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Q’oph/Q, key 18 of ABBC, that Aryan Phonetic Hebraic Hieroglyphic Greco-Roman alphabeta binary letter code means ‘back of the head’.  Thus Q precedes R/re’sh, head or face of man’as z a na y reflection reflected in awakening from key 18 asz z  z’leep’ing (x/out of b’d) function of mere(mirror) mirage(mirror’age) ‘f’alling(f’ace’ing all in’g)’ memory of complete ka’s all(causal) d”ark’ness/eN y roll’ment forMa’ing super face’ial(l) super imposed reflection reflecting in(being) appearance/a pair’ance of z y as thoth(tsz) x psy’t’ment/sight seer see’ng see’ng x’eting/and’ing/duplicating effects of a na y mere(mirror) awakening t'(h)ing’k’ing w/gravity in weighting for(Ma’ing) a long (d’)or short w(h)ile in(being) mirth(mirror’th) of that kamic ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive, to think thoth(tsz) a x ka’ing y infinite potential as thoth(tsz) y x is tsz in now k’now’ing a na y t(h)ing’k’ing out(x) inforMa’ssz’zion.  That szion/hill y/y hill/y’ll/a w(h)ile, that eve’r(e) y mountainous cunning duplicitous duplicate’ing duplicity of kamic mirthful(mirror’th’ful) mirage(mirror’age) appears/a pairs in a na y way of eve(wave) re y fun”ction of mere(mirror) memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.

Y’all thatz y x is tsz forMa’ing a long, long, loooooooooonnnnnnnngggg w(h)ile as corporeal intelligence means of that ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive.  That C.’ing I. now k’now’ing aggregate intelligence of the cells of Ma’s’s cytoplasm/psy’t o plasm/forMa’ing a na y bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire is ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive any bodhi of a na y effect in appearing/a pairing in memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.

Psy’t ‘o’ is key 15, O/Ayin of ABBC means ‘eye’ & ‘foundation’ of z y x turn’al(l) turning forMa’ing a y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) of e(iya)’turn’ity of that super’face”ial appearance/a pair’ence super imposed in(being) memory/me or you.

That eye(e’iya) (d’)or’b(go(a)l’d en y’ing b’ng) is now k’now’ing (e)l’imitation/duplication/reflection in that horizon(asz above = so below) line, that apparent/a pair’ent line/a cord/ratio/relation be”tween/twin’e’ing z y asz x’eting/duplicate’ing x(out) in(b’ng) y psy’t/sight asz out(x) psy’t’ment.  Thus Q, ‘back of head’ is now k’now’en asz R ‘face’ing x(out) z y as thoth(tsz) y x is tsz t(h)ing’k’ing out(x) in desperation/d”separation of memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.

Mirth(mirror’th) is way of eve(wave) re y function/fun”(ny)’a’ction at a distance[<L dis apart + stare] x tent of intentional disregard regarding consciousness attributed to key 15/O/ayin, called for(ma) in realizing y’all y’ll is duplicity(tricky double dealing) in(being) memory/me or you y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) keep on ‘keep’n on’ & on & on e turn’ity in z y x’eting that memory appearance/a pair’ance x turn’ally rolling/role’ing on & on & on that single singular pi’vot’ing point of view/you/y y’all y’ll still(immortal) freestanding stare y tsz y x’s tense first person present singular that that I am is.

In other word(s) y’all gotta laugh, laugh, LAUGH you’re asz of(f) now k’now’ing that that I am is free, free, FREE’DOM in(being) a na y apparent/a pair’ent bondage in forMa’ing a wile of circumstance around that still freestanding stare y tsz(of eye/eiya) y x is tsz in(being) apparent/a pair’ent as eve re y dias/dios roll/role of a na y ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive complete d”ark’ness turning into awakening in a na y way of eve(wave) re y fun”ny’a’ction of now k’now’ing k’en(d’)ing of that e(iya) turn’al(l) x turn’al(l) y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) spinning out(x) inspir(al)ed d’na y’ll/denial in feeling/field’ing being alone.

That ‘jo’ke’/yo’ke is jo ma ma & pa pa appearing/a pair’ing in memory/me or you as thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king of ma’k’ing a ba’by, a ba/bo/being by(being y) z x’eting/and’ing/duplicating in that duplicity for(ma’ing) a w(h)ile in any roll/role in the hey hey HEY, constitution of a na y in’stitution/principle Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y .