~~~~~~~~???????????????????????c’erce’ingceng???????????????????????~~~~~~~~   ForMa’ing a long, long, loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggg a mean(ordinary) w(h)ile we’ve(we”eve re y now & the en y t(h)ing’k’ing asz thoth(tsz) intentionally disregarded/ignored that that I am is is that observer observing observation (cCc//center centered centrality//c’er c’ing c’e’en).

For(Ma’sszz) the first time now k’now’ing any t(h)ing’k’ing y’all y’ll/y we’ll(wheel) turn back(re) asz too(two) appearing/a pair’ing y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn’ing in e turn’ity return back into realizing y z x’s tense eve’n(a) asz y a x ka’ing y in(being) d’or’d’or of duplication in mere(mirror) mem man’as min’d’or d’or y/memory/me or you w/out(x) a voiding realization y that I am observer observing observation in(being) still freestanding stare y tsz(of eye) y z y x’s tense at tenszion of resisting/ignoring/avoiding realizing that w/out(x) forMa’ing a w(h)ile asz y x turn’al’l e turn’ity of mere(mirror) roll/role of a na y y an a asz x ka’s’ing(causing) y’all appearing to disappear back(re) asz thoth(tsz) potential in complete d”ark’ness/en y circle’ment bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire awakening in sublime subtle duplicating duplicity h(ey)eve’n(a)z y x is tsz x’eting/anding/double dealing in appearing/a pair’ing asz super face’ial super imposition on a na y tale/tail in(being being) a’z y x plane’ing x’p’anding spreading out(x) in(being/be”am’ing) a na y roll/role.

Thus a na y tale/tail begins by mere(mirror) opening the mouth in that first hue & cry of a na y forma’sszz z  z baby/ba ba y/being y being.  That origin of opening & closing the mouth asz feeding on ne y y en tails/tales perpetuating e turn’ty of y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn on & on & on in that way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) digestion asz simulation imitation asz summarized(sum mirror’ized) in a na y synopsis/view together of that seer asz thoth(tsz) now k’now’ing that that I am is is seen asz reflection of that mere(mirror) digestion.

Thus that digest”ion/i\/I am sum mirror’ized in mere(mirror) function is mode(l) of intelligence of the Secret Work of that singular ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive a na y mere(mirror) sighing sighting sight in literal/letter’all science charged w/loading up on asz too(two) y wheel(s)/y we’ll convey’ing strength & fortitude in crossing(x) that field of view/you/y.