Flash . . . in(be(ing)) as ka’ing y that single singular hermetic stare y now k’now’ing z y x(out)is tsz as thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing in(being) opposition as too(two/twa/twy/twin(e)’ing) being(s) situated on either side of that stare y now k’now’ing a’s in reflected reflection appearance/a pair’ence of opposites in hard\/soft flesh y incarnation/meeting/meating up under spell(ing) y na me(m or y) of ~~~Jesus~~~ / Ja sus / Ja shu a / Y-Yod-You-Ja liberates(shu’s) in(being) that I am is realizing liberation}}}}}} ~~~Jesus~~~ is that awareness that that I am is{{{{{{{ in(being) a na y inforMa’sszzion y realizing z y x is tsz{{{tsz = ABBC key 17, the star’e y}}} as that I am is that still freestanding stare y tsz y x’s tense first person present singular that that I am is that eve’n(a) w(h)ile{{{cunning duplicitous duplicate’ing duplicity}}} in writing (d’)or reading this.

Thus in(being/be”am’ing) that z y x’is’tsz/stare way of (h)eve’n(wave) re y fun”ction of mere mirthful(mirror mirror’th’ful) meditation en(y)”gage’/measure’ing’ment in pondering/weighing/a way’ing in(being) the y/a na y mind’or y(memory) y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn to realize that pi vot(e) is Mr. re point of view/you/y that that I am is.

In(being) other word(s) meditation on z y x is tsz is pondering/weighing/a way’ing out(x) that still freestanding stare y tsz y x’s tense.

That deliberation[[[<L de completely + librare to weigh]]] is a weighing/way’ing of eve(wave’ing) re y fun”ction in z y mere(mirror) stare’ing x(out) still forMa’ing a w(h)ile of now k’now’ing z y x’s tense first person present singular as thoth(tsz) ‘sitting’/site’ing/psy’ting x(out) d’or standing still free.

Thus that stare y is hidden in plain ordinary sight.

Thus that stare y is hidden in plain ordinary sight.


Natural Intelligence is mode(l) of consciousness of tsz key 17.  Na’ture’al is a na y t(at) u/you (a)r(e) al(l) intelligence of ka mic ka’s mic ka’r’mic/Mr. re ka’s all(causal) memory-intelligence-consciousness bodhi being to perceive complete d”ark’ness/eNy-roll’ment around that pi vot((e)ing) point of view/you/y.  That’z y ka’s all(causal) singular x bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire rolls/roles around & around & around you in  pow pow POWER’FUL way of eve(wave) re y fun”ction of mere(mirror) ignore-ance/intentional disregard/deflection/reflection in weighting/waiting forMa’ing a long (d’)or short w(h)ile of z y thoth(tsz) now t(h)ing’k’ing out(x) that still freestanding stare y tsz y x is’tsz.

Thus the method, the way, means, or manner of proceeding to (h)our liberation in that first time now is that way of eve(wave) re y fun’ction of merely(mirror-ly) realizing(real i\/I zing’ing) y’sz plain/plane sight seeing seer now k’now’ing that z y x is tsz a’s x planed/spread out(x) forMa’ing a short w(h)ile in awakening{{{{{a way of eve(wave) re y k’en(d’)ing}}}}} in broad ka mic ka’s mic ka’s all da y light of (h)our only sun.