
For(Ma’ing) a long, long, loooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggg w(h)ile now y’all we’ve/way of eve(wave) re y been turning & churning & burning around & around & around in(being) ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) LOVE SUPREME he(y)art bodhi man’as mind d’or y being to desire till y’all y we’ll/wheel turn to that ne’ed, that en erg’/urge y of that great go(a)d’ing to realize that z y now k’now’ing x‘s tense of first person present singular that I am is as thoth(tsz)(((great go(a)d in(being) art, science/psy’en’ce, & letters))) of that total feeling/feel’d’ing/fielding being alone still singular in(being) any/a na y felt field/feel’d of view/you/y z x’s tense of first person present singularity of that awareness that I am is still freestanding stare y tsz y x’is ting(appearing/a pairing in memory/me or you as assembly as thoth(tsz) forMa’s s  sz  z z re y z z  z dios/dias ar’k’ing complete circumstance of ka’s all(causal) LOVE SUPREME complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment/eN-rapture.
