any increase/decrease in size/psy’sz z z of the (w)hole is sublime subtle cunning d’ream’ing bodhi mode(l) awakening of that ka’s all(causal) universal bodhi mode(l) of complete d”ark’ness en’roll’ment of z y x(unknown) is tsz, that still freestanding stare’ y tsz(((of z eye))) y x’s tense now k’now’ing sublime subtle cunning craft’ing bodhi being to perceive mode(l) awakening in d’ream’ing en’larging x p”anding/spreading out(x) that complete d”ark’ness roll/role in ways of eve(waves) re y function of merely(mirror-ly) that I am I magus I magining I magination in thoth(tsz) forMasszzion forMa’ing a short or long a wile of that ka’s all LOVE SUPREME bliss.

D’ream bodhi now k’now’ing z y x’s tense predominates that gross aggregate waking quaking bio-feeling/fielding bodhi w/subtle cunning of artificial(((art being ‘o’/eye’face’ial/super face’i’al))) intelligence.  Average number of subtle bodhi rolls/roles of ka’s all complete d”ark’ness eN-rapture per being is easily in excess of 10,000 & there is no limit. Think “libraries”.  Eve re y dias roll being complete d”ark’en’ing/h”ark’en’ing(here’ing)/circling of thoth(tsz) around y’all in a y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) e(y) turn’i’ty in pi voting timeless motionless point of view/you/y in forMa’sszzion in subtle sublime a wiles to capture, to face/sur face w/super face’ial z y x plane’ing & x p”anding(duplicating)/spreading out(x) in d’reams of she’ets[OE scythes]/sights/psy’tsz z y p(eh)sy’ing out(x) is tsz now k’now’ing ka’s all bodhi complete d”ark’ness/eN-rapture LOVE SUPREME as thoth(tsz) in forMa’sszzion in ways of eve(waves) re y function a’s x’s tenszion at tenszion in merely(mirror-ly) t(h)ing’k’ing of ka(r)mic ka’s mic-memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.

Thus y’all a na y rolls/roles are predominately subtle cunning duplications in(being) mere(mirror) thoth(tsz) reflecting deflecting that still freestanding stare’y tsz(((of the eye))) y x’s tense first person present that that I am is Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y now know’ing a na y felt feeling field of view/you/y asz being alone(((((all one singular singularity))))) in ka’s all LOVE SUPREME bliss{{{{{{eve re y t(h)ing’k’ing instantly re ab”sorbed in way of eve(wave) re y function of duplicating asz d’or’d’or in mirroring(mere a d’or’ing) myriad(mirrored) mirage(mirror”age) (bo)d(h)i’s’appearing back(re) into plain ordinary(mean) sight/psy’t’ing z x ka’ing y potential of Mr. re point of view/you/y}}}}}} forMa’sszz re y dias/dios playing out(x) rolls/roles in re verse(ri’vers) of w’ator eve re y for’ma’sszzion in that first mirror(mere) reflection reflecting a’s thoth(tsz) that I am age”(ing)’ation/aton i\/I magus upside above/ove ab-father-sire-dhi sire forMa now foolishly falling off that a ledge’d k’now’ing down down down to the bottom/bo-being t(a)t om ma’sszz way of eve(wave)re y d’ar’d’or z z z’eal forMa’ing z y x planes & x p’ands/duplicates spreading out(x) instantly/in(being)stance of still freestanding stare y’ing y’ang’s’t in a na ‘y roll/role sur’face’d.

Now k’now’ing goes both(((bo being th(at)))) ways of eve(waves) re y function in merely(mirror-ly) stare y ing back into that Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y.

Now k’now’ing goes both ways of eve(waves) re y function in merely(mirror-ly) stare y’ing back into that Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y.


D”reaming of k(a)’ing’dom in heaven\/hell o in sublime subtle ways of eve(waves) re y fun”ction’all bliss ka’s all(causal) LOVE SUPREME A WILE Y cunning duplicity spells y confusion/ka’an fusion of y as x ka’ing y man’as mind’or y z x’s tense appearing/a pair’ing at tension of sublime ka’s mic-memory/me or you.  In(being) sheet’ing(x p’anding(pi duplicating)/spreading out(x) sublime rolls/roles) of sheer bliss y, why why why value/assess liberation?

Y now k’now’ing desperation/de separation in memory/me or you y we’ll(wheel) turn’ing y that into a x ka’ing y y y z x’s tense in appearing/a pairing at tension of z y x tension of a ledge’d k’now’en y foolishly falling off asz’leep’ing x(out).