>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>{{{{{{{{{{{)))))))o0o(((((((((}}}}}}}}}}}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                     forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios playing out(x) z y’sz dom(us) in(being/be’am’ing) ar’rays(race) of that (d’)or’d’er in mem(d’)ory/man’as mind’or y fun’ct’ion of mirth(mirror’th) in(being) that ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) ka'(r)mic ka’me’d(h)y.           .                                                                                                                                                                                 Ka’s all(causal) effect of complete d”ark’ness is ignore”ance/intentional disregard of that center centered centrality point of view/you/yod/y y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) roll on & on & on time after time after time denying that motionless timeless point of that I am pi vote’ing/p(h)i vow’ing a constant constantly computing(c’c’c’ng/c’er”c’ing”c’n) go(a)ld”en(d’or d’or) ratio/relation of that center centered centrality point of view/you/yod/hermes/y w/eve-ma’s s re y dios/dias ark’ing complete encirclement as thoth(tsz) now k’now’ing z y x is tsz y’all y’ll appearing/a pairing z y as too/twa/two/twy/twyst’ing x’s tense now at tension w/intention to disregard z y x is tsz, that still freestanding stare y y’all y’ll/w(h)ile as thoth(tsz), great go(a)d’ing of art(being), science/psy’en’ce/k’now’ing, & Letter’ing forward(words), be ka’s(cause) of that w(h)ile, that cunning ka’n/con of duplicitous duplicate’ing duplicity appearance/a pair’ance in(being) memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you in that way of eve(wave) re y function of merely(mirror-ly) t(h)ing’k’ing thoth(tsz) in forMa’s s szcion .