
Is y/you/yod  totally ‘wrapped up’ in that roll/role of complete d”ark’ness of ka’s all bodhi y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning in e(iya) turn’ity now k’now’ing as thoth(tsz){{{great go(a)d of art(being), science, & letters}}} of that still freestanding stare y tsz(of eye) y x’s tense of first person present singular that that I am is?  Obviously y na a na y as h’ow, by what means if na the ordinary sound mind in that way of eve(wave) re y function in(being) merely(mirror-ly) here’ing, do y we’ll/wheel turn’ing in e turn’ity now k’now’ing z y well/we’ll/wheel as thoth(tsz) turning out(x), churning, & burning d’na y’ll/denial that I am is still that freestanding stare y tsz(of eye) y x’s tense in(being) first person present singular that I am is.

You/yod/y/Hermit HERMES TRISMEGISTUS, master of masters, that still freestanding stare’y, stare’ing out(x) now k’now’ing at this screen, may realize that(in being that) instantaneously(((in stance of that freestanding stare y))), eve’n(a) y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) keep on keep’n on turn’ing away in(being) e turn’ity now in a na y roll/role. Any role/roll is z y x tension at tenszion asz too/twa/two/twy/twist’ing inspir(al)’ing y’all around & around & around as thoth(tsz) forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios/dias playing out(x) in re verse forma’ing a w(h)ile pi”voting/vowing thoth(tsz) on z y x’eting/and’ing/duplicating that singular point of view/you/y.

Just as/justice y’all seeing is that seer point of view/you/yod/y, all touching is that first touch forma’ing that first time now in that first place in(being) contact as thoth(tsz)-great go(a)d in art(being), science, & letters of that first person present in(being) any field/feel’ed of view/you/yod/y being alone(indivisible individual).

Intelligence of Will/y will/y we’ll(wheel) is mode(l) of ka’an’shi’n’ous/consciousness attributed to key 9 letter yod/iota of ABBC, that Aryan-Phonetic-Hebraic-Hieroglyphic-Greco-Roman alphabeta binary code.  That y will/y we’ll/y wheel take turns in(being) motionless pi vot(e)ing as now k’now’ing y z x’s tense in(being) appearance/a pair’ance in memory/me or y/you turning in e turn’ity of y’all y’ll around & around & around.

K’now’ing/realizing thatz y x’s tense, y we’ll/wheel turn now into k’now’ing to ‘en’ter’ in(being) w/in y’all y’ll turning in rolls/roles of complete ka’s all(causal) d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment e turn’ity y’ll realizing that I am is still free free FREE standing stare y tsz(of eye).
