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Ka’s’metic [ < Gk. kosmeticos skilled in de’cor(e)’ating < kosmos (d’)order, (d’)or’na’ment, universe] w/intent to improve or restore (super)face’ial  sur’face’ing attraction/repulsion pole”arity of ma’s s  sz  z z re y dias encircling any roll/role in forMa’sszzion bodhi being to perceive z y x plane’ing/spreading out(x) that a na y forMasszzion forMa’ing a short wile(mere(mirror) cunning ka’an(con), that duplicitous duplicate’ing duplicity) of that in a na y z x’eting/and’ing/duplicating x turn(ing)’al(l) rolls/roles of ka’s all ka’s met’ic ka’m’plete ka’mic ka’s mic d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) as thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing z y x’s tense in(being) first person present that that I am is y appearing/a pair’ing now k’now’ing x is tsz in(being/be”am’ing) memory/mind’or y/me or you.

Hermetic [ < Med. L hermeticus < Hermes (Trismegistus); w/reference to alchemy(d’or d’or)] made impervious to air & liquids, as by fusion; airtight.  2. Of (d’)or pertaining to  ~~~~}}}}}}}}}} HERMES TRISMEGISTUS {{{{{{{{{{{~~~~  that singular great go(a)d’ing as thoth(tsz) of science, commerce, travel, eloquence, & cunning.

For(Ma’ing) a w(h)ile that Hermes Hermetic Hermit, tsz, that still freestanding star’e y that I am is now k’now’ing appearance/a pair’ance asz y x is tsz asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing that I am any/a na y bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire as ka’s all(causal) bo dhi being to perceive, to think, to desire any/a na y roll/role of complete singular d‘ark’ness/eN-roll’ment.

K’ey 9 of ABBC, that Aryan Phonetic Hebraic Hieroglyphic Greco-Roman alphabeta binary code = the Hermit Yod Iota, letter that I is/(el’)am.  Intelligence of y will/y we’ll/y wheel is mode(l) of consciousness attributed to letter Y’od/I’ota.  That y wheel takes y’all turns in any/a na y ka’s all(causal) bodhi rolls/roles of complete singular d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment inforMa’ing demonstration z y now k’now’ing out(x) thoth(tsz) of z y actually appearing/a pairing as too(twa two twytwin(e)ing) asz’ex pointing out(x) en y erection in(being/be”am’ing) that point of view/you/y as pole’arity .  Still as thoth(tsz) pointing z y out(x) that y wheel always always always takes any & y’all turns in any & y’all’s roles/rolls by pi’vot’ing time after time after time on that singular timeless point of view/you/yod/y y’all z x’s tense in that ‘primordial ineffable glory’ now k’now’n as ka’sing(causing) hermes now k’now’en asz y thoth(tsz) ting/assembly’ka’ing/a kurve’ing now in a na y ka’s mic/memory-intelligence-consciousness) ka mic ka’s all(causal) mirth(mirror-th).  The jokes on/in you/yod/y that I am singular now k’now’ing appearance/a pair’ance in z y x’s tense appearing/a pairing in memory/me or you in the first place.  Ha ha  ha   hey h’ey  h’eeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyya?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Thatz y wheel turning demonstrates[< L demonstratus // demonstrare < de completely + monstrare to show, point out]/points out(x) that ‘monstrosity’ of that long long looooooooooooonnnnnnggggg mean(ordinary) w(h)ile universe{{{verse u/you/y ni/na/a na y ting’k(assembly as thoth(tsz)k’urve’ing a round y wheel}}}, that cunning ka’an/con duplicitous duplicate’ing duplicity z y x’s tense in z y point’ing x(out) now k’now’ing a na y t(h)ing’k’ing of awakening{{{a way of eve(wave) re y k’en(d)ing a na y beginning z y point’ing that point of view/you/y x(out) forMa’sszz re y dias/dios}}} in ‘playing’ out(x) that complete roll/role of d”ark’ness in forMasszzion in forMa’ing any ting’k’ing, any assembly of thoth(tsz) kurve’ing time(now) into y wheel(s) rolling y’all a round & around & around na as ka’ing y.