That singular stare y tsz y x’s tense as ka’ing z y x is tsz.  Ka’man’as mind’or y ka’s all the fuss/face’ing out(x) that stare y now as ka’ing y k’now’ing a na y t(h)ing’k’ing that Mr. re incarnates?

HA HA  HA }}}}}}the jo’k’e’s in z y you are x’s tense{{{{{{ its a ka’medhi of that ka mic ka’man(c’mon y’all) y/you’z x’s’tsz now k’now’en y a’s thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing in mind’or y/me or you.  Y mind’ord’or that Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y.  A’s ka’ing Y Y  Y is y na y’no’w a na y bodhi being to perceive z y x’s tense now k’now’ing out(x) a na y’sz a’s thoth(tsz) in t(h)ing’k’ing that point of view/you/y hermetic Mr. re incarnates.

Y’all the wile, that long, long, loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggg e turn’ing’ity y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) rolling/role”ing on & on & on that motionless timeless pi vot(e)’ing/pi vow’ing Mr. re point of view/you/y.

Thus any/a na y potential incarnation turns out(x)on that y’ll y’all around & around appearing/a pair’ing a’s too/two be in psy’t of thoth(tsz) of hermes hermetic Mr. re point of view/you/y memory/mem man’as mind’or’d’or y’z x’s tense first person present singular that I am is that eve’n(a) w(h)ile reading this.

Z y x’s tense appearing/a pairing at x ten(t)szion of a ledge’d’ly k’now’en a’s too/twa/two/twy/twin(e)/tw’ist’ing in x’s tense inspir(al)ing d’na y’ll/denial/ignore-ance/intentional disregard of z y x’s tense first person present singular singularity.  Thatz y x’et’ing/anding/duplicating thoth(tsz) out(x) in ways of eve(waves) re y fun”fun”fun”(a)ction of mirth(mirror’th) asz mere(mirror) y a’s x ka ka’ing ka’s y’all bodhi of complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment a kurve’ing now(time) thoth(tsz)}}}}}}} great go(a)d’ing of art(being/bo), dhi/ science/ psy’en”ce’e’ing(k’now’ing) letters, numbers, symbols{{{{{{ t(h)ing’k’ing rolls/roles turning, burning, churning out(x’is’tsz’en’ce’ing) around opposing opposition in en y now k’now’ing the’n.  Y now joy k’now’ing asz sorrow.  Y now high k’now’ing  asz low.  Y now pleasure k’now’ing asz pain.  Y now death k’now’ing asz birth.  Y now en’ding k’now’ing asz beginning. That is z y w(h)orl’d w(h)orl(d’)ing in re verse reflected asz inforMa’sszzion inforMa’ing gravity in weight’ing a long, long, looooooooonnnnnnngggg w(h)ile, that uni’verse(Mr. re verse only really realized y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning in(being) asz ka’ing) y ka’man’as mind’ord’or y is ka mic ka’s mic y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) asz that e(iya) turn’ity rolling around on & on & on that single timeless motionless pi vot(e)/vow Mr. re point of you you  you inforMa’ing y’all this time(now).

Y Y  Y/you gotta laugh long & hard & cry too in that hue(mo’re) & cry of z y man’as mind’ord’or y y’all that, that I am still stare y’ing out(x) at this screen.