A’s that any/a na y roll/role of complete ka’s all(causal) d”ark’ness is always/all ways of eve(waves) re y dios/dias, d”ark’en(d’)ing complete inspir(al)ed circles inforMa’ing a long or short w(h)ile/y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) now k’now’www’ing/k’urve’ing now(time) around & around & around inforMa’ing e-turn’ity purely as thoth(tsz) in t(h)ing’k’ing forMa’s s  sz  z z ‘a’ re y ment, any/a na y bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire may serve as means / mode(l) for(Ma’s s  sz  z z) ‘picking up’ being(in) that awareness in(being) that still freestanding stare y’ing at this screen now k’now’www’ng that by realizing that I am, reading this.
