urve’ing/k’urling now around in(being) inhabited/in(being) ha’bi’t’ed/ha'(ve)d(bi’d) a’s either (d’)or((d’)er) in(being) that mean(ordinary) & extreme relation forMa re y tsz y out(x) lining complete rolls of ka’s mic ka’s all duplicity/city d’upes playing out(x) now k’now’ing that universe, that verse/wile of ni u/you/y, of a na y ting/assembly as thoth(tsz), that go(a)d of k’now’ing art(being), science/psy’en’ce/peh (a)r sonically/sound’ly in that way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) here’ing/hear’ing that echo echoing that ka’s mic micro wave(way of eve) re y dhi’ation/aton i\/I (ka’m’ing) back’g”round in that mean(ordinary) & x-treme, in(being) of that highest degree, relation of memory/me or you.

ForMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios city a universe, a you ni verse, a weight’ing for a long, long, loooooooooonnnnnnngggg wile/verse of cunning/ka’n’ning/conning duplicity of y/you in(being) (d’)or”d’er of I mag(e)n’ing in way of eve(wave) re y function in mere(mirror) thoth(tsz y x’s tense){{{y/you/yod/HERMES function x(out) = k’no’w(ing) thoth(tsz) forMa’s s’}}} of y’all y’ll/wile/y will/y we’ll(wheel) roll/role on & on & on forMa’ing a’s long, long, looooooooonnnnnngggg (d’)or short a wile/verse of ni/na u/you/y that a na y forMa’s s  sz  z z a wile y city of d’upes/oo’peh se forMa’s s  sz  z z en’joy’m’ent/en rapture/en roll’ment forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios city y’all.

In that forMa”ation, that (d’)or’ga(i)n isz’ation of community/ka’man’i’ty of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive, to think, to de’sire in(being) complete d”ark’ness now k’now’ing awakening/a way of eve(wave) re y ‘kur’ling now(time/that I am) to be x planed/spread out(x) w/super face’i’ality(way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) ‘facing’ the mus(e)’ic’ing on ka k’e(y) forMa’ing a long or short w(h)ile depending on y/you/yod & you/y/yod feeling/feel’d’ing/field’ing being alone still that freestanding stare y in any/a na y felt/feeled/field of view/you/y periodically now k’now’ing rolling back up in complete d”ark’ness of that Mr re point/period of view/you/y ka’s all(causal) k’now’ing out(x) z y that awareness that is z y x’s tense of first person present singular that I am is.