~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y o y o y o y o y o y o y o y o y o y o y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Y/yod(((Hermes)))/you keep turning on & on & on as thoth(tsz) z y y’all x’eting/and'(or’d’or’ing)ing reflecting/deflecting mere(mirror) thoth(tsz) in(being) memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you of that mean(ordinary) y’ll/y will/y we’ll/y wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune, missed w/out realizing that, (h)our first{{{~~`PARAANTA KA’LE`~~ supreme end’ing time~~}}} time(now) in(being) that still freestanding awareness stare y, y that I am is y?  That y we’ll/wheel keep(s) turning out(x) z y x’s tense in(being/be”am’ing) rolls/roles of complete d”ark’ness/eN-circlement of that ka’s all(causal) bodhi includes turning in that ka’s mic subtle bodhi counterpart being to perceive, to think, to desire  in(being) dream’ing heaven or hell o.

Y we’ll/wheel keep turning in ka’s all(causal) bodhi rolls/roles/ways of eve(waves) re y thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing now k’now’ing in dream’ing heaven or hell w’out(x) realizing z y x’s tense.

According to ‘scriptural’ authority, dream heaven & hell o are na permanent(as any/a na y t(h)ing’k’ing).  Much like that dream trip to the ‘big’ island(land of ‘i’s) or that nightmare trip to a ‘war’ zone, heaven & hell also pass that way of eve(wave) re y function, merely(mirror-ly) as thoth(tsz) reflecting & deflecting that permanence in(being) that mean(ordinary) awareness seer/stare’re y’ing see’ng/scene in the midst{{{ccc = center centered centrality}}} of any/a na y impermanence in(being) still that freestanding stare y tsz y x’s tense in a subtle bodhi being to perceive mode(l) of ka’s all(causal) LOVE SUPREME bliss z  z now k’now’www’ng/k’no no  no”www’g/denying/resisting realizing z y x’s tense.

Y that gross ‘pain & deprivation’ bodhi being to perceive mode(l) is ka’s mos”t propitious bodhi mode(l) for developing true value/utility/you till i\/I (realize) t(at) y(that I am) for(Masszz) liberation/realization.  Whereas sheer bliss of that LOVE SUPREME ‘dissuades’ y’all from that ‘picking up’ that ‘true’ value of realizing f’utility of that foolish fall’ing asz’leep off that ka(r)mic ka’s mic k’now”ing’ledge.   That gross/total aggregate bodhi of desperation/de separation favors ‘picking up’ value to desire realizing VEDA ANTA/PARAANTA KALE, ”knowledge ‘end’ing”/”supreme end time(now)”in(being) realizing/discerning that first person present that I am is still immortal HERMES TRISMEGISTUS{{{tris 3 (I)mages/bo’dhi(s)/mode(l)s t’us}}} , the ‘ancient’ knower/seer/stare’r y’ing out(x) in any a na y & y’all rolls/roles as thoth(tsz) in(being/be”am’ing) out(x) z other y’sz inforMa’sszzion inforMa’ing other you’sz in eve re y’sz complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) LOVE SUPREME bodhi now k’now’www’ing z y x’is tsz a’s subtle & gross(total) in forMa’sszz scion/ [< OF cion / scier] = p”s’y’er / dhi sire of ka(r)mic ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) LOVE SUPREME bliss rapt’ure  bodhi being to desire now k’now’www’ing any t(h)ing’k’ing as thoth(tsz) of great go(a)d’ing of art, science/psy’ence, & letter(s)”a’ture/t(h)at u (a)r(e).

Y ka(r)mic ka’s mic planet/plan(a long long looooooooooooonnnnnnnnggg wile) et(x tra terrestrial) earth((([OE eorthe]/e(iya) (d’)or ‘the’))) is now k’now’www’ing primarily fielding/feel’ding being(in) alone(all one singularity) that that I am that felt feel’ing feeled/field of view/you/yod  <<<<<<{{{{{HERMES TRISMEGISTUS}}}}}>>>>>>z y that I am now k’now’www’ing x’s tense as ka(r)mic ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness ka’s all(causal) bodhi a’s thoth(tsz) in(being) that human being, that hue & cry of man’as mind’or y z x’s tense in(being/be”am’ing) forMa’s s  sz  z z value/worth/we (e)orth in ‘liberation’ from now z y k’now’www’ng x’s tense a’s compulsion & repulsion in(being) a’s thoth(tsz)(((ka’an(ka’man) ‘fusing’/confusing that I am hermetic hermit hermes yod/you/y w/now k’now’ing thoth(tsz), under spell(ing) of that great go(a)d’ing/energy/en y erg of art(being), science/psy’en’ce/sigh’ence(breath), & letters to’words inforMa’sszzion awakening(a way of eve/ma(wave) re y ‘k’en(d’)ing/k’now’ing beginning in ka’s all(causal) complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of now(time/t(at)’ime(i\/I me\/em)/that HERMES that I am is is) ‘k’urve’ing a y’ll/wile/cunning duplicitous duplicate’ing duplicity of mere(mirror) thoth(tsz) around & around & around inspir(al)ing d’na y’ll/denial/ignore-ance/ka’s all(causal) intentional disregard of that feeling/fielding being alone(singular sing(ing)u’larity) in appearing/a pair’ing in thoth(tsz) of ka’s mic memory/man’as mind’or y/me (d’)or you.

That now k’now’ing deep/intentional(w/go(a)l”d’or pur’pose(((((that still freestanding stare y))))) apparent/a pair’ent separation in ka(r)mic mirth(mirror’th) in ka’s mic-memory/me or you”intelligence”consciousness y’all forMa’s s  sz  z z’ing’ing a long, long, looooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggg w(h)ile(cunning duplicate’ing duplicity in mere(mirror) function) of that ka’s all(causal) ka(r)mic mirthful(mirror’th-ful) ka’s mic ka’mic karmic universe, the go(a)ld’en reward(word) ”liberation” is at hand thanks to that long, long, loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggg hard suffering, that ‘gift’ of y desperation/de separation forma’sszz z  z y now k’now’ing out(x) true value/worth/we earth for that y’all too rare complete apprehension of that y’ll (h)our{{{paraanta kale-supreme end time/now}}} time forMa’s s  sz  z z realization in that awareness in(being) that still freestanding stare y tsz y x’s tense in(being) that first person present singular singularity that that I am is now k’now”en(”d’ing).